Jubilee Seminar: 25 years of Motorised Levelling

Geodesy & Surveying in the Future

The Importance of Heights

March 15-17, 1999 Gävle, Sweden

3rd Circular Letter

Sponsored by:

International Federation of Surveyors (FIG)
Commission 5

Nordic Commission of Geodesy (NKG):
Height Determination Group

National Land Survey of Sweden (NLS):
Geodetic Research Division

Who should attend?

The technical evolution goes more and more to automated Robotized Real Time surveying techniques using different kind of instrumentations. The geodesists, surveyors, teachers, students and others dealing with surveying have to face many problems in their work. Different solutions are accessible to do this work but to achieve it in the best we need much more knowledge and developments in this field.

This seminar will give a very deep information about the possibilities and limitations existing today and a look in the future. It will be of a great help for every one when dealing with these questions. The seminar will focus on questions concerning height determination

Workshop topics

bulletHow can we help the surveyor in his daily work, today and tomorrow?
bulletModern techniques for height determinations as GPS, INS, and Digital Levels.
bulletReal Time Kinematic heighting as Robotised and Motorised Levelling Techniques (ML, MTL, RPLS etc.).
bulletComputation techniques and analysis of results.
bulletReference Frame and Systems. Transformations between different height system.
bulletOngoing national and international projects.
bulletQuestions about the future levelling networks. 1D or (2D+1D).
bulletConnection to tide gauges.
bulletAccuracy limitation factors in height determination.
bulletCalibration of instruments. Guidelines and standards


The workshop will be held at the National Land Survey of Sweden in Gävle. The city of Gävle is situated approximately 150 km north of Stockholm Airport (Arlanda). There exist regular connections by bus and railway transport between the airport and Gävle (takes less than 2h). More details will be sent to all registered participants.

Method of payment

The registration fee is USD 240$. This fee includes lunches, coffee/tea and dinners throughout the seminar. Documentation from all presented papers will be collected and published in book form.

Payment has to be made in advance before 1999-02-15 using bank transfer.

For CASH PAYMENT at the registration only Swedish values (2 200 SEK) will be accepted.

Þ Credit and cash cards are not accepted.

bulletBank Transfer

Account name: YOUR NAME……………and for FIG

Account number: 805-7028

Bank: Nordbanken, 105 71 Stockholm, Sweden

Registration Form

Name: …………….…..……………………………………….

Address: ……….………………………….……………………..



Fax: ..………………………………………………………..

Email: …………………………………..……………………..

Hotel Reservation: Hotel Winn (USD 90-105 $) o
(Single rooms) Gävle Hotel (USD 80$) o
Arrival: ………… Departure: ………….

Registration should be made no later than 1/3 1999.

Send it to J-M Becker or Mikael Lilje.

Prof. Jean-Marie Becker or Mr. Mikael Lilje

Geodetic Research Division Tel: (+46) 26 63 30 00

National Land Survey Fax: (+46) 26 61 06 76

S-801 82 Gävle E-mail: [email protected]

Sweden [email protected]

Internet: http://www.lm.se/fig5/


Local Organising Committee

Jean-Marie Becker, Sweden

Mikael Lilje, Sweden

Per-Ola Eriksson, Sweden

Program Committee

Jean-Marie Becker, Sweden

Matt Higgins, Australia

Michel Kasser, France& WG 5.2

Klaus-Peter Schwarz, Canada

FIG Commission 5 chairmen



Sunday 14th March 1999

13.00-17.30 Working day for FIG-Commission 5 Steering Committee members.

Monday 15th March 1999

08.30-09.30 Registration and Coffee

09.30-10.30 Opening ceremony

10.50-12.30 TS 1: Advance in techniques and instrumentation’s for terrestrial height determination (5 papers)

12.30-13.30 Lunch

13.30-15.10 TS 2: Applications of modern terrestrial height determination techniques (5)

15.30-17.30 TS 3: Heightening with satellite and other techniques (6)

19.00-20.00 Visit of the technical exhibition at NLS

20.00-22.00 Dinner

Tuesday 16th March 1999

09.00-10.20 TS 4: Standards and Quality (4)

10.40-12.20 TS 5: End-Users problems and needs for different applications (5)

12.20-13.20 Lunch

      1. TS 6: Technical requirements on networks (5)

15.20-16.40 TS 7: How to fulfil the User needs? (4)

17.00-18.00 SS: Klaus Peter Schwarz: The new trends in geodesy and surveying: multi sensors, globalisation and integration (Together with the Swedish Annual GPS Seminar)

19.00-22.00 Dinner and Visit of the NLS-exhibition (Together with the Swedish Annual GPS Seminar)

Wednesday 17th March

09.00-10.20 TS 8: How to meet the End-users needs? (4)

10.40-12.00 TS 9: National reports and Panel Discussion (5)

12.00-13.00 Lunch

13.00-16.00 Technical visits and demonstrations at NLS (5 stations)

Practical demonstration of Motorised Levelling.

Demonstration of the Control Centre for SWEPOS (National network of permanent GPS reference stations).

The National Historical Map Centre.

The production of modern digital maps.

Laser Interferometer Comparator in action: Automated calibration of levelling staffs

16.00-17.00 Summary and conclusion – Closure of the Seminar: M. Kasser and JM Becker