Farm Land Rationalisation and Land Consolidation: Strategies for
Multifunctional Use of Rural Space in Eastern and Central Europe
by Dr. Jim Riddell and Dr. Fritz Rembold
Key words: Land fragmentation, rural livehoods, participation.
After 50 years of collectivisation, countries in
Central and Eastern Europe CEE have made significant progress in the
devolution of state-owned real estate to private urban and rural
owners. This restitution of private property is considered a
cornerstone for a future democratic, market economy and integration.
Thus, priority was given to speed up the re-privatisation process,
secure land tenure and property rights and develop land markets.
Notwithstanding the remarkable success of the land reform process,
land fragmentation emerged as a side effect with detrimental
implications for private and public investments, sustainable economic
growth and social development. Consequently less-favoured and
least-developed regions with economies still depending on agriculture
have been witnessing negative growth rates, soaring unemployment,
mounting rural poverty and as a result, serious social and economic
disintegration and wide-spread disappointment among local actors and
stakeholders. This paper presents current work in progress of FAO and
its partners to design, develop and test an integrated strategy for
land consolidation, village melioration and rural development in
representative locations in selected CEE Member Nations.
Dr James Riddell, Chief
Land Tenure Services
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
Room B-513
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
I-00100 Rome
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr Fritz Rembold
Land Tenure Services
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
I-00100 Rome
E-mail: [email protected]
Farm Land Rationalisation and Land
Strategies for Multifunctional Use of Rural Space In Eastern and
Central Europe
- Introduction and Background
- A FAO Approach: Multifunctional use of rural space
- FAO Experience
Current FAO Involvement in Land
Fragmentation/Consolidation Endeavors
4.1 Comparative Study of Land Fragmentation in four EU Accession
Countries in CEE
4.2 Proposal for Technical Co-operation Project in Hungary
concerning Land Consolidation, Village melioration and Rural
4.3 The Eastern and Central European and Central Asia Initiative
on the Development and Maintenance of Property Rights (ECAI)
Introduction and Background
It give FAO a special pleasure to be present with
you today at a meeting like this that brings together so many of our
technical colleagues to discuss changes in land administration in a
Region with which FAO has worked since its founding. The radical
changes that were needed in European agriculture in the immediate post
– WWII period in both the East and West occupied much of FAO’s
early energies. How would farms be reconstructed, what size would they
be, how would they be owned. The war had swept away most of the
remaining vestiges of European feudalism and its landed aristocracy
and what would remain would be dealt with during the post-WWII land
But it was not clear at the time what pattern these
reforming processes would take. For example, the more or less market
supporting reforms of Germany and Spain and the government-led
programme of Italy to create independent small family farms were an
expression of a continuing faith in the liberal model that economic
capacity grew out of secure property rights. Further these property
rights were associated with the ability of a person to function as a
full citizen in contemporary European society (1).
Of course, we all know the other grand model that
was tried, and there is no sense in dwelling unduly on it here. There
are, however, a few important points that do bear heavily on our
argument in the rest of this paper. When FAO worked with Member
Nations trying to make various forms of social property models perform
for agriculture, it was with a certain sense of adventure. Could this
indeed be the way around the fact that rural livelihoods seemed to be
stuck in what Rosenstein-Rodan referred to as the
"low-equilibrium trap"? Was it possible to make agriculture
just like any other form of industrial enterprise? Would agrarian
history be swept aside, and a new society based on rational production
of ever larger enterprises replace the rustic nature of private
ownership of the farm, with its isolated management structure? The
answer is quite clearly no in each case, or we would not be here
today. All of us in this room are concerned with the building,
registering and administrating the myriad of private interests in real
estate that the citizens of our countries want to hold and transact.
Thus, when the sudden changes came in 1989 it all
seemed so easy. We would restore the old property rights through a
well co-ordinated restitution process. We had well established
procedures of title rejuvenation in our tool boxes. Old cadastres
would be updated, new registries built and modern agricultural land
markets would emerge, just as they had in Western Europe. But as we
have seen, this has not happened, at least not during the first decade
of change. Why?
