FIG General Assembly
Welcome to this 48th FIG General Assembly which will take place in Brisbane, Australia.
Time is shown in local time in .
The following will explain in detail the format and procedure of the General Assembly.
Go to:(see the full Working Week programme at
Sunday, 6 April 2025 |
9:00-16:00 AEST | General Assembly I |
18:00-20:00 | Welcome reception |
Monday, 7 April 2025 |
7:45-8:45 | Newcomers/Icebreaker session – TF Diversity |
14:00-15:30 | Diversity and Inclusion Task Force Sustaining GeoSpatial Innovation- The Hope of the Young Surveying Explorer |
14:00-15:30 | SDG Task Force - Private Sector contribution to the SDG´s |
14:00-15:30 | FIG Standards Network Session |
14:00-15:30 | Climate Compass Task Force: Climate and sustainable development |
16:00-17:30 | Member Association Forum (incl Regional Bodies Forum) |
Tuesday, 8 April 2025 |
7:30-8:45 | FIG Foundation Meeting (by invitation only) |
11:30-13:00 | SDG Task Force - Crucial Role of Governments to achieve SDGs |
11:30-13:00 | Climate compass Task Force: Climate and disaster |
13:00 PM | Voting STARTS for Change of Statutes and Internal Rules, Commission Chairs elects, 1st round for Commission 3 Chair elect, and voting for destination for FIG Working Week 2029 |
14:00-15:30 | FIG Director General Forum |
17:30-18:30 | Annual Meetings of FIG Commissions |
Wednesday, 9 April 2025 |
7:30 - 8:45 | Presidents meeting By invitation only |
9:00 AM | Voting ENDS |
11:00 AM | Voting STARTS in case a second voting for the chair elect of FIG Commission 3 is needed |
11:30-13:00 | SDG Task Force: The Nexus between SDG’s and Professional Education in Geospatial World |
11:30-13:00 | Task Force on Diversion session |
13:00-14:00 | Legacy Project – Task Force Diversion and Inclusion + Task Force SDGs – Lunch session |
14:00-15:30 | Academic Forum |
14:00-15:30 | Regional Capacity Development meeting ARN - Africa Regional Network |
16:00-17:30 | FIG Corporate Members meeting |
Thursday, 10 April 2025 |
7:00 AM | Voting ENDS |
9:00-11:30 | General Assembly II |
All members are encouraged to participate in person in the General Assembly. This year the General Assembly will be an on-site event and will take place in Brisbane, Australia on 6 and 10 April 2025.
Each member must appoint in advance an official representative for voting. Voting will take place online. In the roll call document members with online official representative will be recorded. There will be onsite roll call and all members that are present will be recorded in the roll call document. If you vote without being present in Brisbane, please make sure that you read all the documentation carefully before casting your vote.
Eligible to vote are member associations (MA) in good standing. The official representative will be the person who will receive the emails with the link to voting and who will cast the vote on behalf of the association.
All member associations are asked to appoint their official delegate
the latest on 23 March 2025. This will be done through
this google form:
If you cannot access the google form, please contact FIG-Director Louise
Friis-Hansen to receive the form directly (in .doc format)
[email protected]
Please note that only member associations in good standing will be
able to vote at the General Assembly. This means that the association
does not have unpaid arrears from 2024 or earlier. FIG Office has sent
out reminders to all members in arrears. If you are in doubt whether
your association has unpaid, please contact FIG Office at
[email protected]. Payment of arrears must be
received by bank transfer or credit card the latest on 4 April
2025 in order to be
included in the voting. Later payments will be considered as not
received in due time.
In case a bank transfer is not possible, as an exception and if agreed
beforehand it will be possible to pay onsite, the latest on Monday 7
12:00 noon AEST. The name and delegate of the official representative
must be shared beforehand to be included in the voting.
Roll call
The General Assembly will take place in Brisbane, Australia, at the
Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC), Australia. We encourage
you to attend in person.
