Work plans – Commission 6
Engineering Surveys
Michel Mayoud, Chairperson of Commission 6
Terms of reference
- Acquisition, processing and management of topometric data and of all
related information throughout the life cycle of a project
- Development and implementation of adequate survey methods in engineering
- Metrology, quality control and validation for civil construction and
manufacturing of large objects
- Deformation monitoring, analysis and interpretation
- Prediction of deformation and movements in engineering projects, mines and
areas of geological hazard.
Mission statement
- Promote the knowledge, skills and abilities of surveyors in civil and
industrial works within the various professional fields of engineering.
- Support all development and multidisciplinary expertise leading to
integrated survey methods, using various instruments and sensors and combining
geometry with all other data relevant to each engineering problem.
- Provide a forum for the development and exchange of knowledge on the
engineering analysis of survey data for the study of structures.
- In addition to the links with related Working Groups of IAG and ISPRS,
look for possible connections within organisations of civil, structural and
mechanical engineers and within those dealing with metrology and quality
control - at the national and international level.
Working Group 6.1
Deformation measurement and analysis
Policy issues
- Automation of monitoring surveys
- Enhancement of geometrical modelling of deformations from integrated
deformation surveys
- Physical interpretation of deformations including numerical modelling and
prediction of deformations and back analysis.
Prof. Adam Chrzanowski (Canada).
Specific project(s)
Regular symposia and exchanges between researchers and concerned
- 9th International Symposium on Deformation Measurements,
Olsztyn, Poland, September 1999
- Regular cycle called "International Symposium on Deformation
- Contributions to various joint meetings and FIG working weeks
Proceedings of the meetings (by the host).
See Events on FIG home page (
or Commission 6 announcements of forthcoming events.
Geodetic engineers dealing with comparative measurements of deformed or
unstable objects, geologists, geophysicists, civil and structural engineers
concerned on this issue.
Working Group 6.2
Special equipment for industrial and engineering
Policy issues
- Promoting the use of adapted survey techniques in industry and
- Contributing to the development of special instruments and methods.
Prof. Heribert Kahmen (Austria).
Specific project(s)
Regular symposia; intensification of links with industry and engineering.
- Optical 3D measurement methods, Vienna, October 2001.
- Co-organiser of a regular cycle called "Optical 3D Measurement
- Contributions to various joint meetings and FIG working weeks.
Proceedings of the meetings (by the host).
See Events on FIG home page (
or Commission 6 announcements of forthcoming events.
Surveyors wanting to acquire more expertise in these
special applications, designers and manufacturers in various industrial or
engineering activities, engineers dealing with quality control of large
objects or structures, manufacturers and users of survey instruments.
Working Group 6.3
High precision metrology for large scientific equipment
Policy issues
- Accurate measurement of large equipments or structures in R and D sectors
(mainly for particle accelerators and their detectors) and the development of
adequate special techniques.
- Integration of various survey and alignment sensors and actuators for
on-line monitoring and control of a given process (dynamic positioning
- Pluridisciplinary collaboration between survey engineers and R and D
scientists on special measuring tools and techniques.
Dr. Michel Mayoud (France).
Specific project(s)
- To enlarge links between this specialised community and other surveyors
dealing with engineering and industrial problems.
- To ease the communication of information in this field of application.
International workshop on accelerator alignment (IWAA), ESRF - Grenoble,
October 1999, with an additional FIG/IAG day
Co-organiser of a regular cycle called "International Workshop on
Accelerator Alignment" (IWAA)
Contributions to various joint meetings and FIG working weeks.
Proceedings of the meetings (by the host).
See Events on FIG home page (
or Commission 6 announcements of forthcoming events.