One of the reasons is surely that we have mixed-up
restitution which was essentially a political and justice issue with
economic thinking. Restitution was a necessary foundation to
re-establishing the principles of rule by law in place of rule by
party. In addition it reasserted the idea of the state as a defender
of property rights. Since for a majority of the inhabitants the most
valuable property held before the collectivisation was in land, the
restoration of real estate was paramount to establishing the new
political order. That the restituted property often had no, or
marginal, economic value in modern European economy was not an issue
for this phase.
It is an issue that now effects us very much. The
property was restituted, of course, in terms of its definition when it
was collectivised. Thus the size, location and valuation all had to do
with the agrarian and economic processes of the late 1930s and
immediate post war period.
This leaves us with the odd situation where we have
property restituted in more or less complete disregard to more than 50
years of centrally planned infrastructure (communications, irrigation,
drainage, etc,) development. Thus, we find a large, sometime
predominate, proportion of the parcels in rural areas that are
unsuitable for the kind of rural economy that is needed in today’s
Europe, to say nothing of the globalising economy. We need to add to
this the fact that the social structure has also changed radically
since collectivisation. The population making a living in agriculture
has dropped enormously and development today is no longer rural led as
it was in the classic pre-WWII land reform days. Urban centres are the
dynamic engines and there will be a necessary urban, not rural bias to
everything. Thus, rural development in Europe today will have to build
on the "Rural – Urban nexus". There is no longer a rural
community without its city. Thus, the line between the peri-urban and
the peri-rural has become blurred. This is a situation that presents a
great challenge to land tenure and administration specialists.
2. A FAO Approach:
Multifunctional use of rural space
FAO recognises the challenge given to agriculture
and food production by the process of rapid urban growth. It has an
interdisciplinary group assigned to develop new programmes under the
rubric "Food For the City". As part of this group, the land
tenure and administration specialists at FAO have been recasting our
existing tools to provide what we feel is a very sound way to assist
rural communities in this process.
The basic idea is to combine classical land
consolidation techniques with the participatory approaches that have
been made possible with the advances made in spatial data technology.
Indeed, when FAO was founded it was just assumed that some form of
land consolidation would be necessary for rural development Parcels
had to be reorganized to take advantage of new equipment, drainage,
irrigation and so forth. The second technical manual published by the
FAO Land Tenure Service was on land consolidation (Binns, 1951).
However, under the existing technological constraints it proved too
slow and laborious a process. Some kind of cadastre had to be made of
the existing parcels to ensure under the new plan, everyone would get
land of equal value. By the time the existing situation was recorded
and mapped to everyone’s satisfaction, the process would be held
hostage to the resolution and sub-division of the property of those
who had died in the meantime. It was taking 25 years or more to
complete the consolidation of a single village and by the time it was
done, a whole generation had passed away and it was time to start
again. Many Member Nations sought to short the process by imposed land
consolidation programs (Eastern and Central Europe, for example) which
never worked. Indeed, by the 1970s the whole concept of land
consolidation had fallen into disrepute as too expensive and too slow.
The number of requests for such services received by FAO by and large
diminished greatly.
The current approach is based on a number of new
- Land consolidation has to be participatory, democratic and
community driven
- The focus is on rural livelihood rather than on primary
production of food staples
- The end result is community renewal, that is, sustainable
economic and political development of the whole community
- It is founded on the principle of assisting the community define
new uses of its resources and then reorganize its spatial
components (parcels) accordingly.
Spatial data techniques (orthophoto mosaics, high
resolution satellite imagery, digital thematic mapping and so forth)
have provided the technical fields associated with land resource
planning with a powerful means of discussing land use and
administration across decision making boundaries, from the farmgate to
the national planning office. It has proven an effective tool for
community participation in every situation we have been able to try
it. Whether we speak to olive and wine producers of Lazio in the area
outside Rome, Italy or rice and cassava farmers in Guinea, the ability
of the people to define their spatial concepts and have these
represented by the polygons on the technician’s/specialist’s map
alters the entire process. It is their space we are discussing. It is
within their concept of this space that that we are helping them
create a new future.
