Conference and Seminar Proceedings

FIG Working Week and Congress Proceedings

  • FIG Regional Conference 2024 in Nepal

FIG Regional Conference 2024 Nepal

“Climate Responsive Land Governance and Disaster Resilience: Safeguarding Land Rights”

Proceedings  - available on FIG Web site

ISBN 978-87-93914-18-6
ISSN 2308-3441

  • FIG Working Week 2024 - Accra, Ghana

FIG Working Week 2024

“Your World, Our World: Resilient Environment and Sustainable Resource Management for All”

Proceedings - available on FIG Web site

ISBN 978-87-93914-15-5
ISSN 2308-3441

  • FIG Working Week 2023 - Orlando, Florida, USA

FIG Working Week 2023

“Protecting Our World, Conquering New Frontiers”

Proceedings - available on FIG Web site

ISBN 978-87-93914-07-0 
ISSN 2308-3441

  • FIG Congress 2022, Warsaw, Poland, 11-15 September 2022

FIG Congress 2022

“Volunteering for the future - Geospatial excellence for a better living”

Proceedings - available on FIG Web site

ISBN 978-87-93914-02-5
ISSN 2308-3441

  • FIG Working Week 2021, virtually, 20-25 June 2021

    FIG Working Week 2021

    “Smart Surveyors for Land and Water Management - challenges in a new reality ”

    Proceedings - available on FIG Web site

    ISBN 978-87-92853-65-3
    ISSN 87-92853-65-X

  • FIG Working Week 2020, cancelled

    FIG Working (from home) Week 2020

    “Smart Surveyors for Land and Water Management ”

    Proceedings - available on FIG Web site

    ISBN 978-87-92853-93-6
    ISSN 2307-4086



  • FIG Working Week 2019 in Hanoi, Vietnam, 22-26 April 2019

    FIG Working Week 2019

    Geospatial Information for a Smarter Life and Environmental Resilience

    Proceedings - available on FIG Web site

    ISBN 978-87-92853-90-5
    ISSN 2307-4086


  • FIG XVI Congress in Istanbul, Turkey 6-11 May 2018

    FIG Congress 2018

    Embracing our smart world where the continents connect:
    enhancing the geospatial maturity of societies

    Proceedings - available on FIG Web site

    ISBN 978-87-92853-78-3
    ISSN 2308-3441

  • FIG Working Week 2017 in Helsinki, Finland, 29 May - 2 June 2017

    FIG Working Week 2017

    Surveying the world of tomorrow - from digitalisation to augmented reality"

    Proceedings - available on FIG Web site

    ISBN 978-87-92853-61-5
    ISSN 2307-4086

  • FIG Working Week 2016 in Christchurch, New Zealand,  2-6 May 2016

    FIG Working Week 2016

    “Recovery from Disaster”

    Proceedings - available on FIG Web site

    ISBN 978-87-92853-35-6

  • FIG Working Week 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria, 17-21 May 2015

    FIG Working Week 2015
    From the Wisdom of the Ages to the Challenges of the Modern World

    Proceedings - available on FIG Web site

    ISBN 978-87-92853-52-3
    ISSN 2307-4086

  • XXV FIG Congress 2014 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 16-21 June 2014

    FIG Congress 2014

    Engaging the Challenges, Enhancing the Relevance” was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 16-21 June 2014

    Proceedings - available on FIG Web site

    ISBN 978-87-92853-21-9

  • FIG Working Week 2013 in Abuja, Nigeria 6-10 May 2013

FIG Working Week 2013 "Environment for sustainability" was held in Abuja, Nigeria, 6-10 May 2012. More than 2,200 participants from 51 countries attended the conference. The technical programme of the Working Week was very interesting and the organisers had received more than 260 proposals for presentations which were presented in more than 50 different technical sessions, workshops and special forums. The Working Week was organised by FIG and the Nigerian Institute of Surveyors, NIS, as the local host. The international partners of the Working Week included the World Bank, UN-ECA, UN-HABITAT and UN-GLTN and other UN agencies was supporting the conference. 
Proceedings are available on the FIG web site.
ISBN 97887-90907-98-3

  • 8th FIG Regional Conference in Montevideo, Uruguay, 26 - 29 November 2012

The 8th FIG Regional Conference titled "Surveying towards Sustainable Development" was held in Montevideo, Uruguay 26-29 November 2012 with more than 250 participants from all over Latin America and all other continents, altogether 33 countries. The successful Regional Conference in Uruguay proved that Latin America is a very interesting area both for the Surveying society and for hosting a conference.
The local host of the Regional Conference was Asociación de Agrimensores del Uruguay (AAU) who organised the conference in cooperation with FIG. The conference was co-sponsored by UN-HABITAT, OAS, and the World Bank. 
Proceedings are available on the FIG web site.
ISBN 87-92853-02-1

