FIG Working Week 2000, 21-26 May, Prague

Practical Aspects of Ethics

by Iain Greenway

Key words: ethics, business practices.  


With the globalisation of markets and increasingly high public expectations of professional behaviour, ethics and their application in practice are of vital importance to surveyors. The paper outlines the theoretical basis for ethics, considers the necessary content of a code of ethics and, through the use of examples, examines a number of real-life ethical conflicts. The paper supports the work of FIG Working Group 1.2 (Business Practices).

  1. Introduction
  2. Theory
  3. Modern Day Interpretation of Theory
  4. Codes
  5. Applying the Codes
  6. Three Examples
  7. Unpacking the Examples
  8. Summary

Iain Greenway
Chair of FIG Task Force on Standards
13 Hazelbury Park
Dublin 15
E-mail: [email protected]

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