Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, Chair of FIG Commission 3 (2007-2010)

Curriculum Vitae

Date of birth: 16 January 1959

Nationality:  Greek

Status: Married to Dr Ioannidis Charalabos

Current Position: Professor, National Technical University of Athens


Dr Chryssy Potsiou graduated from the School for Rural & Surveying Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in 1982, and was awarded with the Technical Chamber of Greece (TCG) scholarship for her academic performance (2nd graduate of the year 1982). She has received a four-year scholarship from the NTUA to carryout doctoral studies in the fields of Photogrammetry and Cadastre. The title of her Ph.D. thesis was “Digital Cartographic Data for the Hellenic Cadastre”. During her graduate studies she has worked as teaching assistant in all classes offered by the NTUA in the fields of Photogrammetry, Cadastre, and Cartography. Also, during that period, she was elected as the graduate student representative at the General Assembly of the School of Rural and Surveying Engineering. In addition, she has contributed to committees related to the development of graduate and post-graduate programmes of that School. Since 1992, she has been employed as Special Research and Teaching Scientist at the Lab of Photogrammetry, Topography Division, School for Rural and Surveying Engineering, NTUA, at a permanent position. At the same time, she has been working as a consultant in several research projects (15 of them at the NTUA) in the domains of:

  • aerial photography of archaeological sites
  • cadastre and Land Administration
  • architectural photogrammetry, detailed photogrammetric restitutions of complicated monuments, digital photogrammetric documentation of castles
  • cartography and urban planning
  • GIS.

She was a member of the organizing committees for:

  • two scientific meetings organized by the NTUA on the Hellenic Cadastre (HC) in the years 1986 and 1989
  • the International Meeting of Commission VI of ISPRS for Educational and Financial matters (Rhodes, 1990)
  • the International Symposium of CIPA (Delphi, 1991)
  • the International Meeting for the HC organized by HEMCO and FIG Com 7 (Athens, 1996).
  • the 2nd Hellenic Congress of the Hellenic Society for GIS-HellasGI, (Athens 2002)
  • the Hellenic Conference on ”GIS on the Go” organized by the Hellenic Society for GIS-HellasGI, Athens 2003
  • the Hellenic Conference for young researchers on “GIS”, to be organized by the Hellenic Society for GIS-HellasGI, Athens 2004
  • the Hellenic Conference on “Geoinformation Society” , to be organized by the Hellenic Society for GIS-HellasGI, in Athens, March 2004

She was chair of the organizing committee for:

  • the FIG Com3 Annual Meeting and Workshop organized in Athens, 2000
  • the UN-FIG joined Workshop on Land Administration to be held in Athens, in the year 2003

She serves as Secretary General of the LOC for the FIG Working Week & General Assembly to be held in Athens, in the year 2004.

In her professional career, she has:

  • attended the FIG, ISPRS and C.I.P.A. (for Architectural Photogrammetry) meetings since 1982.
  • attended (MOLA) WPLA and (CERCO) EuroGeographics meetings since her involvement in the Hellenic Cadastre Project (1996)
  • presented and published 45 papers in various meetings and journals in the fields of Photogrammetry, Cadastre and SDI
  • given lectures about GIS, Photogrammetry, Cadastre and Land Administration at the NTUA, the TCG, and the Technical Chamber of Cyprus.
  • been elected as a member of the Council of the Hellenic Society for Photogrammetry and RS, and served as Treasurer, for the period 1992-2003.
  • Been a member of the FIG Com7 WG for the compilation of the FIG publication “Cadastre 2014”
  • Presented oral national reports at several FIG Com7 and Com3 annual meetings as a delegate and contributed to their work for several years (questionnaires, reports, etc)
  • Organized two training seminars for unemployed engineers in Greece, about “Cadastre and SIM” at the IEKEM, training branch of the Technical Chamber of Greece, in the years 1998, 1999 (with the participation of invited international experts from the Kadaster, the Netherlands)
  • been Chair of FIG WG 3.1 “Spatial Information Management- Technical aspects” for the period 1998-2002
  • been National Delegate and member of the TCG committee, that submitted the bid, in Sun City, for hosting the FIG General Assembly in Athens in the year 2004.
  • been working as management-advisor for educational and technical issues at the KTIMATOLOGIO S.A., agency responsible for the implementation of the Hellenic Cadastre, 1998-end of 2001
  • been working part-time, as national delegate, at the Technical Chamber of Greece, at the International Relations Office, since 2002
  • been elected as member of the UN-ECE-Working Party for Land Administration Bureau for the period 2001-2003
  • made oral presentations at the UN/ECE WPLA and Committee on Human Settlements meetings and General Assemblies (2001-2003)
  • been Chair of FIG WG 3.3 “State of the Art of SDIs”, since April 2002, acting also as Vice-Chair of Com3
  • been member of the UN/ECE WPLA Task Force for the compilation of the “Guidelines on Real Property Units and Identifiers”
  • organized a World Bank Training course on “Land Cadastre and Registration of Rights”, at the NTUA for Russian Delegates from LARIS (Centre for Land Reform Implementation Support Project).

