23rd FIG General Assembly, Prague 2000


Bids to host the FIG Working Week 2005

Egyptian Committee of Surveying and Mapping n Committee of Surveying and Mapping

Dear Mr. President,

It is an honor to inform you that his excellency the Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation to him the Egyptian Committee of Surveying and Mapping is a subordinate and his Excellency the Prime Minister of Egypt have approved that FIG working week 2005 could be organized in Cairo, Egypt.

We have the honor to request the organization of the FIG working week 2005 in Cairo, Egypt during April or May that year. The weather is considered to be appropriate during the working week period.

Cairo is the largest city in Africa, owns capabilities for organizing international conferences, both political, business as well as academic. Facilities such as hotels of varieties of classes, conference rooms, restaurants, etc are available.

GIS systems & IT technology are widely applied in many organizations in Egypt to support decision making and problem solving. This provides the opportunities to organize technical tours and create useful discussions between the working week participants and the Egyptian working in similar fields.

It will be a great honor if our request may have the approval of Member Associations of FIG for organizing that event in Egypt. It is worthy to be mentioned that all members of the Egyptian Committee of Surveying and Mapping belong to different activities in surveying and mapping and GIS systems. Further, their organizations provide full support for organizing that event in Cairo, Egypt and these organizations have the proper awareness for organizing a conference like the working week 2005 and how to make it successful.

We appreciate if you forward this request to the FIG General Assembly, which will be held in Prague in May 2000. Hopefully we may gain the approval of the Member Associations.

Yours Faithfully,

Prof. Dr. Ahmed El-Sheikh
Egyptian Committee of Surveying and Mapping

Egyptian Committee of Surveying and Mapping
1 Abd El-Salam Aref St.
12612 Giza
P.O.Box 63 

Tel: 202 3484904
Fax: 202 3484880
Email: [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Ahmed El-Sheikh
Egyptian Committee of Surveying and Mapping

19 April 2000

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