It is our conclusion that the technology of spatial
data infrastructure (GIS, LIS, etc.) is a ground breaking conceptual
frame that crosscuts all the resource planning fields and the people
who depend on them. Thus, we can help people to easily see the
relationship between their land tenure units (LIS) and the land use
planner’s agro-ecological zones or the land administrator’s
environmental protection areas. It provides a basis for meaningful
dialog because the concerns of the land user, the planner and the
administrator can be discussed at the same intuitive level. Another
important aspect is that none of the parties has to be an expert in
the technology. Often the government administrator in charge of
environmental planning decisions, for example, has no more knowledge
of the technology than does the land user. It is a tool, not the
answer, and it is a cost-effective way to include in all our projects
the means of allowing the land users to truly participate (2).
These new participatory tools made possible by the
advances in spatial data techniques have revolutionized another
critical aspect of land consolidation programs. This is the
presentation of alternative solutions. Under the traditional manual
approach each variation during the necessary negotiation process
required laborious redrawing the new physical map to maintain a
semblance of precision needed. Each "what if?" scenario
became an expensive, time-consuming use of scarce technical personnel.
It is no wonder that under the constraints imposed by classical
graphical techniques, one of the early classic FAO publications on the
subject recommended an imposed, non-participatory approach (3). Of
course it didn’t work, but the motivation was that participatory
approaches were just too costly using pre-computer assisted
Participation to be a truly democratic process must
at the same time be a truly interactive bargaining process. Land users
must have an idea of all the possibilities, the effect of planning
restrictions, policies and directives and to see the impact of their
own proposals, change their proposals and have the time to think about
the implications.
The future of land consolidation/amelioration
programs will rest on our ability to successfully bring together into
a single conceptual package the needs, capabilities and aspirations of
rural populations with the knowledge of agro-ecological planning,
farm-gate level agricultural economics and sound sustainable
environmental planning. For the first time we have the tools needed to
achieve this level of sophistication. The future prospects of
sustainable rural livelihoods looks much brighter on the land tenure
It has to be underlined though, that land
consolidation remains still very much a black box and its full scope
of impacts is still very much an enigma since experiences, best
practices and lessons learned from developing countries and countries
in transition are scarce. Without thorough assessments in terms of
research studies, surveys and pilot projects and thoughtful
considerations regarding the integration of rural development elements
to the conceptual framework any corrective measures concerning land
consolidation and re-allotment may have undesired effects and add
further to exclusion, marginalization and even impoverishment of the
rural population.
FAO Experience
In the 55 years since its founding FAO has assisted
Member Nations in addressing the land fragmentation and consolidation
issues under numerous circumstances(4). Based on this collective
experience the Land Tenure Service has been focusing on three separate
processes though a series of analytical studies:
Those processes of fragmentation that are the
result of cultural and legal traditions of devisement (inheritance,
gifts, intervivos transfers, etc.). This is a dynamic aspect of any
society and a number of institutional solutions have been developed to
address the equity issues involved. Thus, while a single inheritor
(primogenitor, ultimo genitor or right holder’s choice) has its
rational in preventing parcel fragmentation, it calls into question
what are the rights of other inheritors. Thus it is not surprising to
find that a large proportion of the world’s societies have opted for
more equitable inheritance patterns. In such cases, land consolidation
programs have to work within existing cultural norms in a very dynamic
way. Since all agricultural holding will be radically effected each
generation cycle (approximately every 25 – 30 years) land
consolidation cannot be a "one-shot" undertaking, but a
continuing part of rural development, to be effective. Most of our
current work in this area is focused on the Mediterranean Basin.