She speaks English (Certificate of Proficiency in English, Cambridge) and German (Mittelstufe, Goethe Institut).

The FIG General Assembly elected at its meeting in Sydney, Australia in April 2010 Dr. Potsiou as FIG Vice President for a four-year term of office 1.1.2011-31.12.2014.

Scientific papers
  1. Potsiou, C., Ioannidis, C., Stambouloglou, E., Badekas, J., 1982. “Data Processing and Graphical Representation Systems for Thematic Mapping”, Proceedings of the Symposium of the Hellenic Photogrammetric Society, Athens, 22p. (in Greek).
  2. Ioannidis, C., Potsiou, C., Stambouloglou, E., Badekas, J., 1982. “Analytical Restitution with Stereocord G-2”, Proceedings of C.I.P.A. International Symposium on ‘Photogrammetric Contribution to the Documentation of Historical Centers and Monuments’, Siena, Italy, pp. 161-171.
  3. Potsiou, C., Badekas, J., 1985. “Computer Assisted Photogrammetric Restitution: Analytical Orientations”, Technika Chronika (Scientific Journal of the Technical Chamber of Greece), 1985, vol 5, issue 4, p. 187-220 (in Greek).
  4. Badekas, J., Georgopoulos, A., Ioannidis, C., Potsiou, C., 1986. “Analytical Photogrammetry for Archaeological Surveys”, Proceedings of the Congress “Modern Methods for Surveying and Documentation of Archaeological Sites and Monuments”, Center for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage of “Agios Oros” Monastries, Thessaloniki, p. 609-628 (in Greek).
  5. Potsiou, C., Badekas, J., 1986. “Perspectives for Digital Registrations in the Hellenic Cadastre” Proceedings of the Congress “Perspectives of the Hellenic Cadastre”, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, published by the Technical Chamber of Greece, Athens, p. 425-436 (in Greek).
  6. Georgopoulos, A., Ioannidis, C., Potsiou, C., Badekas, J., 1988. “Photogrammetric wave profile determination”, Proceedings of ΧVI ISPRS Congress, Commission V, Kyoto, Japan, International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol. 27, part Β5, pp. 203-212.
  7. Georgopoulos, A., Ioannidis, C., Potsiou, C., Badekas, J., 1988. “Analytical approaches to the problem of architectural restitution”, Proceedings of ΧVI ISPRS Congress, Commission V, Kyoto, Japan, International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing vol. 27, part Β11, pp. 370-379V.
  8. Georgopoulos, A., Dimopoulou, E., Zentelis, P., Ioannidis, C., Potsiou, C., 1989. “Organization and Maintenance of the Cadastre- Comparisons between Cadastral Systems of various Countries”, Proceedings of the 2nd Congress “Perspectives of the Hellenic Cadastre”, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Special Edition of the Technika Chronika 1993, Technical Chamber of Greece, p.112-118 (in Greek).
  9. Potsiou, C., Badekas, J., 1989. “Digital Recording for the Hellenic Cadastre”, Proceedings of the 2nd Congress “Perspectives of the Hellenic Cadastre”, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Special Edition of the Technika Chronika 1993, Technical Chamber of Greece, p. 160-167 (in Greek).
  10. Ioannidis, C., Potsiou, C., Badekas, J., 1989. “Surveying Ancient Fortifications of Greece”, Proceedings of XII C.I.P.A. International Symposium of Architectural Photogrammetry, Rome, Italy.
  11. Stambouloglou, E., Badekas, J., Georgopoulos, A., Dimopoulou, E., Potsiou, C., Paganis, C., Chliveros, D., 1989. “Photogrammetric restitution of the Athenian Public Market“, Proceedings of XII C.I.P.A. International Symposium of Architectural Photogrammetry, Rome, Italy.