Register here for the
full Working Week
Since the General Assembly and Working Week will take place in Brisbane, Australia, all times mentioned are in Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) which is 10 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Adoption of agenda items will be done onsite among the onsite delegates.
This voting will start on Tuesday 8 April at 13:00 AEST. If a second round is needed for the commission 3 Chair Elect the election will end on Thursday 10 April 7:00AM AEST (please not this is still Wednesday 9 April in many parts of the world). The voting rounds are shown in the below image, and please note the time is noted in local time for the Working Week, AUSTRALIAN EASTERN STANDARD TIME:
Voting will be online. Official delegates who attend onsite in Brisbane will also vote online. Please make sure that you have access to your email. When the voting starts an email is sent to the official delegate from with instructions on how to logon. For those associations with more than one vote, separate emails for each vote will be sent. There will be given 20 hours for each voting round to cast your vote.
We will be using the online voting system Simply Voting ( which is the same system w have used each year since 2021. In order to make sure that each member association can vote (due to the different time zones and eventually instable internet connection) we will give you sufficient time to cast your vote (20 hours per voting round). In case a delegate is not able to access the system the tellers can confidentially assist with the cast of vote. When the voting ends FIG Director and the appointed tellers will get a certified report from Simply Voting with the result.
All member associations are asked to appoint an official
representative for the voting. Submission of the official representative
must be done here:
Please note: It is important that we get a valid email address for the official representative. The links to the voting sheets will be sent to the email address that you provide to us, and only to this one email address. You cannot enter more than one email address.
Members who have two or three votes will receive two or three emails – please note it is possible to vote separately in each of the voting sheets.
For members who do not attend the General Assembly, the presentation material will be made available when possible. We encourage you to read the material for the change of statutes and internal rules, nominations and bids carefully before you make your decision and cast your vote.
Special information to member associations: Please
submit through this form the name and contact details of your official
delegate. This is needed in order to vote. Deadline is
23 March 2025.
For the full Working Week programme check:
for the meetings to be held on
Sunday 6 April 09:00 - 16:00 and
Thursday 10 April 2025 09:00 - 12:00
at Brisbane Convention &
Exhibtion Centre (BCEC), Australia
This online version of the agenda includes link to all appendices in .pdf.
To download the agenda (with links to appendices) in .pdf please click here:
Agenda (pdf, 25 pages)
Note: Revisions are shown only on the .htm version of the agenda and marked with colour.
The individual appendix files can be downloaded below under each item in pdf format.
PLEASE NOTE: FIG Office has sent invitation and agenda only by email. The General Assembly has been announced previously directly to all members.
Changes to the agenda after it was originally distributed by email to the member associations are marked in this agenda with colour and date.
President Diane Dumashie to open the 48th General Assembly.
Both official members and persons with an interest in FIG are encouraged to participate in the General Assembly.
The roll call will be done for member associations only.
Each member must appoint in advance an official representative for
voting. Voting will take place online. In the roll call document members
with online official representative will be recorded.
All member associations are asked to appoint their official delegate the
latest on 23 March 2025. This will be done through this google form:
If you cannot access the google form, please contact FIG Director Louise Friis-Hansen to receive the form directly (in .doc format) [email protected]
It is important that you register your official delegate for voting. This official delegate does not necessarily have to attend in Brisbane in order to vote. We do hope that you will send a representative to follow the General Assembly and the presentations of the nominated VP candidates, however, if not we encourage that you are reading the nominations carefully before you cast your vote. The recording of the first General Assembly Day incl presentation material will be posted soonest possible after the meeting but not before the first round of voting starts.
Please note that only member associations in good standing will be able to vote at the General Assembly. This means that the association does not have unpaid arrears from 2024 or earlier. FIG Office has sent out reminders to all members in arrears. If you are in doubt whether your association has unpaid arrears, please contact FIG Office at [email protected]. Payment of arrears must be received the latest on 4 April 2025 in order for the member association to register and to be included in the first voting on general matters. Later payments will be considered as not received in due time.
