FIG Task Force on Under-Represented Groups in Surveying

Report for the 23rd General Assembly Prague 22 – 26 May 2000

The Newsletter

The Task Force continued publishing a Newsletter about current activities of the task force, international bodies and organisations, member associations and universities. Since the Working Week in Sun City, South Africa, three more issues have been available on the FIG web site.

Following reports were published with the issues 3/99, 4/99 and 1/00
  • Gender in the Habitat Agenda: implications for the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG)
    by Diana Lee-Smith and Sylvie Lacroux, UNCHS (Habitat)

  • Engineering Education: for Ourselves and for the Public
    by Wendy J. Woodbury Straight, USA
  • University to boost Engineering among American Indians by Wendy J. Woodbury Straight

  • 10th Anniversary of the DVW Working Group "Women in Surveying" by Gabriele Dasse
  • Women’s Access to Land - a Task Force Group of FIG Commission 7,
    by Agneta Ericsson, Sweden
  • The World Conference on Science

Following Biographies were published
  • Kirsi Artimo, Finland
  • Mary C. Feindt, USA
  • Chryssy Alex. Potsiou, Greece

Task Force homepage

The Task Force homepage is now established on the FIG web site. There you get access to general information about the Task Force on Under-represented Groups in Surveying, the Report of the results of the questionnaire sent out to FIG member associations and universities, the Interim Reports of the activities during the FIG Congress in Brighton and the Working Week in Sun City, the Papers presented in the Task Force Session in Sun City and all issues of the Newsletter.

FIG Bulletin

General information is distributed through the FIG bulletin or sent out with the FIG Bulletin.

FIG Working Week, Prague

In Session 1 "Co-operation with International Bodies and Organisations" Dr. Sylvie Lacroux and Diana Lee-Smith, UNCHS (Habitat) will give a presentation concerning "Under-represented Groups in Urban Development Issues Including in the Professional Practice".

"Need for Involvement of the new generation of Contributors to FIG"

In Sun City the Task Force discussed the "Draft Discussion Document on the future Governance and Management of FIG" and especially the "Need for Involvement of the new generation of Contributors to FIG". Following activities are the result of this discussion:

Task Force Meeting during the FIG Working Week Prague

The participants of the Task Force Meeting in Sun City proposed among others

  • to encourage the Commissions to support corresponding members, to inform them (topical homepages) and to facilitate the attendance of commission meetings,
  • to encourage the Member Associations to enable practical work for foreign students and young professionals.

For the Task Force Meeting in Prague the following main topics are suggested:

  • The presentation of the results of the questionnaire sent out to commission chairs concerning members, corresponding members and meetings of the Commissions.
  • Considerations concerning a network for workplaces for trainees (foreign students and young professionals).
Symposium organised with the Annual Meeting of Commission 7 in Hamburg 18 May 2000

For students and young professionals who are member of the German association DVW the registration fee for this one day Symposium on Land Markets is 50 % of the normal fee.

Congress Registration Washington 2002

The participants of the Task Force Meeting in Sun City proposed among others to encourage the Hosts of Congresses and Working Weeks to evaluate the participants concerning gender, age and Commissions and to mark the name tags of participants attending the first time a Congress or Working Week, to facilitate an integration.

Mary Clawson, Congress Director for the FIG Congress in Washington, agreed to add the suggested information on the registration form. Concerning the age of participants information is required in periods: younger than 40, 41 –50, 51 – 60 and older than 60. More details will be discussed in Prague.

Gabriele Dasse
Chair of the Task Force on Under-represented Groups in Surveying

Kleinfeld 22a,
D-21149 Hamburg,
Tel.: + 49 40 / 428.26 52 50,
Fax: + 49 40 / 428.26 59 65
e-mail: [email protected]


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