  12. Badekas, J., Ioannidis, C., Potsiou, C., Papathanassopoulos, G., Tsouchlos, N., Vichos, J., Kyriakopoulou V., 1990. “Photogrammetric Restitution of an Ancient Greek Shipwreck”, Proceedings of XIII C.I.P.A. International Symposium, Cracow, Poland, pp. 41-47.
  13. Potsiou, C., Ioannidis, C., Badekas, J., 1991. “Documentation of Castles in a Special G.I.S.”, Proceedings of C.I.P.A. International Symposium on ‘Αrchitectural Photogrammetry and Information Systems’, Delphi, pp. 79-91.
  14. Potsiou, C., Ioannidis, C., Badekas, J., 1992. “A Special Information System for the Documentation of Castles”, Proceedings of XVII ISPRS Congress, Commission V, Washington D.C., U.S.A., International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing vol. 29, part Β5, pp. 287-291.
  15. Potsiou, C., Ioannidis, C., Badekas, J., 1993. “Documentation of the Hellenic Castles in a Spatial Information System”, Proceedings of the Congress “Terrestrial Photogrammetry and Spatial Information Systems for the Documentation of the Hellenic Cultural Heritage” Department of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, p. 161-173 (in Greek).
  16. Badekas, J., Potsiou, C., Ioannidis, C., Papatheodorou, G., Paganis, C., 1993. “Photogrammetric Restitution of the Bell-tower and the surrounding area of “Ag. Paraskevi” Byzantine Church in Metsovo”, Proceedings of the 1st Multidiscipline Congress “The National Technical University pays back part of the Benefaction to Metsovo”, Metsovo, University Publications of the National University of Athens, p. 574-591 (in Greek).
  17. Potsiou, C., 1995. “An estimation of the volume of digital information of the Hellenic Cadastre“, Proceedings of Workshop on ‘Reforms of Cadastre and Land Registration Systems in Central and Eastern Europe and in Latin America’, Economic Commission for Europe/ United Nations (ECE/UN), Seville, Spain.
  18. Potsiou, C., 1995. “Digital Cartographic Data for the Hellenic Cadastre” Doctoral Thesis, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, p.213 (in Greek).
  19. Potsiou, C., 1995. ”Volume of Cadastral Information”, Proceedings of the Congress “National Cadastre: Perspectives- Modern Technological Developments”, Department of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Association of Rural and Surveying Engineers of Northen Greece, Thessaloniki, p.127-141 (in Greek).
  20. Potsiou, C., 1996. ”Cost of photogrammetric and cadastral surveys for the compilation of the Hellenic Cadastre”, Proceedings of XVIII ISPRS Congress, Commission VI, Vienna, Austria, International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing vol. 31, part Β6, pp. 123-127.
  21. Ioannidis, C., Potsiou, C., Badekas, J., 1996. ”3D Detailed Reconstruction of a Demolished Building by using Old Photographs”, Proceedings of XVIII ISPRS Congress, Commission V, Vienna, Austria, International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing vol. 31, part Β5, pp. 16-21.
  22. Potsiou, C., 1997. ”Highlights of the International Meeting for the Hellenic Cadastre in June 1996, Athens, Greece”, Proceedings of the FIG Commission 7 Annual Meeting and Workshop, Penang, Malaysia.
