Africa FIG Capacity Development Network

Invitation Programme Registration Venue Accommodation Contact

Africa Regional Network:

2016 Africa FIG Regional network: West Africa Capacity development workshop

16-18 November 2016 , Abidjan, Ivory Coast

Ensuring Good Land Governance Practices in the Land Profession and What you can do about it

Workshop Organisation

Drawing upon the theme agreed in ARN’s terms of reference, and ratified by General Assembly, the 2016 workshop: A time to Improve Land Governance: How the Land Professionals can support the implementation of The Voluntary Guidelines on the Governance of Tenure (VGGT) was held in Abidjan, Ivory Coast 16–18 November 2016. This workshop relates specifically to SDGs Goal 1 on ending poverty and the Voluntary Guidelines for Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT’s).

 In 2016, the ARN sought to partner with a sister organisation, and the opportunity arose to cooperate with President François Mazuyer, Fédération des Géomètres Francophones (FGF) who were scheduled to hold their annual African conference. Logistically support was provided by L’Ordre des Geometres-Experts de Cote d’Ivore (OGECI).

The ARN program was designed in parallel with FGF activities, ensuring that we came together at various stages to join across Anglophone and Francophone networks, exposing land professionals to a greater and diverse number of people, and thereby creating an informative and productive meeting. It complemented the FGF conference theme: “Land management and sustainable development, which solutions for developing countries”. The FGF conference was attended by land professionals and exhibitors from across Francophone Africa.

FGF and ARN conference Banner

Women on their farm

The ARN workshop brought together 39 land professionals over the 2 day workshop, participants were drawn from several Anglophone and Francophone African nations with expertise across the range of land professional disciplines within FIG membership.

Vice President Diane Dumashie chaired the meeting and designed and facilitated the training workshop. From the FIG family, the chair was assisted by Stephen Djaba (Geotech Ghana), Robinson Ndwiga Murithi (GEBCO Kenya), and Yacoba Hamed Dagnoko (OGECI) who was indispensably on logistics.  Importantly ARN collaborated with the Young Surveyors from West Africa, led on this occasion by Yusuf Aro-Lambo, Adama Sarr, Daniel Brown and Chuck Onwuzuligbo.

The network welcomed Dr W. Odame Larbi, FAO Africa (on secondment from AU LPI) who supported our deliberations.

Workshop Deliberations

The workshop focus sought to build the future resilience into land professional practices to improve governance of tenure by understanding the implementation opportunities referenced in the VGGTs that will ensure that people benefit from secure and equitable tenure rights. The key objective is to communicate action-orientated messages to multi-stakeholders of how land professionals can assist to improve governance of tenure drawing upon the VGGT principles.

The VGGTs are important. As an international soft law there is consensus that equitable land governance and tenure security for all is the foundation for sustainable economic development. All participants recognised this and were expected to identify what they might do in their own place of work. The outcomes were further discussed at the FIG ARN roundtable held at the 2017 FIG working week in Helsinki.

Over the two days, the participants’ task was to apply the VGGT principles by addressing ideas using a digital communication platform to develop messages for a statement for action, and to explore leadership skills within their own communities.

Workshop Outcome

The workshop successfully provoked thought and stimulated debate, along with achieving the following objectives:

  • To raise awareness by coming together to consider the opportunity land professionals could make to improving governance of tenure by implementing the VGGT principles
  • To add value for participants through a learning experience to enable them to act as agents of change
  • To provide succinct messaging that will enable the compilation of a African land professionals VGGT statement for action
  • A final draft document was uploaded on the website in preparation for the roundtable discussion at the Working Week in Helsinki Finland June 2017.

The group’s video messages can be viewed here:



This is a great opportunity to partner with the Federation des Geometres Francophione (FGF) and visit the Ivory Coast, a Franco-phone African nation. 

ARN will continue to build upon our previous successful workshops where you

  • Participate in International and African continental wide initiatives that affect you and your everyday working lives,
  • Deliberate on key skills for leadership learning
  • Introduced to the latest in technical instruments.  In the recent past we’ve been sponsored by FIG corporate members, Thompson Reuters and Trimble, and there are more interested to support us! 
  • Continue and build new friendships, networks and ideas.

Over the three day event, we will be holding the ARN workshop in English and will appeal to those wishing to have an understanding of the International land governance initiatives, and those working in land survey, valuation, QS, Urban management, planning, engineering, design and bridging across to societal benefit. 

The program will be designed in parallel with ARN and FGF activities, although we will come together at various stages to join across Anglophone and Francophone networks thereby exposing you to a greater and diverse number of people - it will be informative, productive and above all mixed with some fun as we will conclude with the opportunity of a joint sightseeing and field trip.

Our partners are to be fully engaged:  

  • FAO will be supporting on the main workshop theme agreed in ARN’s business plan, and ratified by General Assembly. 
  • The YSN Africa will be assisting with content delivery.
  • And FGF will be coordinating the logistics and assisting you to navigate around the city. 

We are all looking forward to welcome you in West Africa for highly stimulating days in the company of great networks.

A preliminary program and registration form will soon be available, do watch out for further updates in the next few weeks– Registrations will need to be concluded by 9th September 2016.
Look forward to meeting you November 2016

Diane Dumashie, Chair



Wednesday 16 November
18.00- 19.00 Early registration
19.00-20.00 Invitation to FGF Welcome Reception and ARN informal greeting
Thursday 17 November
08.00-08.30 Arrival and registration
08.45 - 09.00 Welcome: FIG Vice President
09.00 – 10.00 Sessions
10.00-10.15 Coffee/tea
10.15- 13.00 Sessions
13.00-14.00 Lunch & Group Photo
14.00-15.45 Sessions
15.45-16.00 Coffee/ tea
 16.00- 16.45 Sessions
17.00 Closing Day 1
Friday 18 November
08.30-09.30 Joint ARN/FGF plenary key notes
09.30-10.00 Joint session ARN/ FGF
10.00-11.00 Coffee/tea
11.00 ARN Sessions
  ARN Closing: Final discussion on our results & next step
 13.30-14.30 Lunch
14.30-18.00 FGF Technical Tour

Workshop Documents:

General Assembly Report:

Workshop order of events:


FAO VGGT training modules:

Workshop video outputs:

Africa Land Professionals statement for Action:

Workshop support materials



Registration has closed



Distribution Pension fund (WAEMU), Abidjan Ivory Coast

For more information, please visit



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04 BP 643 Abidjan 04
Tel : (00 225) 20 31 33 33
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L’Hôtel PULLMAN: ***** /
This hotel is located 100 meters from the conference venue
Tel : (00 225) 20 30 16 31/(00 225) 2175 63 06
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Email: [email protected] 

L’Hôtel NOVOTEL: **** /
(Tél : (00 225) 20 30 16 31/(00 225) 2175 63 06
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mob :+(225) 08 37 20 21
Email: [email protected] 
encore +(225) 20 31 80 08 / 

L’Hôtel Palm Club: ***

Tél : (00 225) 22 40 53 00
Email: [email protected]

L’Hôtel IVOTEL: ***
Tél : (00 225) 20 25 66 66
Email: [email protected]



If you have any questions, on

Registration, please contact  dianeawodumashie[at]

Logistics, please contact

Programme, please contact dianeawodumashie[at]