FIG Commission 2 - Professional Education

Term 2015-2018

Highlights Commission Chair 2015-2018

FIG Commission 2 is the domain of professional surveying education. The traditional core areas for the commission are: 1) curriculum and core surveying body of knowledge, 2) teaching and learning methodology, 3) marketing and management of professional education and 4) accreditation and quality assurance. For its term 2015 – 2018 these core areas are being addressed by the four following working groups: 

Ir. E.M.C. (Liza) Groenendijk
The Netherlands
  • Working Group 2.1 – Towards educating the land professional
  • Working Group 2.2 – Innovative learning and teaching
  • Working Group 2.3 – Demand for and supply of Professional Education
  • Working Group 2.4 - Accreditation and Quality Assurance

Traditionally Commission 2 has a leading role in the Academic Forum. The Academic Forum is the platform for FIG Academic Members. FIG Commission 2 further supports the FIG Young Surveyors Network, the OICRF and participates in the FIG Foundation.

FIG Commission 2 – ISPRS Kathmandu Workshop a great success!

Kathmandu, Nepal, was from 25 – 27th of November 2015 the host of the International Workshop on the Role of Land Professionals and SDI in Disaster Risk Reduction in the context of Post 2015 Nepal Earthquake. What started as an initial idea for a possible FIG Commission 2 Workshop resulted in a large joint event together with ISPRS Technical Commission IV, and was supported by FIG Commission 7.
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Work Plan

Terms of Reference

  • The domain of professional surveying education (vocational, higher and academic education, and continuing professional development)
  • The role of professional education and its relation to the public sector, private sector and professional organizations.

Mission statement

Promote good practices in professional surveying education by:
  • Exploring the needs of society and endorsing universities and other educational organizations to develop mechanisms and processes that will help to meet those needs.
  • Supporting and promoting advances in survey education through identification of core surveying knowledge
  • Promoting cooperative ventures in surveying education and research
  • Supporting the building of capacity for surveying education in the developing world
  • Reinforcing contacts to educational commissions of related professions



Work Plan

Key Documents



Working Groups

Working group 2.1 – Towards educating the land professional


  • To share good practices in surveying curricula and programs across educational institutions and across countries
  • To suggest changes in curricula and propose new educational programs to respond to the changing nature of the surveying profession
  • To discuss and describe core competences (knowledge, skills and attitudes) for the education of the land professional  


Dr.-Ing. Fahria Masum, Germany
E-mail: [email protected]  


Reshma Shresta, Nepal
Email: [email protected]

Gordon Waymuba, Kenya
Email: [email protected]

Working Group 2.2 – Innovative learning and teaching  


  • To exchange and promote good practices in teaching and learning methodologies in professional education of the surveying and land professional
  • To make recommendations for learning methods and teaching formats under specific circumstances: distant learning, off-the-job-training, life-long learning and continuous professional education, and organizational learning.
  • To promote ubiquitous learning and open learning approaches
  • To promote organizational learning in FIG and its members
  • To support the FIG in promoting innovative ways of organizing workshops, conferences and congresses.  

Dr. Audrey Martin (Ireland)
Email: [email protected]  

Working Group 2.3 –Demand for and supply of Professional Education  


  • Promoting the interest by potential professionals in surveying education.
  • Marketing of professional surveying education
  • Increase opportunities to pursue surveying education all over the world.
  • Explore how to strengthen the education continuum in surveying education: vocational education, higher education and academic education.
  • Bridging the gap between the education sector and the labor market


Dr. Nadezda Kamynina, Russia
Email: [email protected]

Working Group 2.4 - Accreditation and Quality Assurance


  • To compare and support academic accreditation of surveying education programs
  • To explore and support the mutual recognition of surveying education degrees


Prof. Alias Abdul Rahman
Email: [email protected]

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