Appendix to item 2 & 23: Roll call including information on member associations that are not allowed to vote at the General Assembly because of unpaid membership fees for 2024 and earlier.
Motion: That member associations that are present at the first General Assembly day are recorded in the minutes.
The General Assembly shall appoint two persons as tellers for the entire General Assembly. Since voting will take place online through a secure voting system, SimplyVoting, a certified report from SimplyVoting with the results will be published.
The voting sheets will be prepared by FIG-Office and two appointed tellers will apart from FIG Director have access to the SimplyVoting system.
Security, Reliability and Transparency of the Electronic Voting It is important to note that nobody within FIG including the two tellers will have access to details* on what each delegate has voted. The voting itself runs fully automatic and is under the external control of Simply Voting Inc., 5160 Decarie Boulevard Suite 502, Montreal, QC H3X 2H9, Canada. For more information please. visit the website |
*The voting system allows the tellers to see who has cast a vote and when this has been done, but they cannot see any details on what each delegate has voted, nor can they see any results until the voting is finalised and a report has been created by SimplyVoting. Once the voting is over the overall result will be published by the system.
FIG Council suggests to appoint per tradition two tellers from the preceding, current, or upcoming events:
to be updated
Motion: That the General Assembly appoints the two tellers from preceding, current or upcoming events.
The General Assembly was announced through the newsletter and on FIG web site, and the Agenda for the General Assembly was published in March on the web site and sent by email to all members.
Motion: That the agenda for 2025 will be adopted
The minutes from 2024 have been circulated previously.
Appendix to item 5: The minutes of the General Assembly 2024
Motion: That the minutes are adopted as recorded.
FIG has received no new applications for membership since the 47th General Assembly.
Motion: That the General Assembly note that there are no new Member Assocaitions to admit
The General Assembly has power to expel from the Federation any member association whose fees are in arrears and shall under normal circumstances expel any member association whose fees are three years in arrears. (Article 4.3 of the Statutes).
The FIG office has sent information to these associations informing that if their membership fees are still in arrears at the time of the General Assembly the General Assembly shall expel the above member associations at its meeting on 6 April 2025 unless FIG Office receives payment from the associations.
After acceptance of the new member association and before expulsions, the number of FIG member associations is 103 from 85 countries.
Motion: That the General Assembly notes that at this General Assembly there are two members to expel unless FIG office receives payment from the associations:
In accordance with its administrative measures, FIG Council, has deferred to continue for 2025 the issuance of a membership subscription invoice to the following members and FIG Council deems their membership to be in suspension:
The situation with these associations will be reconsidered by Council again in 2026.
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the members in suspension.
6.4.1 Affiliate members
There has been one application for affiliate membership since the General Assembly 2024:
One affiliate member hase been expelled:
Two affiliate member has cancelled their membership:
After these changes the number of Affiliate members is 43 from 42 countries.
6.4.2 Corporate members
FIG Council has admitted four applications for corporate membership:
The following member has been expelled due to lack of payment of membership fee:
fter these changes, the number of corporate members is now 27.
Carlson Software (CM-30074) Silver level member has unfortunately announced that they want to terminate their membership by the end of 2024.
6.4.3 Academic members
FIG Council has admitted two new Academic members since the General Assembly 2024:
The payment structure of the Academic Members was changed in 2013 so that Academic Members would be invoiced every 4 years instead of every year. The four-year payment will reward the members with a 50% discount. Academic members were invoiced in 2014, 2018 and again in 2022.
The following Academic member has terminated its membership:
The number of Academic Members after these changes is 84 from 54 countries.
6.4.4 Correspondents
The number of correspondent members are five. The current correspondents are coming from Maldives, Pakistan, Rwanda, Tonga and Venezuela./p>
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the actions that the Council has taken with other membership matters.
FIG office has received a letter from the Swedish Member Association, Swedish Professionals for the Built Environment with a proposal for nomination of Mr Mikael Lilje for Honorary member of FIG.
