Recent News
Annual Report
Mr. Bryn Fosburgh, President of the FIG Foundation has prepared a
written report on the FIG Foundation activities in 2023/24. This
report focuses on the status of FIG Foundation and the results that
have been achieved over the past years.
Congratulations - FIG Foundation
grant winners
Congratulations to the 2024 FIG Foundation Grant awardees for the
FIG Working Week 2024 Young Surveyors Conference in Accra, Ghana
They are:
- Angie, Colombia
- Farrah, USA
- Fie, Denmark
- Victor, Nigeria
See their reports
Recipient of the FIG Foundation PhD
Scholarship 2021 finished PhD
FIG Foundation Ph.D. Scholarship
of 4,000 EUR was rewarded to Dogus
Guler for his Ph.D. research
on: T3D Registration of Condominium Rights through BIM Models - The
integration between LADM and IFC Standards.
He finished his PhD in August 2022.
Read more
about his research
Congratulations - FIG Foundation grant
winners 2020
Congratulations to the 2020 FIG Foundation
Grant awardees for the 2020 FIG Working Week and
5th FIG Young Surveyors Conference in Amsterdam,
the Netherlands!
They are (from top left and clockwise):
Jordan Palk (Canada),
Milani Tharuka (Sri Lanka),
Shirley Chapunza (Zimbabwe) and
Oluwafemi Olorunshola
Due to COVID-19
pandemic the FIG Working Week was cancelled.
Instead the winners got an opportunity to attend
the next year
in Utrecht, the
Aubrey Barker Fund/FIG Foundation Course
Development Grant Recipient
FIG Foundation and Aubrey Barker Fund have
togeher published the "Course Development
It is a pleasure for FIG Foundation to
cooperate with the Aubrey Barker Fund on this
special grant.
Of the received applications, it is a
pleasure to announce that after the second round
of applications a recipient of this special
grant has been found: Dr. Trias Aditya
for his application for
A Blended Learning Course Design in Fit for
Purposes’ Cadastral Survey
Building a Sustainable Future with FIG Foundation
New grants available - 2019-2020
FIG Foundation announces call for grant applications
for the following FIG Foundation grants:
Please check the application requirements carefully
before submitting you application
Aubrey Barker/FIG Foundation Course Development Grant
The Aubrey Barker Fund and the FIG Foundation are
seeking applications for grants of up to 20,000 euro
(spread over two years) with the objective of building
the capacity of academic institutions teaching surveying
in developing countries, and of providing support in
teaching and developing their curriculum more
Deadline: 1 October 2019
More information
Congratulations - FIG Foundation Grant Recipients
A big thank you to everyone who applied for the FIG
Foundation Grant to attend the Third FIG Young Surveyors
Asia and the Pacific Meeting and the 2019 FIG Working
Week in Hanoi, Vietnam!
After reviewing over a hundred quality applications
from around the world, we present to you the FIG
Foundation Grant Recipients;

FIG Foundation Grant to attend the FIG Working Week and FIG
Young Surveyors Asian and The Pacific Meeting
21-26 April 2019 in Hanoi, Vietnam
The FIG Young Surveyors Network and the FIG Foundation
would like to invite all Young Surveyors to apply for
funds in order to attend and participate in the 2019 FIG
Working Week and the FIG Young Surveyors Asian and The
Pacific Meeting to be held in Hanoi, Vietnam from 21 to
26 April 2019.
To apply, please follow this link: ➡️
Remember to provide all necessary details and answers
and do not forget to submit all additional requirements
to [email protected]
on or before the deadline on 27 January 2019. Non
compliance will result in incomplete application thus,
will not be considered.
The FIG Foundation Grant will cover: travel costs (e.g. airfare, train,
bus), accommodation, meals, the FIG Working Week
Registration Fee, the FIG Young Surveyors Meeting
registration fee, the FIG Foundation Dinner, and the FIG
Gala Dinner. As a reminder, all previous FIG Foundation
Grant recipients are not eligible to apply.
Please check the official FIG Working Week 2019 website for
more information, news, and events.

