New Technology for a New Century
International Conference 
FIG Working Week 2001, Seoul, Korea 6–11 May 2001



Sangdeuk HAN and HeungMuk CHO, Korea

Key words: Geographic Information System (GIS), National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI), Framework data, Digital maps.


The Korean government has initiated a full-scale implementation of the NGIS (National Geographic Information System) Master Plan in 1995. The success of NGIS Master Plan marks a turning point in the physical management system of our land. The NGIS Master Plan includes generation of spatial databases for NGIS, establishment of data standardization, assistance of GIS-related technical development and development of framework for utilization and application of NGIS.

The NGI(National Geography Institute) plays a crucial role in surveying and mapping activities, and responsible for the Geographic Information Subcommittee of the Steering Committee in the NGIS Master Plan. In order to come along with National project, the NGI has already expanded its organization and members. The progress has rapidly been achieved in the generation of national digital base maps, underground utility maps and thematic maps.

The first phase of the NGIS Master Plan will be completed by the year of 2000. The main purpose of the first phase is to establish basic GIS infrastructure such as to produce various kind of digital maps. The second phase of the NGIS which is start from 2001 through 2005 is to the spread of GIS application, maintain the digital maps. During the second phase of NGIS the NGI has planed to updating the digital maps and provide framework data. And also to contribute the implementation of the regional and global Spatial Data Infrastructure as Asia-Pacific Spatial Data Infrastructure (APSDI) and GSDI, the NGI will be closely cooperate with the member countries of PCGIAP and GSDI.


Sangdeuk Han
Director of Photogrammetry Division
National Geography Institute
111, Wonchon-Dong
Tel. + 82 31 210 2604
Fax + 82 31 210 2757
E-mail: [email protected]

HeungMuk Cho
Chief of GIS Section
GIS Division
National Geography Institute
111, Wonchon-dong
442-380 Korea
Tel. + 82 31 210 2730
Fax + 82 31 210 2743
E-mail: [email protected]

23 March 2001

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