  • FIG Working Week 2012 in Rome, Italy 6-10 May 2012

FIG Working Week 2012 "Knowing to manage the territory, protect the environment, evaluate the cultural heritages" was held in Rome, Italy, 6-10 May 2012. More than1,500 participants from 96 countries attended the conference containing opening ceremony, three plenary sessions, 100 technical sessions, workshops and special forums. Total number of presented papers was almost 500. In total 750 abstracts were submitted to the conference. The Working Week was organised by FIG and  Consiglio Nazionale Geometri e Geometri Laureati, CNGeGL, the Italian member association of FIG. The main partner was FAO and special forums was also organised with the Global Land Tool Network, GLTN, in co-operation with UN-HABITAT and grass root organisations.
Proceedings are available on the FIG web site.
ISBN 97887-90907-98-3

  • FIG Working Week 2011 in Marrakech, Morocco, 18-22 May 2011
FIG Working Week 2011 "Bridging the Gap between Cultures" was held in Marrakech, Morocco, 18-22 May 2011. About 1,500 participants from 90 countries attended the conference. In opening ceremony, three plenary sessions, about 90 technical sessions and several workshops almost 450 papers were presented. More than 650 papers were offered to the conference. The Working Week was organised by FIG and ONIGT, the Moroccan member association of FIG.
Proceedings are available on the FIG web site.
ISBN 978-87-90907-92-1

  •  XXIV FIG Congress in Sydney, Australia, 11-16 April 2010

The XXIV FIG Congress "Facing the Challenges - Building the Capacity" was held in Sydney, Australia, 11-16 April 2010. About 2,200 participants from 100 countries attended the FIG Congress. In opening ceremony, four plenary sessions, about 150 technical sessions, flash sessions and several workshops almost 800 papers were presented. The Congress was organised by FIG and SSSI, the Australian member association of FIG.
Proceedings are available on the FIG web site. Proceedings (CD-Rom as on the website) can also be ordered from the FIG Office, price EUR 50 including postage and packing.
ISBN 978-87-90907-87-7

  • 7th FIG Regional Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam, 19-22 October 2009

7th FIG Regional Conference Spatial Data Serving People - Land Governance and the Environment - Capacity Building was held in Hanoi, Vietnam, 19-22 October 2009. This conference was attended by almost 400 delegates from 54 countries. In about 50 technical sessions, workshops and 3 plenary sessions almost 150 papers were presented. The conference was hosted by FIG and the Viet Nam Association of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing (VGCR) including FAO Regional Consultation on Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land and Other Natural Resources. Proceedings are available on the FIG web site. 
ISBN 978-87-90907-75-4

  • FIG Working Week 2009 in Eilat, Israel, 3-8 May 2009

The FIG Working Week 2009 was held in Eilat, Israel, 3-8 May 2009. The Working Week was attended by almost 500 delegates  from 65 countries. In more than 60 technical sessions and dialogues and 3 plenary sessions almost 250 papers were presented. The Working Week was hosted by the Associations of Licensed Surveyors of Israel (ALSI), the Survey of Israel and FIG. Proceedings are available on the FIG web site, hard copies can be asked from the FIG office (price EUR 50 including postage and packing).
ISBN 978-87-90907-73-0.

  • FIG Working Week 2008 in Stockholm, Sweden, 14-19 June 2008
The FIG Working Week 2008 was held in Stockholm, Sweden, 14-19 June 2008. The Working Week was attended by 950 participants from 90 countries. In more than 70 technical sessions and dialogues and 3 plenary sessions almost 350 papers were presented, among these 40 peer reviewed papers. The proceedings include also presentations from the joint FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar on Slum Upgrading through Innovative Finance Mechanisms. The Working Week was hosted by the Swedish Association of Chartered Surveyors, SLF and FIG. Proceedings are available on the FIG web site, hard copies can be asked from the FIG office (price EUR 50 including postage and packing).
ISBN 978-87-90907-67-9.

  • 6th FIG Regional Conference in San José, Costa Rica, 12-15 November 2007
The 6th FIG Regional Conference was held in San José, Costa Rica, 12-15 November 2007. The regional conference was attended by about 250 participants from more than 30 countries. In 3 plenary sessions and 21 technical sessions 60 papers were presented. The conference was organised by the Colegio Federado de Ingenieros y de Arquitectos de Costa Rica (CFIA)/ Colegio de Ingenieros Topógrafos de Costa Rica (CIT) and FIG. Proceedings are available on FIG web site.

  • FIG Working Week 2007 in Hong Kong SAR China, 13-17 May 2007
The FIG Working Week 2007 was held in Hong Kong, China SAR, 13-17 May 2007. The Working Week was attended by more than 500 delegates from 64 countries. In 60 technical sessions and 3 plenary sessions almost 300 papers were presented. The Working Week was hosted by the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) and FIG. Proceedings are available on the FIG web site.
ISBN 978-87-90907-59-4.

