New Technology for a New Century
International Conference 
FIG Working Week 2001, Seoul, Korea 6–11 May 2001



Prof. LIU Yanfang and LIU Xiaobo, China

Key words: High Education, Surveying & Mapping, Education System, Curricula.


Under the background of the reformation of universities in China, 4 Universities including Wuhan Technical University of Surveying & Mapping are merged into one new comprehensive university "Wuhan University" on August 2, 2000, which has more than 4,000 staff and more than 40,000 students.

This paper is divided into 3 parts:

  1. General Introduction of Biggest Unit of High Education for Surveying & Mapping in China - Wuhan University
  2. General Analysis on the Advantages of the University for Developing High Education of Surveying & Mapping

The goal for combination of universities is to combine all strong points and advantages of all joint universities. We have to pay more attention on how to keep the former advantages of Wuhan Technical Univ. of Surveying & Mapping in Geodesy, Engineering Surveying, Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, Cartography & GIS etc.; how to make full use of the advantages of the other 3 universities in Economy, Law, Administration and Environment Engineering to promote the development of Surveying & Mapping.

  1. Reformation of the Education System for Surveying & Mapping in the Univ.
    1. sub-units and staff, including schools, departments, laboratories, offices and groups;
    2. programs at different levels, such as 4 year BS, 3 year MSc and MBA, 3 year PhD and CPD;
    3. Curricula and extra curricular activities.


Prof. Liu Yanfang
Vice Dean of Education Affairs Office
Wuhan University
39 Luoyu Road
Wuhan 430070
Fax + 86 27 8786 1319
E-mail: [email protected] 

Liu Xiaobo
Vice Dean of Education Affairs Division
National Bureau of Surveying & Mapping

23 March 2001

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