By Mikael Lilje and Matt Higgins
The FIG Working Week was organised in Sun City in late
May/early June. The number of delegates was fairly high but the organisers had
hoped for even more. Specifically, participation from Southern Africa was lower
than expected. Commission 5 was represented by a large number of people, e.g.
Matt Higgins, Mikael Lilje, Vaclav Slaboch, Martin Lang, Naser El-Sheimy and
Nicolas Paparoditis. The South African delegate to Commission 5, Richard
Wonnacott, played an active role during planning for the Working Week and
throughout the technical sessions and business meetings. Such local involvement
is crucial to the success of Working Weeks.
This report is a short description on the major events
that took place there. For more information on a specific topic, please contact
one of the mentioned persons above.
The General Assembly was divided to two different days
as usual. There was not much discussion during the plenary sessions. Five new
member associations were accepted and no member association was expelled. Three
honorary members were accepted; Georgi Milev, Stig Enemark and Jane Woolley.
FIGTree will soon be moved to a new domain
( and there will also be a new email address to FIG ([email protected]).
This is a more direct and simpler domain name and is a gratifying development
given that our Steering Committee in Gavle had resolved to press FIG to do
exactly that.
There was a lot of information given about the
discussions that has taken part between FIG and UN. A round table discussion is
planned to take part during the International Conference on Land Tenure and
Cadastral Infrastructures for Sustainable Development in Melbourne in
October and a work plan between UN and FIG will be signed. This work is being
fostered by Ian Williamson who was recently appointed Director of FIG UN
Liaison. In an ACCO meeting Ian encouraged all commissions to be involved if
possible in Melbourne. Matt Higgins is planning to attend and represent
Commission 5.
The Bureau proposed that FIG should terminate its
membership within the International Union of Surveying and Mapping (IUSM) and
instead seek to enter into bilateral agreements with each of its other members
and with ISPRS. Through ACCO, Commission 5 and 6 clearly stated that we would
like to be involved in the process when we are discussing with e.g. IAG and
ISPRS. Chair of ACCO agreed and would support any such initiative on our part.
Whether IUSM is a functional organisation or not has been questioned but actions
to be taken within IUSM in the near future will perhaps improve its work. For
instance, ISPRS are considering whether to become a member again. The motion by
the Bureau was however agreed with the condition that if IUSM was indeed
revitalised, FIG should reconsider the situation.
Tom Kennie has been responsible for a task force on the
future governance of FIG. After a short presentation of some possible ways to
go, General Assembly was divided into four different discussion groups. The
outcome was that there seems to be a need to change the governance of FIG but
the member associations did not agree on the details of how to do it. One way
could be to separate the Bureau from the Congress country to be more regionally
focused but other alternatives included focusing Bureau around different
linguistic groups. There were also differences in opinion whether it is
necessary to organise a General Assembly every year. Some thought that every
second year should be enough and to have a more regional meeting every year
instead. Tom Kennie was given the mission to work on a more detailed proposal
for the FIG Working Week in Prague.
Three bids were received for FIG Working Week 2004.
These were Stockholm, Rotterdam and Athens. It was decided by vote at the end of
the week that Athens should be responsible for the event.
Calender for the FIG Working Weeks and Congress
2000: 22-27 May, Prague, Czech Republic
2001: 6-11 May, Seoul, South Korea
2002: 21-26 April, Washington D.C., USA
2003: 19-23 May, Eilat, Israel
2004: August, Athens, Greece
Three ACCO meetings were held in Sun City. ACCO stands
for the Advisory Committee of Commission Officers. Matt Higgins and Mikael Lilje
represented Commission 5 during these meetings. Unfortunately, many more people
than the officers were in the meeting room, especially in the second meeting,
which did not improve the meeting standard. This also led to a discussion during
the week to reduce the people in the meeting room to the minimum in future so
that we will be able to have a good and creative atmosphere.
