FIG Newsletter May 2021 - please note: If you cannot see the images or other content of the message properly, please access the newsletter in your browser 
FIG - International Federation of Surveyors International Federation of Surveyors
Fédération Internationale des Géomètres
Internationale Vereinigung der Vermessungsingenieure

FIG Newsletter – May 2021

Dear Colleague,

Have you secured your ticket for the e-Working Week 2021? The ticket that will connect you with the rest of the world - without spending time and money on travelling, accommodation etc. Lean back, make sure that you have cleared your calendar so that you will not be interrupted during the conference days, and join us in this virtual journey.
More than 70 keynote, high level and technical sessions, workshops, fora, meetings etc are awaiting you. There will be "after-session chats", networking with other participants - random and plannned - it is up to you how you want to materialise your e-journey.
Your ticket also gives access to the General Assembly where two new Vice Presidents, Commission Chairs Elects and the destination for FIG Working Week 2025 will be elected. You will also find nominations for three new Honorary Members of FIG - three persons who have all been active for many years - e.g. Jim Smith started his "FIG Career" at the FIG meeting in 1968 - over 50 years ago - and is still contributing to FIG. More on that in the next newsletter...

Get your dose of the FIG community feeling - get your ticket now and start plan your days - read more in this newsletter.


Meet us at the 44th which is also the 1st ever virtual FIG General Assembly

This year will be the 44th FIG General Assembly - but the first ever virtual General Assembly!
The current situation that does not allow us to meet in person gives us a unique opportunity to test this virtual format and also to conduct a different General Assembly which we aim to make
inclusive, inspiring, informative and interactive.

The official delegates from FIG member associations will elect two Vice Presidents, 10 Commission Chairs Elects and the destination for FIG Working Week 2025. In the agenda you will find links to reports (both written and some also as video presentations) and we have made it possible for you to meet the candidates - you are invited to see the presentation videos and nominations published in the General Assembly agenda:

The videos are also available on our YouTube FIG General Assembly playlist

You can also meet the candidates in the "Get to know your candidates" session on 20 June - and you are encouraged to ask questions to the candidates in advance, which you can do through this form:

Join us for the four General Assembly sessions:

Again, all with an interest in FIG are encourage to ask all the questions you may want to FIG. Use this opportunity. You can ask your questions through this form:

An online General Assembly gives this special possibility for many to participate - both official member representatives and all of you who have an interest in what FIG is doing. We encourage you to register now for both the General Assembly and the e-Working Week:  

Take a look at the agenda, the procedure, and enjoy the presentation videos: Read more

FIG e-Working Week 2021 - join the FIG Community

Why should I attend?

So why should you attend? It is online... isn't it "just" another webinar? No, it is not just a webinar. It is an event with more than 70 sessions, with inspiration, with networking possibilities, with sponsors and exhibitors, with the possibility to get a feeling of being at a conference - but you do not have to travel far, nor spend money on accommodation. Secure your ticket for the e-Working Week now, reserve the dates 20-25 June, lean back and enjoy... It will be a busy week, so make sure that you have cleared your calendar.

We miss you, and we hope to see you:

 Technical Programme and a dedicated Workshop Day

The technical programme will consist of seven 1-hour Key-Note sessions with nothing else in parallel as well as high level sessions, technical sessions, partner sessions, special FIG sessions and workshops. All this will be spiced up and bound together with different neworking and get-together activities. Sessions are being adapted to work in an online setting and will take different time zones into consideration although it is not possible to make all sessions fit to all time zones...

24 June is a special day... On this day you can attend longer and more in-depth workshops on:

Here you can get a short peek into the 7 keynote sessions that await you:

  1. The Challenges for Smart Surveyors in a New Reality with Founder and President of Esri - Environmental Systems Research Institute, Jack Dangermond, in conversation with FIG President Rudolf Staiger 
  2. The Impact of COVID 19 on the Profession with Benjamin Davis, FAO, Steven Ramage, GEO and Léa Bodossian, Eurogeographics
  3. Fit-for-Purpose 2021 - Ten years of FFP: lessons learned and what now? with Emmanuel Nkurunziza, RCMRD, Stig Enemark, FIG Honorary President, and Professor emeritus, and Amy Coughenour, Cadasta Foundation
  4. Integrated geospatial information for transformational change with Greg Scott, UN-GGIM and Rosamond Carter Bing, Co-Chair of the Extended Bureau of UN-GGIM and moderator Anders Sandin, the Swedish mapping cadastral and mapping authority
  5. Making the land and property sector sustainable and resilient: Ensuring Diversity and Inclusion moderated by FIG VP Diane Dumashie with Narelle Underwood, Surveyor General of NSW, Australia, Chitra Weddikkera, Dean of Colombo School of Construction Technology, Paul Olomolaiye, Pro Vice-Chancellor Univercity of the West of England and Victoria Stanley, Senior Land Administration Specialist
  6. Digital Twins | How can DT support legal security? with Frank Tierolff, Netherlands Kadaster, Sisi Zlatanova, UNSW Sydney
  7. Success - a Continuous Journey - how about your journey? Co-conference directors Paula Dijkstra and Louise Friis-Hansen talk with Chief Success officer at Bentley Katriona Lord-Levins