Those processes that are the result of radical
shifts in the demographic profiles of rural areas are the second area
of current concentration. Rapid growth of urban areas has
disproportionately drawn off the young from rural communities. The
data indicate that this shift in populations is characterized by a
predominance of males, the better educated and surprisingly, the rural
middle and upper classes. Under such conditions, rural space will have
to be reorganized if there is any hope for revitalized rural economies
needed for sustainable livelihoods and food security.
The third area of concentration on land
consolidation issues involves those Member Nations that have recently
undergone the process of land reform either via restitution,
compensation or distribution. This is a situation that combines the
other two processes in a very special way. To better understand the
complex dynamics involved, FAO is working with numerous partners in
detailed analysis of the situation in Central and Eastern Europe and
Central Asia. The nature of these interventions will be the basis of
the next section of the paper.
4. FAO
Involvement in Land Fragmentation/Consolidation Endeavors
4.1 Comparative Study of Land Fragmentation in
four EU Accession Countries in CEE
FAO recently started a comparative study of land
fragmentation and its impacts on rural development in four Central and
Eastern European Countries: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary and
Romania. The main objective of the project is to analyze and assess
the impacts of land fragmentation in predominantly agriculture based
communities and to design and develop strategies and policies for land
consolidation and re-allotment, including elements of rural
development especially with regards to village melioration and
After decades of collectivization Central and
Eastern European Countries have made significant progress concerning
the devolution of state hold real estate and property to private
owners in both, the urban and rural space.
Considered a cornerstone for market economy in the
sphere of agriculture, priority was given to speed up the
re-privatization process, secure land tenure and property rights,
develop land markets and untie the inherent wealth locked within the
property market. Further improvements in these key areas are likely to
occur considering the favorable political environment and the
comprehensive legal and conceptual framework.
Notwithstanding the remarkable success of the land
reform, land fragmentation emerged as a side effect with detrimental
implications for sustainable economic growth and social development in
rural areas as it constrains both private and public investments.
Dispersed parcels and properties, scattered over
different political, juridical and administrative boundaries obstruct
spatial planning in terms of land administration, land use planning
and management. Decision-makers are encroached by limited
possibilities and alternatives to allocate resources. This hampers the
implementation of rural, regional development policies, strategies
programs and projects aimed to improve rural livelihoods.
Beside infrastructure and service provision the
agriculture sector is most affected. The parcels farmers received are
often too small to survive in an increasingly competitive sector and
often badly shaped, for instance in their length to width ratio. Both
characteristics make it difficult to implement new production
patterns, utilize machinery and appropriate technologies. Most of the
plots are not adjacent to each other, and many not even situated in
the same area, outside the municipal jurisdiction or even in
neighboring counties. Compensation left farmers without a personal
relationship to the land they newly own. Relocated in different
geographical (and social) territory, experiences and skills gathered
elsewhere do not fit into the new environment. This argument holds for
individual farmers, co-operatives and the newly emerged corporations,
such as public limited or joint-stock companies alike. In particular,
the latter, created in the wake of the dismantling of state-owned
farms, often work on hundreds of parcels of land and are engaged in
thousands of individual limited-term leasing contracts. Consequently
less-favored and least-developed regions with economies still
depending on agriculture have been witnessing negative growth rates,
soaring unemployment, mounting rural poverty and, as a result, serious
social and economic disintegration and wide-spread disappointment
among local actors and stakeholders.
Despite certain commonalties, land fragmentation
patterns differ from country to country and we have to distinguish
between fragmentation of ownership and fragmentation of land use. The
Czech Republic and Hungary managed to control extreme forms of land
use fragmentation for the time being due to fact that co-operative
farms were not dismantled during land reform and the current
legislation allows lease agreements to increase farm size.
Nevertheless transaction costs are high given the sheer number of
short-term lease contracts and legal and juridical restrictions
regarding freehold arrangements, which still hamper farm enlargement.
Such is the case of Hungary, where co-operatives, according to the
current legislation, are not allowed to purchase land.