According to the Statutes paragraph 3.1.7 an individual who has materially assisted the development and promotion of the surveying profession at the international level can be appointed as an honorary member. Nomination for this appointment shall be made by a member association or the Council, which will consider it and submit it to a vote of the General Assembly.
The Council has considered the proposal and decided to propose to the General Assembly that it appoints Mr. Mikael Lilje as Honorary Member of the Federation for the outstanding services he has provided to the Federation over many years. Among other things Mr Mikael Lilje has served as Chair of FIG Commission 5 and two terms as Vice President of FIG.
Appendix to agenda item 7: The nomination letter for Mr Mikael Lilje, Swedish Professionals for the Built Environment
Motion: That FIG General Assembly appoints Mr Mikael Lilje as Honorary Members of FIG.
President Diane A Dumashie has prepared the President’s report on the activities of the Federation since the General Assembly in 2024 that was held in Accra, Ghana.
Appendix to agenda item 8: Presidents report (hand out of presentation, to be added)
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the President’s report 2025FIG has continued to collaborate with the World Bank and various agencies and structures within the United Nations.
Appendix to agenda items 9-10: Report on the FIG Cooperation with United Nations, World Bank and Professional Organisations
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report on the co-operation between FIG and the United Nations, its agencies and the World Bank and records its thanks to all those who have contributed to this co-operation
FIG continues work closely together with international professional organisations.
Appendix to agenda items 9-10: Report on the FIG Cooperation with United Nations, World Bank and Professional Organisations
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report on the liaison with other international associations.
Since the last General Assembly agenda in May 2024, FIG has published
three new publications.
![]() |
FIG Publication No. 64 2nd Edition: |
![]() |
FIG Publication No 83: |
FIG Guide on LADM (in production) | |
Position papers: |
Commission 9:
Viewpoint on Transparency in Real Estate Markets |
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the new publications.
The financial report will be presented to the General Assembly. This report includes the auditor’s report from 2024, official accounts (income statement 2024) and balance sheet at 31 December 2024, an updated budget for 2025 and proposals for budgets 2026-2028.
Appendix to item 12:
That the General Assembly
The General Assembly has to set levels of fees for member associations two years in advance of the year in which they become payable. Fees are payable in respect of each individual member up to a maximum of 5,500 members. Membership fees have been discussed as part of the finance report, appendix to item 12.
The 2024 General Assembly approved membership fees for 2026 as follows:
Per capita fee | Minimum fee | Maximum fee | |
2026 | € 5.20 per member
up to a maximum of 5,077 members Member associations from countries listed by the World Bank as low-income economies or lower-middle-income economies shall pay € 2.60 member up to a maximum of 5,077 members. |
20 members or € 70 (whichever is greater) | 077500 members (€ 26,400) |
The World Bank lists of the low-income economies and the
lower-middle-income economies are available at:
TThe General Assembly decided in 2017 to increase subscription fees by 8%
for 2019 after subscription fees have been kept at the same level for
the years 2012-2018. This level has been kept in the following years.
FIG Council has discussed the fees in the light of the current inflation and the decrease in FIG subscription income. FIG Council proposes an incremental approach for increase of subscription fees instead of stepwise increases that have been done earlier. It must be noted that from 2020-2024 it was difficult to increase fees due to first the situation with the Covid19 pandemic that hit both FIG and national associations hard and then some years with high inflation and decrease in value of investments. In the years before the inflation was close to zero. With the current situation, it is fundamental for FIG to get a stable increase that will at least fit to the inflation rate.
Council proposes to increase the fee with €0.10 from 5.20 to 5.30. This is an increase of around 2%.
Council proposes that the maximum fee will not be affected, and will remain unchanged at €26.400, which corresponds to 5,000 national members.
Council proposes to increase the minimum fee to €80
Per capita fee | Minimum fee | Maximum fee | |
2027 | € 5.30 per member
up to a maximum of 5,000 members Member associations from countries listed by the World Bank as low-income economies or lower-middle-income economies shall pay € 2.65 member up to a maximum of 5,000 members. |
15 members or € 80 (whichever is greater) | 5000 members (€ 26,400) |
The fees for the other membership categories are a decision of council. These fees are decided for the following year. Council has decided on the same approach with an incremental increase towards Affiliate and Academic members.
