New Technology for a New Century
International Conference 
FIG Working Week 2001, Seoul, Korea 6–11 May 2001



Bodil EKNER, Denmark

Key words: Restrictions; Habitats; Regulations; Control; Information.


The rural area is not only a resource for agriculture. In many countries it is also from this area the population gets the Drinking - water. The environment, the nature, the biological diversity and the cultural heritage must be protected.

All the different demands for use of the rural areas do not always consist with each other and the problem is how to at the same time both use and protect the rural areas.

In Denmark we work with these problems both in the regional planning and in our legislation but these tools are not good enough. It is a very important task to ensure that the landowners know about the regulations and know the consequences for the current and the future use of his/her land.

Unfortunately knowing about the conditions for using land is not enough. The landowners must also act in accordance with the conditions. In Denmark we therefore have a control-program with control in the fields or via air-photos and with obligatory reports from the landowners on use of fertilizer and manure and the crops of each parcel of land.


Bodil Ekner
Head of Division
Directorate for Food, Fisheries and Agro Business
Kampmannsgade 3
DK-1780 Copenhagen V
Tel. + 45 33 95 82 00
Fax +45 33 95 80 29
Email [email protected]

23 March 2001

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