Original work plan in .pdf-format

Dr. Steven Frank, Chairperson of Commission 2.
Terms of reference
- Curriculum development
- Core surveying knowledge
- Learning and teaching methods and technologies
- Educational management and marketing
- Continuing professional development
- Networking in education and training
Mission Statement
The mission of Commission 2 is to promote good practices in professional
surveying education by:
- exploring the needs of society and endorsing universities and other
educational organizations to develop mechanisms and processes that will help
to meet those needs
- supporting and promoting advances in survey education through
identification of core surveying knowledge
- promoting cooperative ventures in surveying education and research
- supporting the building of capacity for surveying education in the
developing world
- reinforcing contacts to educational commissions of related professions
- improving dissemination of information on all of the above
Commission 2 will continue the work on e-learning, work with identifying core
survey knowledge, work with building capacity in surveying education, promote
opportunities for young surveyors, promote the FIG academic membership, work
with educational management and marketing, and identify educational standards
and accreditation procedures.
In general the 2011-2014 work plan aims to:
- Share professional surveying education standards and accreditation
- Share core surveying knowledge
- Share good learning and teaching practices in surveying education
- Share good educational management and marketing processes
- Continue development on the FIG Surveying Education Database
- Promote FIG academic membership of universities and other educational
- Promote opportunities for students and young surveyors within Commission
2 and in FIG in close co-operation with the Young Surveyors Network
- Promote cooperative education and research opportunities
The work of Commission 2 will be done through four working groups. Each of
the working groups represents an area of focus in professional surveying
education. During the four-year term of office workshops are planned for each of
the working groups. The workshops are proposed to be held in conjunction with
FIG Working Weeks, Regional Conferences and special workshops held annually with
locations and dates given below. Each planned conference will focus on one or
more themes from a working group.
Policy issues
- Identify the necessary core surveying knowledge and technology for the
education in our profession
- Identify and compare curriculum across universities and countries
- Identify the necessary changes in curricula due to the changing
technology in our profession
Specific projects
- Develop a guide for identifying and describing core surveying knowledge
- Participation in FIG Working Weeks and other major Commission 2
organised or co-sponsored events with dedicated technical sessions and/or
workshops as appropriate.
- SAGES/FIG Workshop, University of Mayaguez, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico,
July 19–22, 2011.
- Summary guide for core surveying knowledge
- Draft publications will be presented at Working Weeks during the term of
this plan and according to the timetable to be developed by the Working
Group Chair.
- FIG member associations, FIG Academic Members, surveying businesses,
universities offering surveying programs, individual surveying academics and
individual surveyors.
Policy issues
- Identify the change in the teaching and learning methodology due to the
changing technologies in education and in the professional practice.
- Make recommendations for future learning methods under specific
circumstances (distant learning, off-the-job-training, life-long learning.
Vice Chair
Specific project(s)
- Identify and share best practices in e-learning and other new
educational methodologies.
- Participation in FIG Working Weeks and other major Commission events with
dedicated technical sessions and/or workshops as appropriate.
- Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 12-18 September 2012
- Changing technologies and strategies in surveying teaching methodology
- Draft publications will be presented at Working Weeks during the term of
this plan and according to the timetable to be developed by the Working
Group Chair.
- FIG member associations, FIG Academic Members, surveying businesses,
universities offering surveying programs and individual surveying academics.
Policy issues
- Some parts of the world exhibit a declining interest by potential
professionals in surveying education. Other parts of the world have an
interest but few opportunities to pursue surveying education. Commercial
aspects of education must be recognized but opportunities for cooperation
between educational organizations and a logical, universal approach to
promote professional survey education need be developed and shared.
Vice Chair
- Participation in FIG Working Weeks and other major Commission events
with dedicated technical sessions and/or workshops as appropriate.
- Workshop in Western Europe (Netherlands, Hungary?)
- The Status of Surveying Education
- Draft publications will be presented at Working Weeks during the term of
this plan and according to the timetable to be developed by the Working
Group Chair.
- FIG member associations, FIG academic members, surveying businesses,
universities offering surveying programs and individual surveying academics.
Policy issues
- Academic accreditation of surveying education programs
- Mutual recognition of surveying education degrees
Vice Chair
Specific project(s)
- Indentifying institutions, procedures and methods used to accredit
surveying educational programs
- Participation in FIG Working Weeks and other major Commission events
with dedicated technical sessions and/or workshops as appropriate.
- Workshop at the University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, England,
August/September 2014.
- Guide to Academic accreditation criteria for Surveying Education
- Draft publications will be presented at Working Weeks during the term of
this plan and according to the timetable to be developed by the Working
Group Chair.
- FIG member associations, FIG academic members, surveying businesses,
universities offering surveying programs and individual surveying academics.
Commission Officers
Commission Chair
Dr. Steven Frank
Surveying Engineering Program
New Mexico State University
PO Box 30001, MSC 3566
Las Cruces, New Mexico
Tel. + 1 (575) 646-8171
Fax + 1 (575) 646-6107
Email: [email protected] |
Vice Chair of Administration
Dr. Gary Jeffress
Geographic Information Science Program
Department of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
College of Science and Technology
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi, Texas
Tel. + 1 (361) 825-2720
Fax + 1 (361) 825-5848
Email: [email protected] |
Chair of WG 2.1 - Curriculum and Core Survey Knowledge
Bela Markus
Land and GeoInformation Knowledge Center
Faculty of Geoinformatics
University of West Hungary
Pirosalma u. 1-3
P.O. Box 52
H-8000 Szekesfehervar
Tel. + 36-22-516-552
Fax + 36-22-516-521
Email: [email protected] |
Vice Chair of WG 2.1 - Curriculum and Core Survey Knowledge
Irina Fartukova
Vice Dean, Economics & Land Management Faculty
Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography
Tel. / fax: + 7 499 2625365
E-mail : [email protected] |
Chair of WG 2.2 - Learning and Teaching Methodology
Ir. E.M.C. (Liza) Groenendijk
Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-information Management
Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) of the University of
Tel. +31 53 4874528
Fax: + 31 53 4874575
E-mail: [email protected] |
Vice Chair of WG 2.2 - Learning and Teaching Methodology
Reinfried Mansberger
Head of Institute
Surveying and Land Administration
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)
Tel. + 43 1 47654/5115
[email protected] |
Chair of WG 2.3 - Marketing and Management of Professional Survey
Chris McAlister
21 Agnes Street
Sunnybank, QLD 4109
Tel. + 61 7 3342 3275
Fax + 61 7 3217 2566
[email protected] |
Vice Chair of WG 2.3 - Marketing and Management of Professional Survey
Marina Vaskovich
Real Estate Planning and Land Law
Brinellvägen 1
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
100 44 Stockholm
Tel. + 46 8 7908616
Fax + 46 8 7907367
[email protected] |
Chair of WG 2.4 - Accreditation and Quality Assurance
Tim Goodhead
University of Portsmouth
ED&M, Portland Building
Tel. + 44 2392842939
Email: [email protected] |
Vice Chair of WG 2.4 - Accreditation and Quality Assurance
Dr. Gary Jeffress
Geographic Information Science Program
Department of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
College of Science and Technology
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Tel. + 1 (361) 825-2720
Fax + 1 (361) 825-5848
[email protected] |
8 August 2011 |