Academic members are invoiced every 4 years. The current fee is €500 for the 4-year term. A General Assembly decision in 2013 changed the invoicing to every 4 years instead of every year and gave Academic member a 50% reduction in fee (reduced from €1,000 for 4 years to €500). Since then, this fee has not been adjusted. The next time AC members will be invoiced is in 2026 (the last time was in 2022).
Academic Member Fee will be increased from 2026 to €600 for a 4-year term.
Affiliate member fee will be increased with €10 to 800 EUR from 2026
Corporate members: Currently there is a Working Group under Council focusing on corporate members. Due to its work council has decided to keep the fees of the corporate members for 2026 stable until after the recommendations from the Working Group.
It must be noted that in 2021 FIG Council granted a 20% reduction of fee to all members due to the difficulties during the Covid19 Pandemic.
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the membership fees suggested by FIG Ccouncil
Per capita fee | Minimum fee | Maximum fee | |
2027 | € 5.30 per member
up to a maximum of 5,000 members Member associations from countries listed by the World Bank as low-income economies or lower-middle-income economies shall pay € 2.65 member up to a maximum of 5,000 members. |
15 members or € 80 (whichever is greater) | 5000 members (€ 26,400) |
and that the General Assembly notes the comments and changes to the fees of the other membership categories.
Council propose to the General Assembly to change FIG Internal Rules in regard to the voting of Commission Chairs Elects.
See web version of Statutes at:
11.8 The election of chair-elect shall be decided by a vote of the General Assembly at the meeting which takes place two years one year prior to the General Assembly at which chairs are elected.
The election of Commission Chairs has three consecutive times been postponed. Each for various reasons. FIG Council has discussed the possibility for a permanent change of when the chairs elects are being elected. The proposed change is that the Chairs elects will not be elected in year 2 of a term, but in year 3. There are advantages of the election in year 2 giving the chairs elects time to prepare, however the disadvantages of this early election are weighing heavily, especially three factors:
The election of this agenda item will take place by vote online as part of the voting sheet that will be sent to all registered representatives on Tuesday 8 April 2025. The voting will take place between Tuesday 8 April 13:00 Noon and Thursday 10 April 7:00 AM Australian Eastern Standard Time.
Please note that when you have cast your vote it is final and cannot be undone.
Appendix to agenda item 14: Proposal to the General Assembly with background information
Motion: T
That FIG General Assembly agrees to change the FIG
Internal Rules with the following change (marked with green):
11.8 The election of chair-elect shall be decided by a vote of the General Assembly at the meeting which takes place two years one year prior to the General Assembly at which chairs are elected.
Dr. Eva-Maria Merscher Unger, Director of OICRF has prepared a report on the OICRF activities.
Appendix to item 15.1: OICRF report (to be added)
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report and records its thanks to the Director and the members of OICRF for their past year’s work and contributions.
Mr Jan De Graeve has been Director of IIHS&M for now over 20 years. He has done a remarkable and substantial work for the Permanent Institution over the years including publications, historic marks and latest a 7 volume of the History of Surveying and Measurement covering three Millenniums (Copies are still available by order). He has announced that he will be stepping down from the post as director.
Council proposes to appoint Mr John Brock new Director IIHS&M. Mr John Brock has already been quite active in the Permanent Institution, and has now for several years organised History Symposia and sessions at the FIG Event. This year at the Working Week there will be a full day (3 sessions) on History of Surveying in the technical programme.
Appendix to item 15.2: IIHS&M report (to be added)
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report and appoints Mr John Brock as the new Director of IIHS&M. The General Assembly records its thanks to the members of IIHS&M for their past year’s work and sincere thanks to Mr Jan De Graeve for his long and outstanding work in IIHS&M.