  23. Ioannidis, C., Potsiou, C., Badekas, J., 1997. “The use of contemporary photogrammetric procedures for the recording and documentation of large monuments and their graphic representation”, Proceedings of ΧVΙ C.I.P.A. International Symposium on ‘Photogrammetry in Αrchitecture, Archaeology and Urban Conservation’, Goeteborg, Sweden, International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing vol. 31, part 5C1B, pp. 131-140.
  24. Exintavelonis, J., Kavadas, I., Patas, J., Pentaris, J., Potsiou, C., Priovolos, G., Skouras, G., Stefanis, E., 1997. “Hellenic Cadastre: Quality control of the Final Product“, Proceedings of FIG Commission 3 ‘International Seminar on G.I.S./L.I.S.’, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp.127-133.
  25. Potsiou, C., Ioannidis, C., 1998. “Fiscal and Social Aspects of the Hellenic Cadastre”, Proceedings of XXI F.I.G. Congress, Commission 7, Brighton, U.K. 1998, pp. 313-327.
  26. Ioannidis, C., Potsiou, C., 1999. “Detailed Restitution and Representation of the Seaward Castle of Chios”, Proceedings (CD) of XVII CIPA International Symposium, Recife, Brazil 1999.
  27. Ioannidis, C., Logothetis, C., Potsiou, C., Kiranoudis, C., Christolis, M., Markatos, N., 1999. “Spatial Information Management for Risk Assessment of Major Industrial Accidents”, Proceedings (CD) of F.I.G. Commission 3 Annual Meeting and Seminar on ‘Spatial Information Management’, Budapest, Hungary.
  28. Potsiou, C., Ioannidis, C., Logothetis, C., Kostakis, C., Alafodimos, C., 1999. “Organization of the Practical Training of Students of Higher Technological Institutes in Greece by using GIS”, Proceedings of the 1st Hellenic Congress “ Geographic Information Systems – Capabilities and Applications, Perspectives and Challenges” Hellenic Society for GIS-HellasGI, Athens (in Greek).
  29. Ioannidis, C., Potsiou, C., Soile, S., Badekas, J., 2000. “Detailed 3D Representation of Archaeological Sites”, Proceedings of XIX ISPRS Congress, Commission V, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing vol. 33, part Β5/2, pp. 642-649.
  30. Potsiou, C., 2000. “National Report: Existing activity in Geoinformatics and the Need for a NSDI in Greece“, Presentation at the FIG Commission 3 meeting at FIG Working Week 2000, Prague, Czech Republic.
  31. Potsiou, C., Galidakis, N., Volakakis, M., Doublidis, P., 2000. “The Hellenic Cadastral System: Progress and Future Strategy“, Proceedings of the FIG Commission 3 – WG3.1 International Workshop on ‘Spatial Information Management – Experiences and Visions for 21st Century’, Athens, Greece, pp. 339-347, http://www.survey.ntua.gr/main/labs/photo/laboratory/news/athens2000.html
  32. Potsiou, C., Badekas, J., 2001. “Preliminary analysis of the Hellenic Cadastral data“, Presentation at the Technical Conference during the FIG Working Week 2001, Seoul, Korea, http://www.fig.net/pub/proceedings/korea/full-papers/papers-index.htm 
  33. Potsiou, C., Ioannidis, C., Muggenhuber, G., 2001. “NSDI’s classification and comparison between various National Reports“, Presentation at the Technical Conference during the FIG Working Week 2001, Seoul, Korea, http://www.fig.net/pub/proceedings/korea/full-papers/papers-index.htm
  34. Potsiou, C., Muggenhuber, G., Ioannidis, C., 2001. “Sharing knowledge in Spatial Information Management“, Proceedings of the FIG Commission 3 Annual Meeting, Nairobi, Kenya, http://www.fig.net/pub/proceedings/nairobi/potsiou-muggenhuber-ioannidis-TS1-2.pdf
