FIG Commission 9 - Valuation and the Management of Real Estate |
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NewsMemorandum of Understanding between FIG Commission 9 and the International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC)
On 26 February 2025, at a meeting in London, UK, FIG Commission 9 signed MoU with the International Valuation Standards Committee (IVSC)
29 January 2025, online
“To embrace the new era of valuation”On behalf of the Scientific & Organizing Board: Peter Ache, Małgorzata Renigier-Biłozor, Artur Janowski, and Thomas Dimopoulos, we are pleased to report the successful completion of our Second Global Online Seminar titled "Enhancing Property Valuation with AI: Insights from Nicosia's Apartment Market." As a follow-up to the highly successful Presence Workshop held in Cyprus during spring 2024, the second 60-Minutes-Knowledge-Meeting on AVM (Automated Valuation Modelling) took place. Enthusiasts of data modeling and AVM from 46 countries across Europe, Africa, the Americas, and Asia participated, bringing together a diverse array of experts, including academics, business professionals, practitioners, and policymakers. The attendees included university professors, researchers, valuers, and industry leaders who shared their expertise in areas such as real estate valuation, geodesy, cadastral systems, and advanced property management. The participants gathered to hear from Thomas Dimopoulos, a distinguished expert from Pafos, Cyprus. The seminar was held on 24 September 2024 at 14:30 CET. Esteemed researcher and valuer, Thomas Dimopoulos, delivered a highly engaging presentation that covered various aspects of utilizing AI and mathematical models in property valuation. Key topics discussed included Artificial Intelligence Algorithms, Mathematical Models, Outliers, and the training and testing of models. Video recording of the workshop Read more here SURVEY: Real Estate Market Transparency Research SurveyFIG Commission 9 and its partners encourages you to help them and
fill in the survey. If you cannot fill in the survey, maybe you can
help us and forward it to others. Online Workshop: Transparency on Real Estate Markets with the help of AVMin April this year we had a wonderful and fruitful present workshop on AVM and Artificial Intelligence in Valuation in Pafos, Cyprus. There we discussed the continuation of these topics in regular online workshops. The kick-off workshop on the General Theme "Transparency on Real Estate Markets with the help of AVM" is now ready for take-off. Date/Time: 20.06.2024, at 3 pm CET. The speaker in this episode is the renowned researcher and
property market analyst RUSS THIMGAN (USA). Russ Thimgan has
extensive experience in the field of behavioural economics in
combination with data analysis in the real estate market. He
integrates behavioural economics approaches into his work, which is
based on more than thirty years of experience in mass property
valuation, primarily for tax valuations. Thimgan has made
significant contributions to IAAO (International Association of
Assessing Officers, based in the USA) textbooks and is currently a
member of the IAAO Research and Standards Committee. He has taught
mass appraisal courses through Thimgan & Associates since 1997 and
consults with government agencies in 42 US states as well as Canada,
Latvia and Serbia. In this short seminar on "Modelling in AVM", topics ranging from linear regression methods to the random forest method will be discussed. The focus will be on data preparation, identifying influences, the importance of training and testing data sets, determining the performance of models and measuring the effects of influencing variables on the predictor. Report FIG Commission 9 Workshop24-25 April 2024 in Pafos Cyprus The FIG Commission 9 Workshop will focus on: Challenges and innovations in property valuation through AVMs for a transparent market in a Transforming World - Advantages, disadvantages and requirements when using AVM >
Read more about the workshop FIG Commissions 3 and 9 WorkshopFIG Commissions 3 and 9 and EGOS held the event Surveying - Registration - Valuation How we gather and deal with our data today in Malta on Commission 9 at FIG Working Week 2023FIG Working Week 2023 took place
28 May - 1 june 2023 in Orlando, Florida. >
Work plan FIG Commission 9 NewsletterDecember 2021 Read about: >
Read the newsletter Commision 9, Chair ElectAugust 2021
In the report from the General Assemble, you can also access the video presentation of the Candidate, Mr. Peter Ache. Valuation of unregistered land - a practice manual.Commission 9 at FIG e-Working Week 2021August 2021 The Working Week took place online 20-25 June 2021. Commission 9 held its annual meeting with outset in their prepared Report and Agenda. Commission 9 was also involved in sessions covering Commission 9 areas within the theme of Smart Surveyors for Land and Water Management.