  • XXIII FIG Congress in Munich, Germany, 8-13 October 2006
The XXIII FIG Congress was held in Munich, Germany, 8-13 October 2006. Almost 1,300 participants from about 100 countries attended the FIG Congress. The joint FIG/INTERGEO Conference was attended by 3,000 delegates and the INTERGEO tradeshow by 19,500 visitors.  In opening ceremony, four plenary sessions, 90 technical sessions, and several workshops about 500 papers were presented. In addition there were almost 100 posters that are included in the proceedings. The Congress was organised by DVW, German member association of FIG together with FIG.
Proceedings are available on the FIG web site. Proceedings (CD-Rom as delivered at the congress) can also be ordered from the FIG Office, price EUR 50 including postage and packing.
ISBN 87-90907-52-3

  • 5th FIG Regional Conference in Accra, Ghana, 8-11 March 2006

The FIG Regional Conference was held in Accra, Ghana, 8-11 March 2006. Almost 650 participants from 50 countries attended the Regional Conference in Accra. In 25 technical sessions, 3 plenary sessions and a workshop 147 papers were presented. The Regional Conference was organized by the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) and the Ghana Institution of Surveyors (GhIS) and co-hosted by the Ministry of Land, Forestry and Mines (MLFM) of Ghana.
Proceedings are available on the FIG web site. Proceedings (CD-Rom as delivered at the conference) can also be ordered from the FIG Office, price EUR 50 including postage and packing.
ISBN 87-90907-49-3

  • FIG Working Week 2005 and GSDI-8 in Cairo, Egypt, 16-21 April 2005

The FIG Working Week 2005 and GSDI-8 was held in Cairo, Egypt, 16-21 April 2005. The Working Week was attended by more than 900 delegates from more than 80 countries. In 51 technical sessions, 3 plenary sessions and several workshops more than 400 papers were presented. The Working Week was hosted by the Egyptian Committee for Surveying and Mapping (ECSM), the Egyptian Survey Authority (ESA), FIG and GSDI. Proceedings are available on the FIG web site. Proceedings (CD-Rom as delivered at the conference) can also be ordered from the FIG Office, price EUR 50 including postage and packing.
ISBN 87-90907-43-4

  • 3rd FIG Regional Conference in Jakarta, Indonesia, October 3-7, 2004

The 3rd FIG Regional Conference was organised by FIG, Ikatan Surveyor Indonesia and Bakosurtanal in Jakarta 3-7 October 2004. The conference was attended by more than 350 delegates from 33 countries including more than 120 international participants.
Proceedings are available on the FIG web site.
ISBN 87-90907-33-7

  • FIG Working Week 2004 in Athens, Greece, 22-27 May 2004

The FIG Working Week 2004 was held in Athens, Greece 22-27 May 2004. The Working Week was attended by more than 400 delegates. In 29 technical sessions, 3 plenary sessions and four workshops more than 200 papers were presented. The Working Week was hosted by Technical Chamber of Greece, TCG, and the Hellenic Association of Rural and Surveying Engineers, HARSE. Proceedings are available on the FIG web site.
ISBN 87-90907-30-2

  • 2nd FIG Regional Conference in Marrakech, Morocco, December 2-5, 2003

The 2nd FIG Regional Conference - Urban-Rural Interrelationship for Sustainable Environment was held in Marrakech, Morocco, December 2-5, 2003. The conference was organised by FIG and the Ordre National des Ingénieurs Géomètres-Topographes ONIGT and it was co-sponsored by FAO, UN-HABITAT, UNEP, UN ECA and the Arab Urban Development Institute and the Arab Federation of Surveyors AUDI. The conference was attended by 420 participants from more than 40 countries.
The conference included opening ceremony, three plenary sessions and 24 technical sessions. In the proceedings there are 130 papers from 37 countries and the representatives of the United Nations.
ISBN 87-90907-28-0

  • FIG Working Week and 125th Anniversary in Paris, France, 13-17 April 2003
The FIG Working Week 2003 was held at the Ecole National de Sciences Géographiques (ENSG) in Paris. The Working Week was also the celebration of the 125th Anniversary of FIG. he Working Week was attended by more than 600 delegates and 200 accompanying persons. In 27 technical sessions, 3 plenary sessions and the 125th Anniversary Session more than 120 papers were presented. Together with 60 poster presentations the total number of professional papers exceeded 180. The FIG Working Week was hosted by Ordre des Géomètres-Experts OGE and Association Francaise de Topographie AFT. Proceedings are available on the FIG web site.
ISBN 87-90907-27-2

  • Symposium - Land Redistribution in Southern Africa, Pretoria, South Africa, 6-7 November 2002

Proceedings of the Symposium on Land Redistribution in Southern Africa available on Commission 7 web site.

