23rd FIG General Assembly, Prague 2000


Application Form for Membership as a Member Association - 
Ordem dos Engenheiros, Colégio de Engenharia Geográfica - Portugal

1. Name of the association
in own language

Ordem dos Engenheiros
Colégio de Engenharia Geográfica

in English

Order of Engineers
College of Geographical Engineering

2. Address 

Avenida António Augusto de Aguiar, no 3D
1069-030 Lisboa

3. Telephone 

+ 351 21 313 2600

4. Fax 

+ 351 21 352 4632

5. E-mail and web site

E-mail: [email protected]

Web site: 

6. Name of President 

Eng. Francisco Sousa Soares

7. Administration 

Secretary General: Eng. João Vaz Lopes

41 permanent staff members

8. Date of formation of the association

24 November 1936

9. Objectives and ethics

See Annex 1.

10. Route of entry to membership

See Annex 2.

11. Members

The Order of Engineers has about 33,000 members and is organised in 12 Colleges: Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Software and Computing Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mining Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Naval Engineering, Geographical Engineering, Agronomic Engineering, Forestry Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering.

The following information refers only to the College of Geographical Engineering

Number of holders the title

  • qualified 
  • qualifying


Number of technician or sub-professional members

  • qualified 
  • qualifying   
12. Specialisation

% of qualified members whose principal specialisation is (the figures refer to the main activities, since there is no formal specialisations; 3 more activities are included: geodesy, cartography and photogrammetry)

  • hydrography
  • positioning/measurement
  • engineering surveys
  • cadastre/land management
  • spatial planning/development
  • valuation/real estate management
  • construction economics/cost management 
  • geodesy
  • cartography
  • photogrammetry 



13. Statutory recognition
  • The association is constituted by statute.

  • The last version was approved by the law no 119/92 from June 30, 1992.

  • The activities regulated by statute are presented in Annex 3.

14. Employment

% of qualified members

  • self-employed and employed in private practice
  • teaching and research
  • employed by government
  • employed in the commercial or other sectors


15. Subscriptions

Annual subscription payable by each grade of membership

  • qualifying 9,900 PTE (49.4 EUROS)

  • qualified 19,800 PTE (98.8 EUROS)

16. Services to members
  • The association publishes the Revue INGENIUM monthly.

  • Other services provided by the association to its members are presented in Annex 4.

Objectives and ethics

In annex, there is a copy of the Statutes (in Portuguese).

1. Objectives

The Order of Engineers is the public association that represents the engineers in Portugal.

The main scope is to contribute for the development of engineering, stimulating the efforts of its associates in the scientific, professional and social domains, as well as the accomplishment of the professional ethics.

The Order’s responsibilities are:

  1. to ensure the accomplishment of the professional ethics and the professional degree of qualification;

  2. to attribute the professional title of engineer and regulate the practice;

  3. to defend the interests and rights of its associates and the dignity and prestige of the profession;

  4. to protect the engineers’ title and the engineers’ profession;

  5. to promote the co-operation and solidarity between its associates;

  6. to attribute the professional levels and the specialisation titles;

  7. to co-operate at the technical and scientific levels with public and private authorities, when there is public interest;

  8. to develop relationships with other associations, at both national and international levels;

  9. to exercise disciplinary jurisdiction over the engineers.

2. Ethics

The deontology and ethics are a concern of the Order of Engineers.

The Title II (Professional deontology) of the statutes is dedicated to the rights and duties of the engineers when practising, namely:

  1. duties with the community;

  2. duties with the employer and with the client;

  3. reciprocal duties between the engineers.

There is also a disciplinary regulation that contains the possibility of disciplinary action.

Routes of Entry to Membership

1 – The routes of entry to membership are contained in the "Regulation of admittance and qualification".

In summary, the routes of entry are the following:

  1. If the candidate comes from a recognised (by the Order of Engineers) university course, he/she can be accepted as a probation member; the students of a recognised university course can also be student members.

  2. If the candidate comes from a non-recognised university course, he/she must take an examination before he/she can be accepted as a probation member.

  3. After the stage, the probation members become qualified members.

2 – Additional information

  1. the title held by the members of the Order of Engineers is Engineer;

  2. the academic qualifications required is a licenciate’s degree in a recognised (by the Order of Engineers) university course;

  3. for the Geographical Engineering, there are three recognised courses in the Universities of Porto (Faculty of Sciences), Coimbra (Faculty of Sciences and Technology) and Lisboa (Faculty of Sciences);

  4. before the acquisition of the title, a stage is needed;

  5. the continuing professional development is voluntary; the Order of Engineers has 3 degrees: effective, senior and counsellor. For the senior and counsellor degrees it’s necessary to have at least 5 and 15 years (respectively) of membership and to be evaluated (curriculum evaluation):

  6. The Order of Engineers does not admit technician and sub-professional members.

Statutory Recognition

1 – The attribution of the title, its use and the practice of the engineer depend on the membership in the Order of Engineers.

Engineer is the one who has a licenciate’s degree, or legal equivalent, in an Engineering course, member of the Order of Engineers, that uses the sciences and techniques related with the different fields of engineering, in the activities of research, conception, study, project, manufacture, construction, production, inspection and quality control, including the coordination and management of these activities (statute definition).

2 – The activities developed by the members of the College of Geographical Engineers are, mainly:

  • geodesy

  • cartography

  • photogrammetry

  • positioning/measurement

  • engineering surveys

  • cadastre/land management

  • hydrography

  • spatial planning/development

Since the statute has a general concept, these activities are implicit.

There are some surveying activities that are carried out by surveyors that don’t have a university degree (technician level).

Services to Members

Besides the monthly revue, the other services to members are:

  1. legal assistance;

  2. medical assistance;

  3. special assistance and membership conditions in illness and unemployment;

  4. a retirement insurance;

  5. discounts in some shops, hotels and restaurants;

  6. a credit card.

22 May 2000

This page is maintained by the FIG Office. Last revised on 15-01-08.