To read more about Working Week 2021, the full report FIG e-Working Week 2021 is available. Article: Key Global and Technology Drivers Impacting SurveyingFebruary 2021 The article was published in GIM International. As the FIG commission chairs are near the halfway point in their terms, they reflect on the global and technological drivers influencing their work. This article describes the breadth of work across the FIG commissions as well as the common areas. The discussion is also informed by global reports such as the UN-GGIM’s Future Trends in Geospatial Information Management and the RICS Futures Report 2020. Enjoy the article FIG Working (from home) Week 2020 - ProceedingsMay 2020 During the conference days a range of articles highlighting the hot-topics, the ground breaking research, and the hidden gems in the proceedings was published. There were 3 technical sessions planed and a major initiative to contribute to a UN Habitat project focused on attempting to develop a manual and due diligence protocol for the ‘Valuation of Unregistered Lands and Informal Property’. Read the article.
FIG Working Week 2020 has been cancelledMarch 2020 It is with deep sadness and heavy hearts that we announce the cancellation of this year’s FIG Working Week in Amsterdam due 10-14 May. This is not a decision we have taken lightly and there are two overriding concerns that have caused us to make this decision at this time. First, the Dutch Government announced new measurements to control the COVID-19 outbreak. In the Netherlands all gatherings are prohibited until 1 June. Second, our primary concern is always the wellbeing of you, and we would not take on the responsibility, during these times, to bring so many surveyors from all over the world together. Report to the General AssemblyMarch 2020 FIG Commission 9 has prepared a written report to the General assembly. The full agenda is available The General Assembly has been cancelled and postponed to 2021. FIG Working Week 2020 and FIG Commission 9February 2020 The theme Smart Surveyors for Land and Water Management is both relevant in a world where drinking water is a scarce resource, waste water needs to be recycled rather than seen as waste, where the sea needs to be better mapped and managed, where land resources need to be protected against sea-level rise, and where land-based fresh water habitats are threatened. Commission 9 is planning the following sessions:
Commission 9 at FIG Working Week 2019The Working Week took place in Hanoi, Vietnam 22-26 April 2019. Commission 9 held its yearly meeting and was involved in several sessions covering the commission 9 areas.
FIG Commission 9 Newsletter - June 2018The commission 9 Newsletter include activities that FIG Commission 9 has been involved in from second half of 2017 to June 2018, incl commission 9 at FIG Congress 2018 in Istanbul, Turkey. FIG and ISO TC 307 - report from Working Group 9.2Working Group 9.2 - Valuation and Real estate management through Fin-tech focuses on fourth generation technologies used by the World Bank’s approach to land engagement. Blockchain technology has been hailed by custodians as being the future of the real estate management industry with potential to streamline processes such as land and property registration, valuation of property and many more digital actions. This could increase efficiency throughout the operation of land markets, impacting both both public and private purposes. FIG has been appointed one of the five Liaison Organisations to ISO TC 307 on blockchains and distributed ledger technologies (DLTs).
FIG Commission 9 Newsletter - July 2017The Commission 9 Newsletter includes report from FIG Working Week 2017, an update on upcoming and past events and on the Working Groups of commission 9: Commisson 9 at the FIG Working Week 2017 in Helsinki, Finland 29 May - 2 JuneCommission 9 had its annual meeting during the FIG Working Week 2017 in Helsinki, Finland 29 May - 2 June 2017
Questionnaire: ISO LADM based international information model for property valuationThis questionnaire that has been developed by representatives from Commission 7 and 9 who are seeking input regarding the LADM expansion module. This is an ongoing research which aims at developing a LADM based international information model for property valuation, namely an ISO LADM Valuation Module for the specification of registries used in immovable property valuation. Read more and fill in the questionnare:
Deadline 20 January 2017 New Working Group 9.2Working Group 9.2 has been changed. The new Work Group is called: Valuation and Real estate management through Fin-tech. This working group focuses on fourth generation technologies used by the World Bank’s approach to land engagement. Blockchain technology has been hailed by custodians as being the future of the real estate management industry with potential to streamline processes such as land and property registration, valuation of property and many more digital actions. This could increase efficiency throughout the operation of land markets, impacting both both public and private purposes.