Mr. Bryn Fosburgh, President of the FIG Foundation, has prepared a written report on the FIG Foundation activities in 2024. He will make a brief report orally at the General Assembly.
Appendix to item 16:
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report of the President of the FIG Foundation and records its thanks to the President and members of the Board of Directors of the FIG Foundation for their past year’s work.
The Commission Chairs have prepared a written update report for each commission which are attached to this agenda item.
At the General Assembly time has been reserved for the members to discuss the Commission activities with the Commission Chairs. This discussion will be chaired by Vice President Winnie Shiu, Council representative to ACCO.
Appendix to item 17:
Commission 1 | Report | web site |
Commission 2 | Report | web site |
Commission 3 | Report | web site |
Commission 4 | Report | web site |
Commission 5 | Report | web site |
Commission 6 | Report | web site |
Commission 7 | Report | web site |
Commission 8 | Report | web site |
Commission 9 | Report | web site |
Commission 10 | Report | web site |
All commissions have established LinkedIn pages under the main FIG Linked in page ( Members, delegates and interested are encouraged to follow the FIG main LinkedIn page as well as the commission pages (accessible from the main page)
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the reports of the Commission Chairs and records its thanks to the chairs and other officers of the Commissions for their ongoing contributions.
FIG Young Surveyors is chaired by Shirley Tendai Capunza (Zimbabwe). FIG Young Surveyors have prepared a report to the General Assembly which will be presented at the General Assembly.
Appendix to agenda item 18.1: FIG Young Surveyors Report (to be added)
Motion: that the General Assembly adopts the report of FIG Young Surveyors, and thanks all the many active Young Surveyors.
The Chair of the network, David Martin has prepared a written report to the General Assembly of the activities 2024-25. The report will be presented at the General Assembly.
Appendix to item 18.2 – Standards Network report
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report from the Network and records its thanks to the Chair of the Network and its members.
After the establishment of the Americas network, there are now three
Regional Capacity Development Networks.
The Chairs of:
will present a short oral report to the General Assembly
The Africa Network (ARN) has during the past two years organised a mentoring programme. They have provided a report to FIG Council and the General Assembly with an evaluation of the programme together with recommendations. The chair of the mentoring Programme, Jennifer Whittal, will make a short presentation on their evaluation.
Appendix to item 18.3 –
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the reports from the networks and records its thanks to the Chairs of the Networks and their members.
In 2019 FIG Council established a Task Force to focus on FIG and
Agenda 2030 articulated by the Sustainable Development Goals. This Task
Force has been chaired by Ms. Paula Dijkstra from the Netherlands. Due
to the importance of the role of the Surveyors and the SDGs the Task
Force continues during this term. In the technical programme there will
be several sessions that include the role of Surveyors on the SDG’s.
After each plenary session there will be a special session with focus on
SDGs and the Industry, Governments and Education
Task Force web site:
Appendix to item 19.1: Update report for the Task Force on FIG and the Sustainable Development Goals
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the update and thanks the chair and members of the Task Force for their past year’s work and contribution
This Task Force, established for the term 2023-2026, is looking into
the role of FIG in international trends and future geospatial
information ecosystem. This Task Force is chaired by Prof. Abbas
Rajabifard, Australia. The task force has prepared a written report to
Council for their consideration.
Task Force web site:
Appendix to agenda item 19.2:
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the update and thanks the chair and members of the Task Force for their past year’s work and contribution.
This Task Force, established for the term 2023-2026, is an outward
facing task force to encourage young people into the profession. This
task force is led by Mr Stephen Djaba, Ghana. There will be two special
Task Force sessions in the technical programme of the Working Week. The
task force invites newcomers and other interested to the
Newcomers/Icebreaker session on Monday Morning.
Task Force web site:
Appendix to agenda item 19.3:
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the update and thanks the chair and members of the Task Force for their past year’s work and contribution.
