News in 2023

Happy Global Surveyors' Day

21 March 2023

Global Surveyors’ Day is a way to globally recognize the ground-breakers, pioneers, individuals and the industry that has shaped our history and continues to be the foundation of our communities.

We asked the question:

How will you be celebrating the Global Surveyors' Day?

and have received contributions from:


FGF Celebrates Surveyors Day in Paris

FIG President Diane Dumashie was invited to Paris by FGF to celebrate Surveyors Day on 21 March 2023.
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Young Surveyors Network Nigeria

Young Surveyors all over Nigeria celebrated Global Surveyors Day on the 21st of March, 2023. There were a series of activities by YSN members at national, zonal, and state branches. These activities included road walks, training, media talk, awareness about the profession to the public, etc.

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Surveyors Day in Mongolia

It has become a tradition to celebrate the Global Surveyor’s Day on March 21 every year in Mongolia. The organization of the event is conducted by Mongolian Association of Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography (MAGPC) and Alumni of Geodesy at Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST). This year the main organizers of the event were MAGPC and MUST Alumni of 2003.
The event is organized in a form of networking meeting with interviews, discussions on sector’s current development, future tendencies, new technologies etc. Furthermore, older generations shared their stories and gave valuable advices for younger generations to encourage and fire up their
After the networking event, the darts and billiard games were held.

Hungary celebrated the Surveyors

Hungarian Society of Surveying Mapping and Remote Sensing (MFTTT) (Member of FIG and CLGE) organised an all-day Conference on Global Surveyors’ Day 21st March 2023 in on-line form.

The Conference was supported by the National Cultural Fund of HUNGARY and the Department of Surveying and Geodesy of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The Patron of the Conference: Dr. István NAGY, Minister of Agriculture of HUNGARY.Chair of Programme Committee: Gyula IVÁN, Vice Secretary General of MFTTT.

Focus of this Conference:

"The role and challenges of surveying, mapping, geoinformatics and remote sensing in the fourth industrial revolution".

The fourth industrial revolution is the fusion of existing technologies. However, this fusion is not only technical, but also has enormous social, economic and environmental implications, mainly due to the digitalisation of systems, which is driving companies to develop entirely new business models (e.g. Facebook, cryptocurrencies, etc.). It is also leading to the emergence of interdisciplinary solutions whose consequences are still to be assessed (e.g. artificial intelligence).

Our profession cannot escape their impact. We need to find solutions and methods, both technical, developmental and educational, to respond to our new role and to the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution.

Presentations were organised into 5 technical sessions:

See full programme

The Conference was highly successful. Permanently approximately 200 participants attended to the sessions, during the whole time. It was an international conference, since two speakers (UN FAO Europe and Central Asia Regional Office and PhD. researcher from Budapest University of Technology and Economics) presented in English.

Thank you for all speakers and participant to attend to this Conference.

Presentations are available on this link (Hungarian):

Surveyors Day

How will you be celebrating the Global Surveyors' Day?

It is the hope that this day is being celebrated around the world. It can be celebrated in many different ways, and it is up to the national surveyors to find their best way to celebrate the day.

FIG wishes all the best for all these events and activities, hoping that this will help emphasise the many contributions by surveyors and the surveying profession in all aspects of life.

If you are celebrating this day or have organised activities for the promotion of the work of the surveyors in your country or region, we encourage you to submit and share your Global Surveyors Day activities at

and to upload photos to the FIG Facebook page:   

You can also send photos and a short description to FIG: [email protected]  


Dear Colleagues, dear friends,

As every year since 2018, the 21 March will be celebrated as Global Surveyors' Day 2023. 

This year, Fédération des Géomètres Francophones, in collaboration with the Council of European Geodetic Surveyors (CLGE) and FIG, is honoured to coordinate the celebration which will take the form of an hybrid event, organized in 2 sessions, the first one at 8:00 AM CET (for audiences in the Asia-Pacific, Europe, Eastern-Africa, Middle East and Near East regions) and the second one at 8:00 PM CET (for audiences in the Western Africa, Europe, South America, North America and the Caribbean regions).

The event will be organised from in the premises of the Conseil régional de l'Ordre des géomètres-experts de Paris (1 rue de Chazelles, 75017 Paris, France) in partnership with the two French surveying associations : the Ordre des géomètres experts (OGE) and the Association francophone de topographie (AFT) If you want to join us in Paris (limited number of places), please register without delay at
f.lebourdais [at]

Certificates of attendance can be issued for both face-to-face and online modes. If you wish to provide such certificates (1.5 hours) to the participants of your respective organisations, please contact us in this sense at f.lebourdais [at]

We look forward to welcoming you on March 21, in Paris and online!

Marc Vanderschueren

Président de la FGF

Louise Friis-Hansen
March 2023

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