| |
Central Data Base of CRE |
Number of records in millions by 31.12. |
1992 |
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
Total nuber of records |
29,1 |
32,1 |
38,1 |
45,9 |
53,5 |
64,8 |
78,4 |
from it about parcels |
12,7 |
14,0 |
15,5 |
17,3 |
18,9 |
20,4 |
21,0 |
owners |
15,1 |
15,4 |
16,0 |
16,5 |
16,9 |
17,6 |
18,0 |
legal relations |
1,3 |
2,7 |
6,6 |
12,1 |
17,7 |
23,9 |
27,9 |
Once the Data Base of DFI of CRE is completed, the next important project is the implementation of the Enhanced Cadastre. In 1993-94 a programme supported by both State budget and Phare ensured the purchase and installation of Local Area Networks (LAN) and network management software within the district cadastral offices. These systems are able to manage the basic land ownership information and support the data conversion into the Descriptive Information File (DIF) component of the Cadastre of Real Estates (CRE). There is also the Central Database of DIF, located in Land Survey Office, the historically the first one (origins in 1976), from which the systems of local data bases had to be derived. As that system had to be put into the operation very quickly, there had been no time for a substantial modernisation and therefore this system is unable to provide clients of CRE with smooth services, e.g. on-line access to the cadastre information. The current technology installed in the cadastral offices is only capable of supporting a relatively low level of data integration between the SIF/DIF, and from a security and integration point of view, the COSMC is aware that the development capability of the current system is severely limited.
The initial reasons for this project can be therefore summarise as follows:
- limited capacity, not sufficient after completion of DIF databases,
- costly maintenance of different environments at central and local levels, central data base is close to the end of life (operating and database management systems are not supported any more),
- no possibilities to reach the same time of maintenance of central data base and local data bases. Central data base is upkept by the batch processing of change records, sent from local data bases twice a month,
- insufficient security,
- no possibilities for the remote access of clients,
- insufficient compliance with standards, caused by the obsolete data structure (originated from the first one from 1976),
At the time of the commencement of the Enhanced Cadastre project the following main objectives of this project were outlined as prerequisites for the solution:
At the same time the main expected benefits of CRE EIS projects were defined in the spheres of:
The architecture and design of the Enhanced Cadastre has been determined after the thorough assessment of several possible solutions, which took place in stages of Global and Detailed Analyse. Not only cadastral bodies, but also relevant ministries were addressed during these stages and possible solutions were discuss with them.
A client / server architecture has been chosen. There will be relational data base servers at all cadastral and branch offices and also at central system of the Enhanced Cadastre. WAN of the Enhanced Cadastre will interconnect the central and local workplaces. The local workplaces – cadastral and branch offices - will be, in the compliance with the legislation, the primary points of the administration (maintenance) of CRE. All changes will be in the real time replicated into the central database, which will be therefore up-to-date. The reasons for such a solution (the optimum in the Czech conditions) can be summarised as follows:
The WAN of Enhanced Cadastre is based on ATM and Frame Relay services, leased from the Czech Telecom. Its logical topology is formed by the double star with main centre in Prague and the centres of the second order in the locations of the regional cadastral offices. The initial CIR is 32 kbps for local lines and from 256 to 1024 kbps for lines from regional offices to Prague. There will be a connection to the network of governmental bodies in Prague.
The whole environment of Enhanced Cadastre will be administered with the utilisation of software for the system management.
Based on preliminary results of the project and tests carried out up to now, it can be concluded that all objectives of the project will be met.
The Enhanced Cadastre supports the whole administrative process at the cadastral office, inclusive of the accounting system and output of statistical data. Enhanced Cadastre enables to represent the state of art of CRE from the past and, strictly for the internal use and restricted number of employees, also from the future, e.g. results of projects of subdivision plans.