FIG Foundation Grant to attend the
FIG Young Surveyors
African Meeting
16 October Gaborone, Botswana
The FIG Foundation invites all Young Surveyors to
apply for funds to participate in the 1st Young Surveyors
African Meeting (YSAM) and the 2018 FIG-African Regional Network
Meeting taking place in Gaborone, Botswana, on the 16th and
17th-19th of October respectively.
Please provide the required documents to
[email protected]. The latest date to
submit your application is the 7th of September, 2018 at
On 12th of September, 2018, the selection will be made
and announced by the FIG Foundation. Please note that
the FIG Foundation grant will support travel and
accommodation costs. All other costs are the
responsibility of the successful recipient of a grant
Apply here
Foundation Grant to attend the FIG Young Surveyors North America Meeting
17-18 October 2018, College Park, Maryland, United
NSPS and the FIG Young Surveyors Network are
hosting the 2018 NSPS/FIG Young Surveyors North American Meeting.
There will be sessions on the NGS 2022 Datum update, leadership,
business, and technology.
The FIG Foundation would like to invite all Young Surveyors
to apply for funds to participate in the meeting.
To apply, please fill in the form at the link below and all
of its required fields. Please remember, to submit all
additional documents to [email protected] before the deadline
17 August 2018.
FIG Foundation Young Surveyor grants for 2018 FIG
The FIG Foundation would like to invite all Young
Surveyors (defined as 35 years old or younger, or
within 10 years of graduation with a Bachelors or Masters
degree in surveying/geomatics) to apply for funds to
participate in the 4th FIG Young Surveyors Conference and
the XXVI FIG Congress to be held in Istanbul, Turkey, 4-11
May 2018
To apply, please fill out the form at the link below and
all of its required fields. Please remember, to submit all
additional documents to [email protected] on
or before the DEADLINE OF 27 JANUARY 2018.
Failure to do so will result in your application not being
The FIG Foundation Grant will cover:
- travel costs (e.g. airfare, train, bus),
- accommodations, meals,
- he FIG Congress registration fee,
- the FIG Young Surveyors Conference registration
- the FIG Foundation Dinner, and
- the FIG Gala Dinner.
Previous FIG Foundation Grant recipients are NOT eligible
to apply.
FIG Foundation Grants in 2017
The Ph.D. Scholarship 2016 was awared to Mr Wallace
Mukupa, Zambia, presently at the University of Nottingham,
Ningbo, China for his project: Structural Change Detection
and Deformation Monitoring. He got his peer review paper
accepted for oral presentation for the FIG Working Week
2017, and this released a FIG Foundation travel and
registration grant to attend the Working Week.
his story
FIG Working Week 2017 Foundation Grants
At FIG Working Week 2017 FIG Foundation Grants were
furthermore given to: Biplov Bhandari, Nepal, Mladen Femic,
Montenegro, and KaarinaToivo, Namibia.
FIG Foundation is supporting Young Surveyors to
attend the FIG Working Week in Helsinki, Finland
The FIG Foundation Young Surveyors Fellowships will
provide funding for individuals to cover the costs to attend
and participate in the FIG Working Week 2017, including
participation in all FIG Young Surveyors activities before
and during the Working Week.
The Fellowships will be awarded exclusively to nationals
of developing countries¹ who must be living in one of the
eligible countries.
Fellowships include round‐trip travel costs to Helsinki ,
visa (if required), accommodations, registration fees for
the FIG Working Week, FIG Young Surveyors activities, per
diem allowance and FIG Foundation Dinner.
The FIG Working Week 2017 will be held in Helsinki,
Finland, 29 May ‐ 2 June. In addition to the Working Week,
the FIG Young Surveyors European Meeting (Sunday 28 May) and
young surveyors sessions will be organised and contribute to
the networking of young surveyors internationally, to
introduce young surveyors to the FIG community, and to
provide for the opportunity to learn more and share the
young surveyors’ vision for the future of FIG. Additionally
the FIG Foundation Fellowship winners are invited to join
the UN-Habitat GLTN Awareness Training on STDM on 29 May.
Interested? Apply
Deadline for Application is 1 April 2017.

FIG Foundation meeting 2016 in 2016 in Christchurch,
New Zealand

FIG Board of Directors, from left President John Hohol,
William Marbell, Trimble, Prof. Mike Barry, Ir. Liza
Groenendijk and Prof. Paul van der Molen all wearing the
Young Surveyors shirt that was used at the Charity Run,
organised by the Young Surveyors that also raised funds for
the FIG Foundation.
FIG Foundation wants to thank those who have worked
actively throughout the year for the Foundation and to
promote FIG and the Foundation around the world.
At the meeting FIG Foundation decided to award Wallace
Mukupa, Ningbo University China, with the FIG Foundation
Ph.D. Scholarship 2016. Congrationaltions to Wallace Mukupa.
FIG Foundation meeting 2015 was held in conjunction
with the FIG Working Week in Sofia, Bulgaria

FIG Board of directors 2015: From left
Dr. Pengfei Cheng, Prof. Paul van der Molen, Ir. Liza
Groenendijk, Mr.John Hohol, Mr. Keith Hoffgartner,
Prof. Mike Barry
The FIG Foundation had a meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria in
May 2015.
FIG Foundation meeting 2014 was held in conjunction with
the FIG Congress in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The board held its official meeting in Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia during the 2014 Congress. Furthermore the board has
been in frequent contact through email.
At the meeting Young Surveyors were represented by Chair
Kate Fairlie and Chair Elect Eva- Maria Unger, who thanked
FIG Foundation for the cooperation throughout the last
Eva Maria Unger informed that CNGeGL, the National
Council of Italian Surveyors, has decided not to continue to
offer the International Training Course on Topography for
Young Surveyors. Everyone expressed gratitude to the
Italians for having offered the course and agreed that it is
very unfortunate that this great opportunity for young
surveyors to meet and experience new knowledge is no longer
There was a discussion of the funding of the Young
Surveyors Meetings, if it is permanent. It was agreed that
the funding should not become permanent and should not
exclude others of being supported.
At the meeting in Kuala Lumpur the board expressed
sincere thanks to Keith Hofgartner representing FIG Platinum
Corporate Member Trimble Navigation for generous continued
support of the foundation including sponsorship of the FIG
Foundation Dinner.
John Hohol informed that Trimble had had several requests
from a school in Burkina Faso about funding of equipment.
Trimble asked FIG Foundation to cosponsor a donation. To
make sure that funding will help to improve the learning
environment it was decided that Trimble is to deliver an
analysis of the state of the art of the school.