  35. Potsiou, C., Volakakis, M., Doublidis, P., 2001. “Hellenic Cadastre: State of the art – Experience, proposals and future strategies“, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 25 (January 2001), pp. 445-476.
  36. Potsiou, C., Zentelis, P., Labropoulos, T., 2002. “Mass-valuation in Greece: Monitoring Tax and Market values“, Proceedings of the UN ECE Working Party on Land Administration Workshop ‘On Mass Valuation Systems of Land (Real Estate) for Taxation Purposes’, Moscow, Russian Federation, pp. 110-119.
  37. Potsiou, C., 2002. “Spatial Information Management: Knowledge, Organizations and Tools“, Presentation at XXII F.I.G. Congress, Commission 3, Washington DC, USA, http://www.fig.net/pub/fig_2002/Ts3-3/TS3_3_potsiou.pdf
  38. Potsiou, C., 2002. “Spatial InformationManagement – International Trends and Experience”, Proceedings of the 2nd Hellenic Congress of the Hellenic Society for GIS-HellasGI, Athens (in Greek).
  39. Potsiou, C., Ioannidis, C., 2002. “The necessity for Nation-wide Public – Public coordination for effective Land Administration“, Proceedings (CD) of the UN ECE Working Party on Land Administration Workshop ‘Customers - Cooperation - Services’, Vienna, Austria.
  40. Potsiou, C., Labropoulos, T., 2002. “Spatial Information Management – State of the art Developing the FIG Com3 WG3.3 Web-Inventory“, Presentation on the FIG Commission 3 Annual Meeting and International Symposium ‘GIS 2002’, Istanbul, Turkey.
  41. Ioannidis, C., Potsiou, C., Soile, S., 2003. “An integrated Spatial Information System for the development of the archaeological site of Mycenae“, Proceedings of ISPRS Commission V Working Group 6 International Workshop on ‘Visualization and Animation of Reality-based 3D Models’, Tarasp-Vulpera, Switzerland, www.photogrammetry.ethz.ch/tarasp_workshop/papers/ioannidis.pdf
  42. Potsiou, C., Labropoulos, T., 2003. “Collection, standardization, visualization and knowledge sharing of information about NSDI activity in various countries“, Proceedings of FIG Working Week 2003 and 125th Anniversary of FIG ’Still on the frontline’, Paris, France, http://www.fig.net/pub/fig_2003/TS_13/TS13_3_Potsiou_Labropoulos.pdf
  43. Potsiou, C., 2003. “The Value of the UN/ECE “Land Administration Guidelines” and some considerations for its Upgrading“, Proceedings of the FIG-UN/EU WPLA Workshop, Athens, Greece, http://www.survey.ntua.gr/main/labs/photo/research/wg_33/wpla_proceedings.html
  44. Ioannidis, C., Xipnitou, M., Potsiou, C., Soile , S., 2003. “The contribution of modern geometric recording and visualization methods in the implementation of a new museum concept“, Proceedings of CIPA XIX International Symposium, Antalya, Turkey, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol. XXXIV-5/C15, pp. 419-424.
  45. Potsiou, C., Ioannidis, C., 2003. “Low Cost Technologies and Techniques in Implementing Cadastral and Spatial Information Management Infrastructure“, Proceedings of the 2nd FIG Regional Conference “Urban-Rural Interrelationship for Sustainable Environment“, Marrakech, Morocco, http://www.fig.net/pub/morocco/proceedings/TS23/TS23_1_potsiou_ioannidis.pdf

Dr. Chryssy Alex. Potsiou
School of Rural & Surveying Engineering
National Technical University of Athens
9 Iroon Polytechniou Str
15780 Athens
Tel. + 30 10 7722 688
Mobile phone: + 30 944 710 817
E-mail: [email protected] 

14 July 2005


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