Work plans – Commission 7
Cadastre and Land Management
Paul Munro-Faure, Chairperson of Commission 7
Terms of reference
- Land management and administration
- Cadastral reform and multi-purpose cadastres
- Parcel-based land information systems and computerisation of cadastral
- Cadastral surveying and mapping; land titling, land tenure, land law and
land registration
- Urban and rural land consolidation with emphasis on environmental and
economic issues
- National and international boundaries
- Land and marine resource management.
Mission statement
- Continue to sponsor and support wherever possible initiatives and
conferences in the commission’s area of specialisation and encourage greater
recognition in the community of the importance of land management and the
- Focus work through three groups with responsibility for developing their
own work plans with specific planned outputs; running their own meetings
during each of the commission’s one week annual meetings; and devising and
delivering at one of these meetings a one-day international symposium with
published proceedings.
- Monitor (i) the commission’s input to FIG’98 and (ii) subsequent annual
meetings, using questionnaires, to assist in the design of future
- Increase the commission’s contribution to FIG member associations by
encouraging delegates to disseminate widely reports and material from
commission meetings.
Working Group 7.1
Reforming the cadastre
Policy issues
- Create a framework for the determination of progress and the effectiveness
of cadastral reforms.
- Work out key criteria to determine the benefits of cadastral reforms.
- Identify criteria for the classification of cadastral systems.
- Complete the commission inventory of cadastral systems and
Jürg Kaufmann (Switzerland).
Specific project(s)
- Develop and undertake specific research into the issues raised in
connection with projects reforming the cadastre.
- Establish a task force, "Definition of Commission 7 ISO standards" (chair:
Winfried Hawerk, Germany), to outline the framework for standardisation of
cadastre and land management, identify issues to be standardised, draft the
standards and prepare for their implementation in collaboration with the FIG
task force on standards.
One-day international symposium, 2001, at the annual meeting venue
(to be decided by the commission).
- Report of working group (by the commission).
- Report of international symposium (by the host).
- Draft ISO standards (for the FIG task force on
- Publication of international symposium report(s) by the commission,
- Draft ISO Standards, as available.
- Working group final report to FIG congress, 2002.
FIG member associations, governments and relevant agencies, international
agencies, international finance agencies, individual
Working Group 7.2
Land ownership in the 21st century: access to
Policy issues
- Future ownership patterns.
- Access to land by the landless and informal settlements.
- Access for women.
- Access for recreation.
Prof. Paul van der Molen (Netherlands).
Specific project(s)
- Develop and undertake specific research into the issue of access to
- Establish a task force, "Women’s access to land" (chair: Agneta Ericsson,
Sweden), to collect, analyse, prepare and present material on access for
women, in collaboration with the FIG task force on under-represented groups in
- Global workshop and conference "Land tenure and cadastral infrastructures
to support sustainable development", Australia, 1999.
- "Women’s access to land" international symposium, New Zealand,
- Report of working group (by the commission).
- Report of international symposium (by the host).
- Report of commission task force (by the commission).
- Publication of workshop and conference report(s) by the commission,
- Working group final report to FIG congress, 2002.
FIG member associations, governments and relevant agencies, international
agencies, international finance agencies, individual
Working Group 7.3
Land markets
Policy issues
- Land market processes.
- Regulation, restriction and transaction costs.
- Land market structures.
- Volumes of transactions.
- Improving the functions of the market.
- Encouraging consolidation.
Andras Ossko (Hungary).
Specific project(s)
Prepare, circulate and analyse questionnaire; prepare programme for one-day
international symposium based on an evaluation and summary of the responses;
develop and publish strategies and recommend ways for improving the functions
of land markets.
International symposium, Germany, 2000.
- Brochure on land markets (by the commission).
- Report of working group (by the commission).
- Report of international symposium (by the host).
- Publication of brochure in time for commission annual meeting,
- Working group final report to FIG congress, 2002.
FIG member associations, governments and relevant agencies, international
agencies, international finance agencies, individual
Other activities
- Maintain and develop the commission home page, linkages to other relevant
home pages and new pages or other networks for special projects, to keep
commission delegates, other FIG members, users of surveying services and the
public involved in and informed about the work of the commission.
- Ensure on-going publication of the Commission 3/7 six-monthly newsletter,
under the editorial control of Bo Lauri and nominate two members of the
editorial board.
- Seek a publisher for the book on land management issues (subject matter and
authors selected during the 1994-98 plan period).
- Collaborate with the Commission 4 working group on susstainable development
in hydrography through the appointment of Diane Dumashie (UK) as the
Commission 7 corresponding member.
Commission officers and chairs of working groups
Chair Dr Paul Munro-Faure (UNITED KINGDOM)
Chief, Land Tenure Service, SDAA
Rm B514
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
I-00100 Rome
Email [email protected]
Tel + 39 06 5705 6883
Fax + 39 06 5705 3250
Vice-Chair Prof. Paul van der Molen Kadaster P O Box 9046 7300 GH
Apeldoorn Netherlands Email: [email protected] Tel.
+ 31 55 528 5226 Fax + 31 55 355 6850
Secretary Bob Ashwin HM Land Registry Survey and Plans
Practice Lincoln’s Inn Fields London WC2A 3PH Email [email protected] Tel 44 (0)171
917 8888 Fax 44 (0)171 955 0110
Working Group 7.1
Working Group web site:
Chair Jürg Kaufmann im Hauffeld 109 8455
Rüdingen Switzerland Email [email protected] Tel 41 1 867
3489 Fax 41 1 867 3489
Working Group 7.2
Chair Prof. Paul van der Molen Kadaster P O Box 9046 7300 GH
Apeldoorn Netherlands Email [email protected] Tel.
+ 31 55 528 5226 Fax + 31 55 355 6850
Working Group 7.3
Chair András Ossko Fõvárosi Földhivatal
(Budapest Land Office) Sas U 19 1051
Budapest Hungary Email [email protected]
Tel 36 1 302 3052 Fax
36 1 302 3049