If you have already registered you can already have a sneak-peak at:

Sponsorships - Your company's stories are just a mouse click away

We are looking for you. Do you want to become a part of the FIG e-Working Week? This is the 92nd yearly main event  from FIG since 1878 however the first online event ever.

The FIG e-Working Week will be accessible from all over the world. Get in touch with the FIG community of over 250,000 surveyors and geospatial experts and meet more than 100 nationalities online.

Host sessions, showcase your service and products, stream from  your booth, be live on stage, chat and talk with attendees or have one-on-one conversations with participants. Invite your partners, host a 30 minute breakout session, become inclusive in the FIG and become a part of the community.

Missing out is not an option. Become our sponsor. Join!

Curious? Get more information on you possibilities at:
and read the prospectus (pdf)

 If you have any questions to your sponsorship possibilities please contact Claudia at [email protected].

Article of the Month

Each month on FIG web site you can find a special selected paper called "FIG Article of the Month".

The Article of the Month in May 2021 is written by Tea Duplančić Leder and Nenad Leder, Croatia: Optimal Conditions for Satellite Derived Bathymetry (SDB) - Case Study of the Adriatic Sea  The article examines the optimal conditions required for the implementation of the SDB method and tests them in the area of the middle Adriatic sea basin (Murter channel). Read the article...


FIG Foundation Celebrates 20th Anniversary

On 11 May 2001, FIG Foundation was established. Read the letter from FIG Foundation President John Hohol and celebrate with us.
Read more


 New Director General at ANCPI - Romania  

National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration, ANCPI, of Romania has a new director general, and for the first time in its history a woman has taken over this position: Mrs. Ildikó RÁKOSI-SEIWARTH.
Read more

Deqing ISpatial, corporate member of FIG signs agreement

On 30 April 2021 Deqing iSpatial, a corporate member of FIG, signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement with Aquila Eyes Group of Tanzania - building a new bridget for China-Africa Cooperation in the field of surveying.
Read more


Lecturer in Land Tenure and Administration


20-25 June 2021 - virtual

Web site:

9-11 June 2021, Yavoriv - Brukhovychi, Ukraine
XXV International Scientific and Technical Conference "GEOFORUM-2021"
Web site: Invitation

21-23 September 2021, Hanover, Germany
Intergeo 2021 - Live + Digital, #INTERGEO21
Web site: 

6-8 April 2022, Valencia, Spain
5th Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring (JISDM 2022) in cooperation with FIG Commission 6.      

FIG on Social Media:


Remember that you can follow FIG on the social media.
If you have not already joined, join us today:

The monthly Newsletter
is mailed to all members, commission delegates and all interested partners. FIG offers the Newsletter to all members of member associations and other interested in FIG. If you don't already get your copy you can order it now at:

FIG Newsletter brings you latest information about FIG and its activities. The information referred here is in full length available on the FIG web site. Thus the Newsletter is produced to inform you what has happened recently and what interesting things are going to take place in the near future. The FIG Newsletter is circulated monthly or bi-monthly by e-mail. The referred articles are in English and written in a way that you are able to extract them to your national newsletters or circulate to your members and networks.

If you do not want to receive the newsletter in the future, please click here to unsubscribe from the mailing list

Kind regards,
Ms. Louise Friis-Hansen

International Federation of Surveyors
Fédération Internationale des Géomčtres
Internationale Vereiningung der Vermessungsingenieure
International Federation of Surveyors
Kalvebod Brygge 31-33
DK-1780 Copenhagen V
Tel. + 45 3886 1081
Direct: + 45 9391 0810
[email protected]
FIG Working Week 2021, the Netherlands
Web site:
FIG Congress 2022, Cape Town, South Africa
15-20 May 2022

FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
FIG Working Week 2024, Accra, Ghana

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