The discussion in the ACCO group was mainly towards the
FIG Working Weeks and how these should be organised in the future. Several
commissions explained there disappointment that they had had difficulties in
finding regional speakers to Sun City and that the local organisers should have
help them in greater extent. Somewhat against the trend in other Commissions,
Commission 5 was able to get the help of Richard Wonnacott, who is the national
delegate. With his help, and also the help of Trevor Harpham, we were able to
get several speakers from South Africa. At the other extreme, Commission 9
discovered that the local association for Valuation had their annual meeting the
same week but in Durban! All commissions agreed that the local participation at
a FIG Working Week must be good as that was the point of organising such
regional events. Commission 5, with the support of several other commissions,
strongly pointed out three major points that must be determined concerning the
Working Week. One concerns the affordability. The event should have an overall
cost for a participant that he/she can afford to go there. This is very
important for visitors from developing countries. The second point concerned the
local contacts. The local organisers must appoint a person per commission in the
organising country that can help the commission to find specific speakers from
the region. The third point regarded the size of the Working Week. Shall each
commission be able to have as many technical sessions as they wish or should the
amount of technical sessions be held at a minimum? Some voices where heard that
the technical program at a working week should not have any parallel sessions
and only joint commission sessions. By this, we should be able to learn more
about each other as well as be able to discuss jointly matters instead.
Commission specific papers should then be preferred to be held at a separate
occasion. This discussion will continue during the autumn and shall be discussed
at an ACCO-meeting in Copenhagen in January with a view to making
recommendations to the General Assembly in Prague. Other items to be discussed
in Copenhagen will be future strategies of FIG and implementing the Bureau work
plan for 2000-2003.
GIM Magazine is prepared to support and publish a FIG
best paper award. The support could include transfer and registration of the
winner to the conference. A question though is how to pick the best paper in an
organisation such as FIG.
Markku Villikka expressed his wish that the FIG Office
in Copenhagen should be a central place of information within FIG. He urged all
commission to think on how the office could help us in the best way, e.g. by
sending out messages, keeping records etc. As a start, it was agreed that
FIGtree should keep the definitive list on all the National Delegates rather
than having that information spread across Commission web sites.
Commission 5 had three meetings during the week. The
first meeting was a lunch meeting on the Monday called only to set the agenda
for the open Commission meeting in the afternoon and will not be reported on in
detail here. The third meeting was a steering committee meeting. We had 12
people at our Open Commission meeting, which was less than we had hoped for. A
major problem is that this meeting was held before the Technical Sessions had
started and thus only attracted people already in Sun City (e.g. for the General
Assembly). Most of the participants arrived the day after. The commission
introduced itself by short presentations of the present working group chairs and
Matt. Also Yola Georgiadou presented her ideas on how FIG could help developing
countries by active participation in workshops. She had experiences from three
events like this with the help of Larry Hothem, Stig Enemark and Iain Williamson
and she pointed out that such workshops have more credibility if outside
participation is unbiased and FIG sponsored involvement is seen as more
independent than say specific consultants.
Commission 5 had a very interesting and good technical
program. A proof of that was the number of delegates who attended our sessions
which ranged from 40 to 80 people. All papers from all Commissions will be
presented on the FIG homepage.
Below is a presentation of the Commission 5 sessions
and the papers presented in Sun City.
