New Technology for a New Century
International Conference 
FIG Working Week 2001, Seoul, Korea 6–11 May 2001



András OSSKÓ, Hungary

Key words: Unified Land Registry, multipurpose system, sustainable development, CEECs (Central Eastern European Countries).


1. Introduction

In many countries in Europe and all over the world, from the middle of the 19th century, lands and real estate properties were double registered.

On one hand land and real estate cadastre was created for the purposes of the state and politics for taxation and on the other hand there was the factual land registry which the negotiable and mortgaged real estate was involved in. The land registers were aiming at the security of the ownership the unperturbedness of the land transactions as well as the creditors' interests.

Traditionally the land registers and land tax cadastre have different structure and authorisation, since the land registers were within juridical scope while the land cadastre was a part of the public administration.

Although in the majority of the countries the two organisations are still existing under different authority but there are examples where the the legal registry and cadastre was integrated on legal basis and organisational level.

2. New Challenges Related to Land and Property during the Last Decade

There have been tremendous changes during the recent decade creating new challenges to be solved worldwide.


  • Globalization
  • Political and economical changes in CEECs
  • Revolution in IT
  • Rural population moves to urban area
  • Growing population

New challenges related to land

  • Sustainable development
  • Creating security in land tenure in the developing world
  • Developing active land market in countries in transition and in developing countries
  • Rapid urbanization in the developing world (Asia, Africa, Latin America)
  • Supplying sufficient food and drinking water for the world population.

The solutions and successful implementation of new challenges related to land requires tools, well thought-out, co-ordinated plans and new kind of legal and institutional framework which can answer to the new challenges and coordinate the essential land related activities.

The majority of countries worldwide have recognized the importance of solving above problems, looking for effective legal, institutional and technical tools.

FIG has developed its new strategy during the recent years and together with UN organizations worked out several program and issued publications supporting the modernisation of cadastral systems and land administrations all over the world.

Two key publications have been issued by FIG recently giving professional guidelines.

The Bathurst Declaration „Land Administration Infrastructure for Sustainable Development" describes that an integrated, co-ordinated legal and institutional framework - Land administration - can manage effectively the sustainable development.

The „Cadastre 2014" by Commission 7 describes the modernization of cadastre in the future.

Both publications declare and it's a world wide trend as well that the integrated, multipurpose Land administration is the most effective tool to manage the land and property related activities. The most important elements of the land administration is the Cadastre and Land Registry organisations.

Today, thanks for the IT, there is no more technical problem to integrate different land, property related legal and mapping data in one computerised data base but generally organisations, institutions responsible for maintaining, updating above data have been acting under different authorities.

It's obvious and the „Cadastre 2014" also declares that the integration of cadastre and legal registry on legal basis and organisational level - the Unified Land Registry - should be more effective infrastructure for the land related activities.

There are experiences and examples that countries/CEECs, developing countries/ establishing, modernising new cadastral or land registry systems, the unified land registry system is more effective and should support privatization process, developing of land market, etc. much better then the multi authorisation systems.

3. Advantages of the Unified Land Registry System
  1. Single authority organisation, one decision maker
  2. Legal and mapping data integrity and consistency is much better
  3. Reducing number of staff and running costs
  4. Workflow, data updating is more quickly, quality of information should be more efficient
  5. Implementation of technical modernisation and legal, institutional reform is quicker and more effective
  6. The cost recovery requirement should be achieved easier due to the multipurpose nature of system


András Osskó
Chairperson of FIG Working Group 7.3
Deputy Director
Fővárosi Földhivatal
(Budapest Land Office)
Sas U 19
H-1051 Budapest
Tel. + 36 1 302 3052
Fax + 36 1 302 3049
E-mail: [email protected]

23 March 2001

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