Article of the Month in 2020

FIG publishes each month the Article of the Month. This is a high-level paper focusing on interesting topic to all surveyors. This article can be picked up from an FIG conference or another event or it can be a paper written directly for this purpose.

  • November 2020 is written by Ola Øvstedal, Norway A method to estimate a best fit trajectory from multiple individual trajectories This paper proposes a method on how to estimate a best fit trajectory based on available individual trajectories. Occasional observational blunders or failure in following the same physical path are addressed through statistical testing. The precision of the estimated trajectory is quantified in form of standard deviations.

  • September 2020 is written by David Mitchell, Australia; Winnie Shiu, Hong Kong Sar; Stig Enemark, Denmark; And James Kavanagh, United Kingdom Blended Learning in Support of Life-long Learning for Surveyors While blended learning is challenging to implement it offers many benefits and, when carefully developed, provides a range of learning options that suit many student learning styles and approaches. The benefits in blended learning for life-long learning is enhanced if education institutions, government, industry and professional institutions work together to develop online learning opportunities.

  • July 2020 is written by: Josip Križanović and Miodrag Roić Croatia. Formalisation of Cadastral System Data Dissemination Processes – Initial Studies This peer review paper should have been presented at the FIG Working Week 2020, Amsterdam, Netherlands. The aim of this paper is to explore the processes of cadastral system data dissemination regarding standardised and non-standardised uses of cadastral system data.

  • June 2020 is written by: Asmae Azzioui, Moulay Hafid Bouhamidi, Mustapha Mouadine And Mohammed Ettarid, Morocco. Innovative Approach for a Reliable Mapping of the Morocco’s Solar Resource. This peer review paper should have been presented at the FIG Working Week 2020, Amsterdam, Netherlands. The paper is about how the current Moroccan energy policy aims to develop and promote renewable and clean energy.This article traces all the results of research and practical manipulations carried out within this project.

  • May 2020 is written by: Ana Flávia Bastos, Brazil and D.Eng. Lia Bastos, Brazil. Quantitative analysis of microplastics in coastal sediment in beaches of Spain and Brazil. This peer review paper should have been presented at the FIG Working Week 2020, Amsterdam, Netherlands in the special session Mapping the Plastic. Based on the ESMARES Program methods, a comparative study of the amount of microplastics found on different beaches of the east coast of Spain, bathed by the Mediterranean Sea and the southern coast of Brazil, bathed by the Atlantic Ocean has been carried out.

  • April 2020 is written by: Kari Strande, Norway. Comprehensive Databases for Seabed Environment This paper was presented at the FIG Working Week 2019 in Hanoi, Vietnam. The article unique collaboration programme in Norway called MAREANO. The programme contribute to a knowledge based conservation and use of the resources at sea

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