TS7 "Trends in Positioning and Measurement"
Chair: Richard Wonnacott
Paper 1: Václav Slaboch, Present Standardization Issues
in Surveying Profession
Paper 2: Nicolas Paparoditis, Trends in digital mapping
using aerial techniques
Paper 3: Larry Hothem, Overview on developments in
satellite positioning and GPS Modernisation
Paper 4: Naser El-Shiemy, Trends in Georeferencing of
Mobile Mapping Data
Wednesday is for Technical Tour (TT1)
Hartebeesthoek remote sensing station and VLBI/GPS site
Positioning in wildlife applications
TS17 "Technological Front Lines and Frontiers" (Joint
Session between C5 and C6)
Chair: Michel Mayoud and Mikael Lilje
Paper 1: Michel Mayoud, New Challenges in High
Precision Measurements for Large Scale Metrology
Paper 2: Mikael Lilje, Mission And Activities Of
Commission 5
Paper 4: Campbell Brooke, Overcoming Problems with GPS
TS19 "Reference Frame in Practice - Position"
Chair: Charles Merry
Paper 0 Charles Merry, Brief Dedication of TS19 and
TS20 to the late Herman van Gysen
Paper 1 Matt Higgins, Reference
Frames In Practice – Fig Working Group 5.5
Paper 2 Matt Higgins, Combined Space Geodetic
Paper 3 Richard Wonnacott, The
Implementation of the Hartebeesthoek94 Coordinate System in South Africa
Paper 4 Yola Georgiadou,
Spatial Reference Systems in Argentina
TS20 "Reference Frame in Practice - Heighting"
Chair: Matt Higgins
Paper 1: Martin Lang, Determination
of an Orthometric Height Profile in the Okavango Delta Using GPS Levelling
Paper 2: Mikael Lilje, Report On The Fig Commission 5
Seminar On Geodesy & Surveying In The Future: The Importance Of Heights
Paper 3: Gershon Steinberg, The Future of Vertical
Iain Greenway chairs this task force and convened two
meetings during the week. Commission 5 steering committee members involved
included Vaclav Slaboch and Matt Higgins. Larry Hothem and Yola Georgiadou (both
aligned to Commission 5) also attended given there existing involvement in such
matters. The major work was to develop the work plan for the task force. Two
specific developments are worth mention.
Firstly, there was good progress on creating a guide on
standardisation activity for the Bureau, Commissions and Member Organisations.
An outline for the chapters of the guide was developed and specific people
tasked with responsibility for chapters (Slaboch and
Georgiadou have tasks).
The second significant development was presentation of
a report on the FIG Questionnaire on Standards.
Greenway undertook to finalise and release the work
plan soon after the Working Week including details of the guide.
The task force had a break out session during one of
the General Assembly plenary sessions which Mikael Lilje attended. The
discussion concerned how FIG should get younger professionals and students more
interested in FIG and how FIG could help them. We discussed things such as
having students to help the organisers to have special sessions with technical
papers presented by younger people.
More information on these events can always be found on
the Commission home page.
Commission 5 is involved through WG-5.1 in the
preparation of the "Kurs fur Ingenieursvermessung" to be hold in Munich 13-17th
of March, 2000. This is an event that is organised every 4 years. Our contact
person is Hansbert Heister.
The dates are 22-26th of May, 2000.
Commission 5 will, together with commissions 4 and 6, organise two sessions. A
meeting between Commission 4,5 and 6 resulted in a decision that the session
called Future Technologies will have 5 papers and the session called Technical
Standards and quality will have 3. Commission 5 will be responsible for two
papers in the first and one paper in the second.. There will only be joint
sessions in Prague. One of the major sponsors of the event is also asking for
papers concerning cadastral matters so we should try to have a cadastral view on
our technical papers.
Since the technical program in Prague is not what we
had hoped for and seems unable to be easily changed, Steering Committee members
present in Sun City would propose that Commission 5 concentrate effort on
technical sessions in Malta instead. Several other commissions are interested in
being involved and a proposal of a program will be done by Mikael Lilje and
Jean-Marie Becker. The event will take place on Malta the 18-22 September, 2000.
The 3rd International work shop on Mobile
Mapping Technology will take place in Luxor on January 4-6, 2001. Naser
El-Sheimy is responsible for the event. It is believed that the seminar will go
towards the application side of Mobile Mapping more than the previous two have
The dates for this event will be the 6th to
the 11th
of May and the event will take place in Seoul. The local organisers presented a
draft program that they want FIG and its commissions to discuss. The commissions
were given to the end of October to think about how many sessions that they need
in Seoul. The organisers are hoping for 500 participants from 40 countries and
the number of foreigners to be about 250. The theme is decided to be New
technology for the century. Commission 5 needs to mobilise any delegates in
Asia to play an active role in the development of the Commission’s involvement
in Seoul. If we do not presently have sufficient active involvement from the
region we need to remedy that quickly.