November 2016 Commission 9 Newsletter September 2016Be updated with the lates news from Commission 9 recent activities and plans. Commission 9 at the FIG Working Week 2016 in Christchurch, New Zealand 2-6 MayCommission 9 had its annual meeting during the FIG Working Week 2016 in Christchurch, New Zealand, 2-6 May 2016
Commission 9 at the FIG Working Week 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria 17-21 May 2015
Commission 9 Newsletter - May 2014Commission 9 and the International Property Measurement Standard CoalitionFIG is a founder member of the International Property Measurement Standard Coalition. Chair of Commission 9, Frances Plimmer is FIG contact person to the coalition. The aim of the Coalition is to enable properties to be measured on a transparent basis that promotes market efficiency through greater confidence between investors, occupiers and funds. The growth of cross-border property investment and expansion by global corporate occupiers underpins the demand for transparency against the background of many differing national and local measurement conventions. With the implementation of international property measurement standards, properties will be consistently measured, creating a more transparent market, greater public trust, stronger investment confidence and market stability. The Coalition?s Standard Setting Committee, which was established last year in Washington DC, has produced a consultation document which is available at: as are details of the consultation process itself. If you have any comments please contact Chair of FIG Commission 9, Frances Plimmer. The Coalition comprises twenty eight organisations from across the world and there are opportunities for additional organisations to ?get involved?. Please visit the website at for further information about this and other IPMS matters. Press release on the International Property Measurement Standards Coalition, 13 January 2014 Commission 9 at the FIG Working Week 2013 in Abuja, Nigeria 6-10 May 2013
Commission 9 Newsletter, February 2013Announcement: Former Chair of Commission 9 Bruce Harding passed awayThe former commission 9 chairman Bruce Harding from USA passed away on January 20, 2013. He was born in 1931 and was commission 9 chairman during the Finnish presidency 1988-1991. Bruce was a good man and devoted appraiser and run during his time Harding Appraisal Co Eng. in Sebastopol, Ca. As the commission 9 chairman Brue was a modest man but made a good job. Juha Talvitie and Frances Plimmer Commission 9 Newsletter 2012Commission 9 at the FIG Working Week 2012 in Rome, Italy, 6-10 May 2012
FIG Commission 9 Workshop 14- 16 September 2012, Republic of Cyprus
FIG Commission 9 Workshop on International Workshop on Mass Appraisal Systems is taking place at at Neapolis University, Paphos 14-16 September 2012. The Workshop is organised by FIG Commission 9, Cyprus Association of Property Valuers and Neapolis University Pafos.
Commission 9 Newsletter, February 2013Commission 9 Newsletter 2012Commission 9 at the FIG Working Week, May 2011 Marrakech Morocco
Commission 9 Newsletter 2010Commission 9 at the FIG Congress 2010 in Sydney, Australia, 11-16 April 2010
Newsletter - October 2009Commission Newsletter and Memo from the Annual Meeting in Eilat
On grounds of the discussions at the Working Group 9.1 meeting a questionnaire was addressed in the summer of 2009 to the representatives of Commissions 7 to 9, academic members, participants in the Helsinki 2007 Seminar and some other experts on Good Practices for Compulsory Purchase and Takings. The outcome will be presented and discussed at the Hanoi Conference in October 2009. The aim is to prepare FIG recommendations on good practices for compulsory purchase and compensations to be published at the Sydney Conference in 2010. In the Hanoi programme Commission 9 has three sessions for paper presentations and a meeting of the Working Group 9.1. Kauko Viitanen FIG Questionnaire ? Good practices for compulsory purchase and takingsCommission 9 together with Commissions 7 and 8 has made a questionnaire on Good practices for compulsory purchase and takings. Deadline for replies has passed but you can still see the invitation and reply to the questionnaire. FIG/CIREA/HKIS Seminar on Appraisal and Property Protection - 18-19 October 2008, Beijing, China P. R. - Report of the seminar
International Seminar on State and Public Land Management in Verona, Italy, 9-10 September 2008Seminar on State and Public Land Management was organised in Verona, Italy, September 9-10, 2008 by FIG Commission 7 (Cadastre & Land Management) and the Consiglio Nazionale Geometri (CNG), in co-operation with FIG Commission 9 and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations? (FAO) Land Tenure and Management Unit. Web site: and report FIG Commission 9 Activities 2007 and 2008 - A letter from Commission Chair, Prof. Kauko ViitanenFIG Working Week 2008 in Stockholm, Sweden, 14-19 June 2008Commission 9 Annual Meeting was held in Stockholm, Sweden
during the FIG Working Week 2008, 14-19 June 2008, web site of the
Proceedings, technical sessions and papers
Report from FIG Commission 9 Seminar on Compulsory Purchase and Compensation - Helsinki, Finland, 6-8 September 2007
Minutes of the Commission 9 Annual Meeting