FIG Internal Task Forces

Cultures and Languages in FIG


A special Task Force on Cultures and Languages in FIG was established in 2000 to ensure that FIG respects cultural and linguistic diversity in its work. This Task Force met at the FIG XXII Congress in Washington, DC in 2002 and gave its interim report. The work will continue in the future. In the years 2000-2002 the Task Force worked under the following conditions.

Terms of reference

  • Identify and clarify the cultural and linguistic issues facing members.
  • Encourage a multicultural approach in establishment of a wider political Advisory Board which ensures that cultural issues are recognised and reports to the General Assembly and the Council.
  • Encourage the increased participation of more countries in the work of FIG by recognizing the importance of cultural issues and linguistic differences.
  • Promote the establishment of a set of guiding principles to assist with the implementation of the foregoing.

Members of the Task Force

  • Co-Chair Bernard Bour, France, representing Europe and French-speaking cultures
  • Co-Chair Hagen Graeff, Germany, representing Europe and German-speaking cultures
  • Ken Allred, Canada, representing North America
  • Dalal Alnaggar, Egypt, representing Africa and Arabic cultures
  • Santiago Borrero, Colombia, representing South and Latin America and Spanish speaking cultures
  • Matt Higgins, Australia, representing Australia and the Pacific and English-speaking cultures, also representative of the Task force - Review of Commission, Task Force and Permanent Institution Structure 2000-2002
  • Steven Yip, Hong Kong, China, representing Asia and Chinese speaking cultures
  • Sam Zhou, Zimbabwe, representing Africa



Bernard Bour
E-mail: [email protected]
2, "La Tannerie"
BP 90015
Saint Julien-les-Metz
F-57072 Metz Cédex 3
Tel. + 33 3 87 36 31 75
Fax + 33 3 87 76 27 48
Hagen Graeff
E-mail: [email protected]
c/o Baubehörde - Amt für Geoinformation und Vermessung
Postfach 10 05 04
D-20003 Hamburg
Tel. + 49 40 42 826 50 50
Fax: + 49 40 42 826 59 66

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