This Task Force, established for the term 2023-2026, is a FIG Climate
Compass Task Force – the Surveying Profession’s Global Response to
Tackling the Climate Agenda. Chair of the Task Force is Ms. Clarissa
Task Force web site:
Appendix to agenda item 19.4: Update report
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the update and thanks the chair and members of the Task Force for their past year’s work and contribution.
All task forces have a LinkedIn page which delegates and others are encouraged to follow according to interests.
According to the FIG Statutes and Internal Rules the General Assembly appoints Commission Chairs at its meeting two years prior to the Congress. In 2024, General Assembly agreed to postpone this election to 2025. Thus, the General Assembly shall appoint at this meeting Commission Chairs Elects for term of office 1.5.2025-31.12.2026. Under normal circumstances, the elected Commission Chair Elect will be elected as the Chair of the Commission at the FIG Congress 2026 for the term 2027-2030.
Member associations have made the following nomination for the open posts during the nomination period:
Commission 1 | Mark Scanlon, ASC Australia | Nomination |
Commission 2 | Rosario Casanova, AAU, Uruguay | Nomination |
Commission 3 A | Vlado Cetl, CGS, Croatia | Nomination |
Commission 3 B | Markus Schaffert, DVW, Germany | Nomination |
Commission 3 C | David Siriba, ISK, Kenya | Nomination |
Commission 4 | Gordon Johnston, RICS, United Kingdom | Nomination |
Commission 5 | Kevin Ahlgren, AAGS, United States | Nomination |
Commission 6 | Peter Bauer, OVG, Austria | Nomination |
Commission 7 | Kirsikka Riekkinen, MIL Finland | Nomination |
Commission 8 | Naa Dedei Tagoe, LiSAG, Ghana | Nomination |
Commission 9 | Małgorzata Renigier-Biłozor, SGP, Poland | Nomination |
Commission 10 | Celestine Nkechi Eke, NIQS, Nigeria | Nomination |
The appointment/election for Chairs Elects will take place between Tuesday 8 April 12:00 Noon and Thursday 10 April 6:00 AM.
Please note, only for Commission 3 there are more than one candidate and an actual election is going to take place between the three candidates.
The election will follow the Statutes and Internal Rules. There can be up to two rounds of voting. If there will be no absolute majority in the first voting, a second vote will be organized between those two candidates that have most votes. The appointed delegates from each member association eligible to vote will receive an email when each of the voting rounds starts, and one reminder if no vote has been cast after 12 hours. Each voting round is open for 20 hours.
The appointed delegates from each member association eligible to vote
will receive an email from with a link to the voting sheet when each of
the voting rounds starts, and one reminder if no vote has been cast.
First voting round
Start: Tuesday 8 April13:00 AEST
End: Wednesday 9 April 09:00 AEST
Second voting round *
Start: Wednesday 9 April
11:00 AEST
End: Thursday 10 April 07:00 AEST
20 hours per round
* Commission 3: a second round will be started with the two
candidates who get the most votes in case no candidate will get over
50% of the votes in the first round. If one candidates gets more
than 50% of the votes in the first round this candidate will be
elected and there will be no need for a second voting round.d round for the two candidates with the most votes
Motion: That the General Assembly:
The FIG Working Weeks are organised by FIG together with a local member association. FIG will together with the local member association have full responsibility of the arrangements and of the financial result. This offers FIG better opportunities in terms of organising events and generating revenue. Therefore, the Council has to ensure that all candidates are aware of the role of FIG and split of responsibilities for organising the Working Week. This General Assembly will decide on the host for the FIG Working Week 2029.
The FIG Council has received two bids to host the FIG Working Week 2029, and FIG Council thanks the national associations for their special engagement and contribution to FIG.
The Council has prepared a desktop summary on the bids. In the summary report the considerations, as laid out in the invitation documentation, are described for comparison:
The summary report will not give a recommendation or a preference to any candidate but it will draw from the bids to highlight the information provided on each items listed above and summarise the pros and cons of each candidate to assist the member association in making their decision.
The General Assembly must note that, especially in these past years, the issue of security and financial viability has come to the fore. The purpose of the evaluation process is to maintain the continued viability, high standard and quality of the FIG Working Week.