The most important features of the Enhanced Cadastre are as follows:
With the only exception of different hardware for the central system and local workplaces the Enhanced Cadastre is based, on the unified technology tools for both levels:
The preparatory works for the Enhanced Cadastre project started in 1995 and 1996, when the "Strategy of the COSMC in the field of cadastral information systems" and "Introductory study of Enhanced Cadastre" were worked out. As in-house capacities of the COSMC have not been sufficient for such a vast ITC project, a leading Czech software house APP Czech were chosen based on the result of an open tender for the System Integrator of the Enhanced Cadastre in 1996. The COSMC however decided, for some serious reasons, to keep itself a responsibility for a procurement of the needed hardware and basic software (e.g. database and operating systems). The System Integrator has the right to determine technical specifications of procured technical means.
The project itself started in July 1997 – half a year later then originally expected, as there were some (unjustified and unsuccessful) complaints against the result of the tender. The original time schedule foresaw to put the Enhanced Cadastre into operational run at all cadastral and branch offices by the end of 1999 year. The project had kept the pace with the schedule for more than one and half year. Some discrepancies between the interim results of the project and time schedule appeared in spring 1999, and these discrepancies were based on following facts:
In late spring of 1999 it became obvious that Enhanced Cadastre project needed some additional time as the COSMC was not willing to compromise on the quality of the system. Therefore there was a decision made in the mutual agreement with the System Integrator to postpone the roll-out of the Enhanced Cadastre in order to ensure the needed quality of the system. An emergency procedure, enabling to correct mistakes and incorporate necessary changes into system simultaneously was agreed. According this agreement, the incorporation of changes and the correction of mistakes have been made in several stages according the importance of the applications in the question. At the same time, corresponding versions of the sub-system of migration (see below) have been delivered. The postponement of the roll-out of the Enhanced Cadastre has proved to be very beneficial for the project. At the same time it brought the necessity to incorporate changes ensuing from the Y2K problem in the old system. Its operational run after 1.1.2000 had not been expected originally and it meant the additional burden for the ITC teams of the COSMC.
Nowadays, the application software of the Enhanced Cadastre has been tested intensively at 13 pilot and test workplaces. Two cadastral offices run concurrently the old and new systems for the test purposes as an integrated test of Enhanced Cadastre. There has been a distinct progress in the quality of the system, although some improvements are still ahead of us. As the technology infrastructure of the Enhanced Cadastre is concerned, all parts were contracted and installed, at least partially (at some cadastral workplaces). All remaining parts will be installed by the end of June 2000 at latest.
According to the current time schedule of the Enhanced Cadastre project – the realistic one – the commencement of the roll-out is planned in the beginning of June 2000. There will be three more versions of the application software of the Enhanced Cadastre till the commencement of the roll-out. The roll-out will take place in nine waves of 10 – 15 workplaces till the end of October 2000. The trial partial run of the remote access services will start in August 2000. The part of the preparation towards the Enhanced Cadastre is also the training in the new system. The training will be carried out in two stages. Firstly, about 60 trainees will be train by the System Integrator. Then, step by step, these trainees will train employees of cadastral offices at the time of migration towards the new system.
The system of migration the cadastral data from the old system to the Enhanced Cadastre is relatively independent, but a very important sub-project for the success of the Enhanced Cadastre. It is very complex and has to incorporate a vast control system, as the Enhanced Cadastre uses completely new data model and structure. The system of migration has been tested and improved continuously since April 1999. Its versions have to correspond with the versions of the application software. There have been significant improvements in the efficiency of the migration system. Time needed for the automated data conversion for an average cadastral district has been cut from 10 days to two days. The system of migration was installed in February and March 2000 at all workplaces in order to start the trial migration. The purpose of the trial migration is to reveal all possible inconsistencies and errors in current cadastral data from the point of view of their migration towards Enhanced Cadastre. Errors will be corrected by means of the old system and the whole process will be repeated again and again till the time of the production ("sharp") migration. It is necessary to make the process of the production migration as smooth and short as possible, because cadastral offices have to be closed during the time of the migration and will be able to provide clients with very limited services only. When data are migrated, the thorough inspection (verification) of the data in the Enhanced Cadastre structure has to be carried out. Only after the successful verification the director of the cadastral office in question can approve the utilisation of the Enhanced Cadastre. Of course, before the commencement of the roll-out, the Enhanced Cadastre has to be approved as a whole by the COSMC.