In this context it still remains uncertain whether
the cooperative-type of farms will survive in the long run, especially
in view of EU common agriculture policy and open market conditions. If
a significant number of these farms fail to be competitive the problem
of fragmentation could resume on a significant scale. This is clearly
shown in the case of Romania where fragmentation of ownership
coincides largely with fragmentation of use of the land since most
cooperatives were dismantled at the outset of transition and this farm
type virtually disappeared in 1992. At the moment the average size of
private individual farms, which account for 62 percent of agriculture
land is 2.3 hectares spread over 6-10 parcels. Estimates for Bulgaria
indicate, that once the land reform is finalized, more than 2.6
million private farmland titles, divided among 12 million parcels with
an average size of 0.4-0.5 ha each, will be issued. The average size
of the holding is approximately 2 has.
With regards to the environment, collectivization
and large-scale agro-industrial crop and animal production led to
extensive clearance of the natural landscape and the degradation of
natural resources. Since ecological damages cannot be remedied at the
individual level, concerted action and joint efforts among and between
public and private actors is needed. To make water and forest
conservation effective, entire watersheds, river basins or protected
areas have to be delineated and demarcated. This requires
consolidation and re-allotment of plots and parcels together with
clear and transparent ownership rights and, hence, clear and
transparent duties and responsibilities.
The situation presents a very real challenge to
land administrators. Alongside the necessary normative framework,
capacity building, stakeholder participation, conflict management,
knowledge transfer, training and technical assistance are needed to
raise awareness, build confidence and mutual trust.
4.2 Proposal for Technical Co-operation Project in
Hungary concerning Land Consolidation, Village melioration and Rural
The Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture, represented
by the Departments of Land and Mapping and Rural Development requested
FAO assistance to design, develop and test a strategy for land
consolidation, village melioration and rural development in
appropriate and representative locations in Hungary integrating
experiences, lessons learned and best practices from previous
interventions. This is the TAMA land consolidation and village
melioration project.
Based on the outcomes of the preliminary results,
the validated and amended concepts concerning land consolidation and
village melioration will be tested in 6-8 municipalities. The final
outcomes and results will provide Hungarian land administration at
local and national level with an empirical foundation for developing
rural livelihood strategies, policies, concepts and methodologies.
Main FAO inputs include:
- Preparing conceptual and methodological guidelines for
participatory land consolidation and village development programs
in Hungary
- Designing and developing an operative framework for rural
development, land consolidation and village melioration projects,
especially with relation to the forthcoming EC accession programs
- Assessing and validating the process of data collection,
processing, transformation and application concerning tenure
security, property rights, land consolidation, geographic and
spatial information
- Consolidating the institutional, organizational and managerial
framework for interdisciplinary cross-sector and multifunctional
‘One Stop Shopping’ scheme for local/regional rural
institutions including public –private partnerships
- Testing best practice experiences and lessons learned in
representative, predominately agriculture based regions
- Designing and developing complementary research studies and
analysis to assess and appraise the potential economic, social and
ecological impacts of land consolidation and village melioration
in Hungary
4.3 The Eastern and Central European and Central
Asia Initiative on the Development and Maintenance of Property Rights
The ECA Initiative represents a joint effort of
experts from the World Bank, FAO, concerned governments from both
donor and recipient countries and bi-lateral development agencies to
secure the process of transition of post socialist economies with a
focus on:
- Knowledge exchange among partners in ECA and non-ECA countries
- Development of regional and country based analysis in specific
areas related to real property rights development and maintenance,
with particular emphasis on cross-sector awareness and
- Coordination of international agencies and donor work to
optimize the respective comparative advantages
The objectives of the ECA Initiative can be
summarized as follows:
- Development and maintenance of real property rights in
post-socialist economies,
- Development of a comprehensive conceptual framework for solving
property rights problems
- Identification of regional commonalties that could be analyzed
and addressed jointly to reduce individual project preparation and
implementation costs
- Better understanding of country specific situations.