The Council has considered the bids and has decided to present the submitted bids to the General Assembly for its decision:
The election between the two candidates will take place online between Tuesday 8 April 12:00 and Wednesday 9 April 8:00 AEST in the same election form as for the 10 commission candidates.
The appointed delegates from each member association eligible to vote will receive an email when the voting round starts, and one reminder if no vote has been cast after 12 hours. The voting is open for 20 hours.
Please note that when you have cast your vote it is final and cannot be undone.
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the submission and the presentation, makes its careful consideration and decision for the online voting.
The Presidents Meeting is convened by the FIG President and is reserved for Presidents or Heads of delegations of Member Associations (or their representatives).
The meeting is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 9 April 2025 at 07:30 – 08:45.
Appendix to agenda item 22: Benefits of being a member of FIG, updated version
There will be a roll call for members attending in person in Brisbane, Australia.
Appendix to item 2& 23: Roll call (added 11 May 2024, updated 23 May) including information on member associations that are not allowed to vote at the General Assembly because of unpaid membership fees for 2024 and earlier.
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the members who are present in person on day 2 of the General Assembly.
The General Assembly has been presented to the proposed change to the text in the FIG Internal Rules in the General Assembly day 1. Online election will take place between Tuesday 8 April 13:00 and Wednesday 9 April 9:00.
The result of the voting will be presented by FIG Council.
Motion: That the General Assembly notes and adopts the voting result.
The General Assembly has been presented to the candidates for the ten Commissions on General Assembly day 1. Online election will take place between Tuesday 8 April 13:00 and Thursday 10 April 7:00AM AEST.
The result of the voting will be presented by FIG Council.
Motion: That the General Assembly notes and adopts the voting result.
The General Assembly has been presented to the two candidates on General Assembly day 1. Online election will take place between Tuesday 8 April 12:00 and Wednesday 9 April 8:00AM AEST.
Motion: That the General Assembly notes and adopts the voting result.
The Council will decide on membership issues, if any, considered in Brisbane and bring them to the General Assembly for decision or information as necessary.
Motion: That the General Assembly notes and adopts the
During the Working Week there will be Member Association/Regional Bodies Forum, the Director General’s/Affiliate Members Forum, Academic Members Forum, and Corporate Members Meeting. They may report back to the General Assembly on any issues that may need the endorsement of or are of general interest to the General Assembly.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report(s)
FIG Commissions will have their annual meetings, administrative meetings and technical sessions during the Working Week. They may report back to the General Assembly on any issues that may need the endorsement of or are of general interest to the General Assembly. Any other activities from the Working Week may be reported back to the General Assembly on any issues that may need the endorsement of or are of general interest to the General Assembly.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report(s).
The task forces will be involved in various sessions and meetings and will have the opportunity to report back to the General Assembly on any issue that are of general interest to or may need endorsement of the General Assembly.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report(s).
Networks, Permanent Institutions and others will have meetings and technical sessions in Orlando. They may report back to the General Assembly on any issues that may need the endorsement of or are of general interest to the General Assembly. Any other activities from the Working Week may be reported back to the General Assembly on any issues that may need the endorsement of or are of general interest to the General Assembly.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report
Any other issues that the members want to raise for discussion.
Motion: That the discussion will be recorded, and the Council will consider action that will be required.
The FIG Working Week 2028 will include the celebration of the 150 anniversary of FIG. Representatives from the Local Organising Committee from the two French member associations OGE and ATF will give a short presentation on the preparations of FIG Working Week 2028
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report.
Representatives from the Local Organising Committee from the Norwegian Member Association will give a short presentation on the preparations of FIG Working Week 2027.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report.
Representatives from the Local Organising Committee from South African Geomatics Institute (SAGI) will give a short presentation on preparations of FIG Congress 2026.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report.
Data supplied by the FIG Office.
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that this data is accurate errors might exist. Requests for updates and corrections should be emailed to the FIG Office.