Question-marks mentioned in the title of this chapter do not refer to the success of the Enhanced Cadastre project. In spite of some difficulties and delays that have accompanied the Enhanced Cadastre project (and which are not exceptional in the comparable, huge ITC projects), the COCMC does believe in the success of this project. The recent progress of the Enhanced Cadastre project has justified this opinion. When implemented, the Enhanced Cadastre should bear a full comparison with similar systems in countries with fully developed market economy. At the same time the Enhanced Cadastre is an attempt to introduce a new type of services, distinctively oriented towards the needs and interests of clients, into environment of the Czech cadastre. The Enhanced Cadastre is both a challenge and possibility to improve significantly the position of the COSMC and the Czech cadastre in the Czech society. But there might be some doubts if the current arrangement of the COSMC will allow getting the possible maximum from this project.
The COSMC is the top state administration body depending fully on yearly determined state budgets and being liable to all limitations valid for the state administration (regulated number of employees, regulated salaries, etc.). Although the Czech Government has supported the Enhance Cadastre project (Cabinet Decree of November 1997), it has been extremely difficult and often impossible to obtain the needed level of funding from the state budget for individual years of the project. The Enhanced Cadastre will enable to decrease number of employees of cadastral offices in some time, but there is the necessity to increase the number of ITC specialists in order to ensure the smooth operational run of the Enhanced Cadastre. Recruiting of these people for state administration bodies is very difficult, the private ITC companies still can offer better salaries. Both the preparation and operational run of the Enhanced Cadastre are rather costly and in order to cover these costs, it would be necessary to get a maximum income from the Enhanced Cadastre services. But, to fulfil this goal successfully it would deserve some skills and behaviour, which do not usually reside in state administration bodies or , e.g. skill in marketing (of cadastral information), to be capable of special approach towards separate groups of clients, to have the possibility of the preparation of value added products, etc. From this point of view, the rather rigid framework of the public administration does not create the best environment for the maximum utilisation of the new possibilities, which Enhanced Cadastre enables. The COSMC is aware of that fact and has started the strategy considerations concerning the new role and arrangement of the cadastral branch in the Czech Republic utilising also results of the projects of the international assistance. There have been two projects relevant in this respect. Firstly, there was the project of the co-operation with a Canadian company Teranet Land Information Service, Inc., Toronto, Ontario (1994-99). Secondly, the
Phare project "National Cadastral Policy and Enhanced Cadastre", carried out by experts from The Dutch Kadaster in the years 1998-99. As both agencies have a very strong experience with implementing cadastral information systems and marketing of cadastral information, their recommendations will be taken into account during formulating the COSMC own strategy for the new millennium.
Josef Jirman, MSc. in Geodesy and Cartography in 1976 from the Czech Technical University, Prague. After graduation - work in enterprise "Geodesy" in department of cadastral mapping and in department of technical development.
From 1992 similar work in cadastral department of Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and the Cadastre (COSMC) in Prague. Principal activities to the end of 1996 was to assure uniform equipment of cadastral offices in hardware and software, leading of working group for automation of written information of cadastre. Since 1997 member of Department of informatics – Manager of the Enhanced Cadatrel project.
Vit Suchanek, MSc. in Geodesy and Cartography in 1968 from the Czech Technical University Prague. Land surveyor 1968-1970, 1970-1990 various position (programmer-analyst, senior analyst, head of programming department) at Central Computer Centre of the branch of the COSMC in Geodetic Institute. Joined the COSMC in 1990, 1990-1993 senior ITC official, 1994-1996 Head of the Department of planning and conception, since 1.1.1996 director of the newly created Department of informatics, responsible for the Enhanced Cadastre project. Since 1992 also acting as a co-ordinator of foreign assistance projects (Phare etc.) for the COSMC.
MSc. Vit Suchanek
Department of Informatics
Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://www.cuzk.cz
MSc. Josef Jirman
Department of Informatics
Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://www.cuzk.cz
27 March 2000