New Technology for a New Century
International Conference 
FIG Working Week 2001, Seoul, Korea 6–11 May 2001



Steponas DEVEIKIS, Lithuania

Key words: territorial planning, land cadastre, land management, Lithuania.


The last decade of the 20th century for Lithuania, as well as for other Eastern and Central European nations, was the time of major strategic change.

In surveying and territorial or spatial planning, the change manifested itself in a number of aspects, including the:

  1. political and social,
  2. economical,
  3. legal,
  4. technological and
  5. ethical aspect.

As Lithuania recovered its sovereignty in 1990, the essential catalyst of the progress and change in surveying and territorial or spatial planning has been the transition from a totalitarian (occupational) regime to public administration and market economy.

The decade was distinctive by overall engagement in formation of a legal framework, a great volume of assignments (including land reformation, real property cadastre transformation, spatial planning, restitution and establishment of a property register) and a demand for new approaches and technology.

The great volume of work was the essential impetus that made the surveyors seek implementation of new technologies and tools made available by the information society. A number of international institutions, economical and technical assistance foundations and programs (PHARE; EU; Swedesurvey, the World Bank, etc.) provided a significant support towards this end.

Extensive inquires are made in the report to the experience of land reformation and land management, the strengths and the weaknesses in urban and rural areas. An emphasis is placed on the sustainable development of the processes of spatial planning, valorisation, and reasonable use issues in Lithuania.

The demand for GIS / LIS and the application of new technology in Land Use Planning and Land Cadastre and Register has grown in Lithuania over a few recent years. The first phase of the designing of land reformation projects for rural area, completed in the late 2000, has shown a sharp demand for technological novelties. The new Law on Real Property Cadastre will make an additional impetus to employment of the latest technology for the management of information banks of spatial planning.

As a conclusion I am recognising the basic issues and general trends on territorial planning and land management in Lithuania:

  • Practical solutions to be in need of a new legal instruments and a tools for land consolidation, land valuation and taxation, land use planning, land information systems;
  • Increased needs about land information and land use planning in banking sector for lending / mortgage purposes and financial investments;
  • Digital maps becoming a vital part of the Cadastre and Register, and a multipurpose LIS for spatial (and regional) planning;
  • Surveying will - and should be - based on GP, and digital technology to require to financial supporting and public-private sector partnership for a rapid technical development.


Steponas Deveikis, Dipl. Eng. (1978), Vice President of Corporation "Matininkai", a member of the Lithuanian Association of Surveyors and of the Lithuanian Union of Land and Water Management Engineers; a member and Board member of the Lithuanian Association of Property Valuers (since 1994), present position - President of the Association.
Born 18.11.1955 in Lithuania. 1973-1978 studies of Forestry Engineering at the Lithuanian Academy of Agriculture; 1986-1989 post-graduate course at Lithuanian Institute of Construction and Architecture; a short-term post-graduate course (6 months) at Jean Moulin University in Lyon (France).
He has worked from 1978 until 1984 in Botanical Garden of the Vilnius University, from 1984 until 1991 in State Land Survey Institute; 1992-1994 in the Ministry of Agriculture of Lithuania, Land Management Department.
Professional experience in the field territorial planning and land management, historical and cultural heritage inventory, environmental systems development, consulting and legislation, 7 years experience in property and business valuation.
Since 1992 various publication, legislative works and lectures in the area of urban and rural land regulation and property valuation. He has also published 8 reports at International Conferences, about 12 working guidance notes and 20 newspapers.


Steponas Deveikis
Vice President of Corporation "Matininkai"
Justiniskiu 62A,
LT-2017 Vilnius
Tel. + 370 2 793603
Fax + 370 2 481474
Email: [email protected] 

24 March 2001

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