  • GIS 2002 International Symposium, organised by the Chamber of Surveying Engineers Turkey, FIG and Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, 23-26 September 2002
Proceedings from the GIS 2002 International Symposium including Commission 3 Annual Meeting available on this web site.

  • FIG Conference 2002, Washington, DC, USA, 19-26 April 2002
The XXII FIG International Congress was held in Washington, D.C. USA April 19-26 2002. The Congress attracted almost 4,000 participants from almost 90 countries. The technical programme included the FIG technical programme with more than 450 presentations in more than 110 sessions. In addition in the domestic programme almost 160 papers were presented. Further there were several workshops organised by ACSM and ASPRS. 

The papers from the FIG Technical Programme are available on this web site. You are also able to view the extended abstracts. Proceedings (CD-Rom and extended abstract) can be ordered from the FIG Office, price US$ 50 including postage.

  • International Conference on Spatial Information for Sustainable Development, Organised by FIG, Institution of Surveyors Kenya and UN-HABITAT, 2-5 October 2001
The International Conference on Spatial Information for Sustainable Development was organized by the Institution of Surveyors of Kenya (ISK), the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme UN-HABITAT. The conference attracted more almost 500 participants from almost 40 countries. Almost 100 papers were presented and the proceedings exceeded 800 pages.
The proceedings are available on this web site.

The proceedings of the international technical conference are available also as hard copies. The abstracts are printed in a book (277 pages) and the full papers are published on a CD-Rom. Both volumes are available from the Korean Confederation of Surveyors, email  [email protected]. The price for both the book and the CD-Rom is US$ 40. 

The papers are also available on this web site:

All papers submitted digitally, including the poster papers are available on this web site.

  • A joint CLGE/FIG seminar on Enhancing Professional Competence, Delft, The Netherlands, 3 November 2000
Proceedings from the first Joint CLGE/FIG seminar on Enhancing Professional Competence that was held 3 November at Delft University of Technology are available also as hard copy.

The aim of the seminar was to develop a suitable framework for the surveying profession in Europe as a basis for enhancing professional competence through the principle of mutual recognition of professional qualifications which has been established in law at the European level. This is the first joint activity to combine the efforts of FIG and CLGE (The Council of European Geodetic Surveyors). The seminar was by invitation only and attracted some 50 participants from 17 countries representing the educational sector and the professional surveying community in the European region.

Requests for the hard copies: email: [email protected] 

CD-ROM including all presentation from the FIG Seminar held in Malta 18-21 September 2000.
The sessions are titled: The survey market and profession; Reports on the situation in the Mediterranean countries; Education and continuous professional development; Land management and cadastral issues in the Mediterranean region; Standardisation and quality aspects; Navigation safety and port infrastructure: charting perspective; Geodetic networks for specific applications; The role of hydrography in the 21st century; New technical trends; Special topics.
To obtain the CD-ROM, please contact the FIG office, email [email protected] .

Publication of the extended abstracts and CD-ROM with all full presentations from the Conference "Quo Vadis Surveying of the 21st Century" that was held during the FIG Working Week in Prague last May are available from the Czech Union of Surveyors and Cartographers. The address to the association is Novotného lávka 5, 11668 Praha 1, Czech Republic, tel. + 42 2 2108 2374 and fax + 42 2 2422 7836, email: [email protected]. The price for both extended abstracts and the CD-ROM is US$ 10 plus postage.

The papers are also available on this web site:

This is a publication of the technical papers produced by the 40 international experts who participated the United Nations and FIG workshop in Bathurst as background reading for the development of the Bathurst Declaration. They were also the basis for the technical presentations by these experts at the Melbourne Conference on Land Tenure and Cadastral Infrastructures for Sustainable Development.
Orders for publication (368 pages) should be made to Sue Hardiman, Department of Geomatics, The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia, Fax: + 61 3 9347 2916. Price for a copy of the Conference Technical Papers is AU$40 in Australia and AU$50 overseas (including postage by airmail). Copies of the Report of the Workshop on Land Tenure and Cadastral Infrastructures for Sustainable Development (including Bathurst Declaration) are also available for the prices of AU$15 or AU$20.

  • FIG’98 – Reports of proceedings
    For those who were not able to attend FIG’98 (the XXI international congress of surveyors held in Brighton, UK on 19– 25 July 1998), printed volumes of the proceedings, price £15 each, are available for each commission (other than commission 3 and commission 7, of which stocks are already exhausted). Alternatively, the complete set of papers is available on CD-ROM, price £45 plus VAT where applicable. Prices include the cost of packing and airmail postage.