FIG Commission 1

Work plan 2007-2010

Original work plan in .pdf-format.

Professional Practice and Standards

  Mr. Yaacoub Saade, Chair of Commission 1.

Terms of reference

  • Perception of surveying profession
  • Professional practice, legal aspects and organisational structures
  • Standards and certification
  • Code of ethics and applications
  • Under-represented groups in surveying
  • Students and young surveyors
  • Information technology management and professional practice
  • Project-management, quality and best practice
  • Support to under-represented groups

Mission statement

  • Capability of development: Changes are affecting the operation of surveying practices, their management and their professional structures under the challenges of widening professional activities.
  • Change of technology: Managing processes and infrastructure with ever changing business infrastructures in the areas of IT, internet, networks and total quality management.
  • Improving surveyors' reputation: Supporting the essential dialogue between politicians and surveyors with regard to further development and setting up the own business in strengthening surveyors' role in economy and politics.
  • Under represented groups: To focus public attention on under represented groups by surveying activities taking place to improve representation.

To implement this mission statement by

  • Promoting the profession wverywhere by developing applicable codes of standards and ethics
  • Conserving the human aspect of the profession
  • Gathering data on problems, successes and researches and by analysing these to expose new issues for professional practice discussion
  • Working on establishing standard rules and legislations that can be used in developing countries to promote the surveyors instititutional position.


In addition to the specific activities above, the Commission will support and contribute to FIG Task Forces and the Standards Network. The Commission will also respond to the FIG Council to address new issues as they emerge.

Working Group 1.1 - Standards Network

Policy issues

  • Developing the involvement of practising surveyors in the development and use of standards
  • Increasing the influence of surveyors on key international standardisation bodies
  • Building the linkage between FIG workplans and standardisation activities
  • Advising FIG officers and members on standards and standardisation
  • Supporting the implementation of FIG's policy on standards


Specific projects

  • Continuing to research the most effective way to influence the standardisation process, building relationships with member associations and sister societies as necessary
  • Coordinating FIG's input to and relationship with ISO (in particular TC211 and TC172 SC6) and IVSC
  • Working with Commissions to provide appropriate briefings to FIG's members on developing and recently published standards
  • Maintaining and updating a standards area on the FIG website and the FIG Guide on Standardisation


  • At least one paper at each FIG Working Week, providing an update on activities and progress


  • The Working Group will continue until at least to Congress in Sydney in 2010, but options for new chair will be considered in 2008.


  • Surveyors and surveying practices;
  • Other professionals working in land management and development;
  • Member associations and sister associations involved in standard setting;
  • ISO and IVSC;
  • All Commissions;
  • Universities and educational organisations

Working Group 1.2 - Students and Young Professionals (a Joint Working Group with Commission 2)

Policy issues

  • To improve the number of young professionals participating within the FIG.
  • To help young professionals in the beginning of their careers with contacts.
  • To increase co-operation between the commission boards and the Students and Young Professionals working group.


Specific project(s)

  • In a time where many of the member organizations are facing difficulties to attract young people to the profession of surveying this working group have been created. The goal is to cerate connections between “older” and “younger” surveyors.


  • Meeting at the FIG Working Weeks.


  • Internal and external progress reports will be prepared, working towards the final formation of the group.


  • The target groups of this working group are Master- and PhD Students, young professionals and commission delegates.

Working Group 1.3 - Surveyors Changing Role in Society

Policy issues

  • To study surveyors as entrepreneurs – Surveyors changing role in Society. This would show in detail how Surveyors are taking new roles in a changing world over and above the typical thoughts/mindset around the role of Surveyors.


Specific project(s)

  • To produce papers or case studies on topics related to the topic of the Working Group.


  • Meeting at the FIG Working Weeks.


  • To be decided.

Commission Officers

Commission Chair
Mr. Yaacoub Saade
c/o Order of Surveyors – Lebanon
Dekouane Danay Centre
Floor 5
Tel. + 961 1 489 605 – 6 – 7
Fax + 961 1 489 605-6
E-mail: [email protected] 
Chair Elect, 2009-2010
Ms. Leonie Newnham, MBA, DipEd, BA
Corporate Services
Department of Natural Resources & Environment
Level 3, 240 Victoria Parade
East Melbourne, 3002
Tel. + 61 3 9412 6005
Fax + 61 3 9412 6060
E-mail: [email protected]
Chair Working Group 1.1 - Standards Network
Mr. Iain Greenway
26 Ballycrochan Avenue
BT19 7LA
Home Tel. + 44 2891 466 865
Mobile: + 44 7920 186 623
Office Tel. +44 2890 255 702
E-mail [email protected] 
Chair Working Group 1.2 - Students and Young Professionals
Miss. Cecilia Lindén
Royal Institute of Technology
Email: e-mail: [email protected]
Chair Working Group 1.3 - Surveyors Changing Role in Society
Ms. Leonie Newnham, MBA, DipEd, BA
Corporate Services
Department of Natural Resources & Environment
Level 3, 240 Victoria Parade
East Melbourne, 3002
Tel. + 61 3 9412 6005
Fax + 61 3 9412 6060
E-mail: [email protected]

13 March 2007