Physics laboratories dealing with particle accelerators and
detectors, fusion rings, gravitational antennas, power lasers, etc; all
scientists and engineers dealing with large scale metrology and accurate
positioning in R and D sectors or in industry (in connection with WG 6.2);
universities and manufacturers involved in the development of special
Working Group 6.4
Transportation and utility lines
Policy issues
- Development of standards and methods for reliable data acquisition
techniques, and techniques for data up-date which cope with the
interdisciplinary characteristics of such tasks.
- Co-ordination of these activities with network providers and research
institutes, and establishing connections to the GIS industry and to leading
international organisations.
Dr. Théophile Engel (Switzerland).
Specific project(s)
Cost optimisation in co-ordinates-based transportation and utility lines
Integration of GPS technology for machine control in road and rail
construction and maintenance
Track data communication standards (optionally extendable to a rail and
road data communication standard)
Track machine guidance
Development of road data surveying technology
Real-time use of CAD data.
- A co-sponsored Symposium on Railway Construction and Maintenance, December
1999, Beijing, China
- Dedicated sessions or contributions in various joint seminars, workshops
and symposia.
- "Survey for modern track construction" in "Engineering
Showcase" 10/98.
- Proceedings of meetings (by the hosts).
See Events on FIG home page (
) or Commission 6 announcements of forthcoming events.
Engineering surveyors, national and international railway and road
associations, universities and manufacturers involved in the development of
specific domains of transportation and utility lines.
Working Group 6.5
Facility management systems
Policy issues
- The role of the surveying engineer as the responsible manager of spatially
referenced information.
- Support for the co-ordination of the activities of other disciplines.
Prof. Lothar Gründig (Germany).
Specific project(s)
- Concepts of data models for the mapping of relevant 4D or 5D project data,
covering 3D geometry, time, and descriptive attributes.
- Exchange, provision and presentation of facility management data in
computer networks.
- Data integration for this subject, taking into account the presence of
redundant data and different sources of information.
- The automation and combination of feasible data acquisition techniques.
- Dedicated session during the Turkish-German joint geodetic days, June
- Sessions and contributions to joint seminars, workshops and symposia.
Proceedings of the meetings.
See Events on FIG home page (
or Commission 6 announcements of forthcoming events.
Surveying engineers, engineers and managers involved in
facility management tasks.
Commission officers and chairs or working
Chair Dr. Michel Mayoud CERN Site de Prevessin 01631 CERN
CEDEX France Email [email protected] Tel + 41 22 767 3007 Fax
+ 41 22 767 3456
Vice Chair Svend Kold Johansen Road Directorate Thomas Helsteds
Vej 11 8660 Skanderborg Denmark Email [email protected] Tel + 45 89 93 24 01 Fax + 45 86
52 50 16
Secretary Dominique Missiaen CERN Site de Prevessin 01631 CERN
CEDEX France Email [email protected]
Tel + 41 22 767 5483 Fax + 41 22 767 3456
Working Group 6.1
Chair Prof. Adam Chrzanowski Department of Geodesy and Geomatics University
of New Brunswick Fredericton, NB Canada E3B 5A3 Email mailto:[email protected] Tel + 1 506 453
4598 Fax + 1 506 453 4943
Working Group 6.2
Chair Prof. Heribert Kahmen Technische Universität Wien Institut für
Landesvermessung und Ingenieurgeodäsie Gusshausstrasse 27 - 29/127 1040
Vienna Austria Email [email protected] Fax +
43 2 225 875998
Working Group 6.3
Chair Dr. Michel Mayoud (see above)
Working Group 6.4
Chair Dr. Théophile Engel Chemins de Fer Fédéraux Avenue de la Gare
45 1001 Lausanne Switzerland Email: Please contact FIG office Tel + 41 5121 24 26
86 Fax + 41 512 24 27 90
Working Group 6.5
Chair Prof. Lothar Gründig Institut für Geodäsie und
Photogrammetrie Technische Universität Berlin Strasse des 17 Juni
15 1000 Berlin Germany Email [email protected] Tel
+ 49 30 31 42 23 75 Fax + 49 30 31 42 11 19