figlogo.gif (1705 bytes)   FIG 22nd General Assembly
  31 May and 4 June 1999
  Sun City, South Africa

Appendix to item 10: Reports from Chairs of Commissions et al.
Appendix 11: OICRF


International Office of Cadastre and Land Records (OICRF)

Report to the 22nd General Assembly

Sun City 30 May - 4 June 1999

1. Introduction

As usual OICRF carried out its activities in all three areas of its tasks, namely

  1. to collect and systematically file and index all documentation material relating to existing cadastres and land registration systems;
  2. to make comparative studies of that material, followed by publication of the results;
  3. to give information and advice on all cadastres and land registration systems to all interested persons and institutions, whether for the purpose of study or to help countries wishing either to introduce a cadastre or a land registration system or to improve the existing system.

2. The Collection

After our successful launch and presentation of the renewed Internet-site at the Brighton Congress we spent most of our time and effort to the consolidation of the presented services.

Thus priority was given to bring the most important part of the collection digitally in the database. By "most important" we mean the documents which we expect to be asked for and consulted mostly.

The growth of the collection is satisfactorily. And as we bring in the new documents digitally anyway we have the most recent publications always digitally available.

We are proud to report that from the standing collection some 3000 publications have been brought digitally into the database.

3. Information and advice

Of course bringing publications digitally into the database is not a hobby in itself. The meaning of this is that we are able to provide the most important part of the desired publications via the Internet within hours.

Some tests done by a former trainee of the Dutch Cadastre, now studying at Maine University, brought the cheerful result that indeed we could provide publications needed by him and his fellow students could be provided within a few hours.

We are sad to admit that towards the end of 1998 in a few cases problems occurred with the registration of clients, which hampered them in ordering publications. By now we have knowledge based hopes that these growing pains have been overcome.

4. Comparative studies

5. Final Remark

By the, mostly non-glamorous, consolidation works of the past period it is our feeling that OICRF improved it’s service to FIG-members and the professional public at large by hundreds of percents. Thus we are ready the perform our tasks at the level required by an ever improving profession.

Once more all this was possible by the generous support of our host, the Dutch National Agency for the Cadastre and the Public Registers.

Prof. Ir. Paul van der Molen

Jack Kockelkoren


Director Paul van der Molen
P.O. Box 9046
NL-7300 GH Apeldoorn

Fax + 31 55 355 6850
Tel: + 31 55 528 5226
Email: [email protected]

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