Based on this conceptual framework the expected
outcomes are:
- Rising awareness of magnitude and complexity of land
administration problem at all relevant levels,
- Country-owned understanding of general regional problems and own
specific ones,
- Setting priorities in land administration strategy,
- Personnel and other groups (civil society, etc. ) involved in
land administration who have the proper training to support modern
land tenure,
- Reduction of gestation and implementation periods of land
administration projects,
- Improved public-private sectors mix in the production of land
administration related services,
- Reduction of cost for the implementation of land administration
- Improvement of efficiency of donors, international agencies aid
and financing and, national resources from client countries.
During several conferences and workshops on the
subject of maintenance and development of property rights
representatives from CEEC and CIS countries considered land
fragmentation among the principal obstacles for increase in farm
productivity and competitiveness, land market and rural, regional
development. Consequently the Draft Business Plan of the ECAI
underpins the priority to address this problem and several
co-operation projects between FAO and bi-lateral donor agencies are in
preparation. As the audience can see, this is a matter in which all of
you here today are actively engaged. We invite you to join us in the
activities of the ECA Initiative and seek your assistance in
identifying opportunities for synergy with other on-going and
contemplated efforts.
In general it has to be outlined that the term land
consolidation is misleading, since it suggests an exclusive
orientation towards the area of land administration. Access to land
and secure property rights are crucial but equally important are rural
development elements such as local capacity building, rural services,
infrastructure, employment schemes etc. in order to improve rural
- In transition countries in the ECA region land reform in terms
of restitution, compensation and distribution led to extreme land
fragmentation, which hampers sustainable rural development and
affects all sectors with agriculture obviously hardest hit.
- Despite the fact that land fragmentation is widely known and
recognized there are few interventions so far and no comprehensive
study/research in CEEC/CIS has been carried out.
- Since the impacts and implications of land consolidation
programs are still very much a black box careful appraisal is
needed to avoid/mitigate/forecast negative externalities for rural
- Land consolidation represents a essential requisite for further
interventions in the rural space especially for EU accession
- Complex land consolidation processes provide an excellent
opportunity to integrate land tenure services into the broader
framework of rural, regional development and substantial synergy
effects for instance joint activities concerning rural
institutions can be expected.
- Lessons learned in Western Countries show clearly that for land
consolidation participation is absolutely necessary and its
implementation proved successful only where stakeholders and
beneficiaries are involved in decision making processes and
existing, informal approaches and schemes are recognized and
integrated into local democratic governance institutions.
Summarizing these arguments land fragmentation is
considered as one of the major obstacles to achieve sustainable rural
livelihoods, especially in transition countries.
Therefore land consolidation ranks among the highest priorities for
FAO/Sustainable Development Division and its specialized services,
both Land Tenure and Rural Development, in CEEC and CIS countries. It
represents both a challenge and an opportunity for further
collaboration and strengthening the historic ties between FIG and FAO.
(1) Our thinking here hinges on the
critical relationships between the land reforms of Europe starting
with Denmark in 1780s and freedom from various servitudes and hence
the obtaining of political rights. This was a process, fundamental in
creating social and political definitions of person that were still
going on in many countries in Central and Eastern Europe when WWII
began (Riddell 1995). We will argue later in the paper that this has
had profound implications for the restitution process.
(2) To use an analogy, people
everywhere have seen the utility of using cellular phones, a
technology that just a few years ago served only by the military and
the very wealthy. The millions of users today need know nothing of
packets, GSM, and so forth.
(3) Binns, B. 1951 Consolidation
of fragmented agricultural holdings. FAO, Rome. This slim volume
is still one of the classics on the subject.
(4) The Land Tenure Service is in
the process of compiling a bibliography of all past land consolidation
projects, guidelines, planning manuals and publications.
Dr. James Riddell is Chief and Fritz Rembold is
Land Tenure and Rural Development Officer in the FAO Land Tenure
Dr James Riddell, Chief
Land Tenure Services
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
E-mail [email protected]
Dr Fritz Rembold
Land Tenure Services
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
E-mail: [email protected]
22 June 2000