Work plans – Commission 5
Positioning and Measurement
Jean-Marie Becker, Chairperson of Commission 5
Terms of reference
- The science of measurement (instrumentation, methodology and guidelines)
- The acquisition of accurate, precise and reliable survey data related to
the position, size and shape of natural and artificial features of the earth
and its environment.
Mission statement
- Focus on modern technologies and technical developments and, through
guidelines and recommendations, assist individual surveyors to choose and
utilise those methods, technologies and instruments that are most appropriate
to different applications.
- Follow technical developments through collaboration with other FIG
commissions and other international organisations; participation in
appropriate meetings; and the study of appropriate publications.
- Support research and development and stimulate new ideas in the fields of
expertise represented within the commission.
- Collaborate with manufacturers on the improvement of instrumentation and
its associated software.
- Present and promote the work of the commission and its working groups on
an on-going basis at FIG working weeks and other relevant technical meetings
and in appropriate FIG and other media.
Working Group 5.1
Standards, quality assurance and calibration
Policy issues
- Influence the development of standards affecting geodetic instruments and
methods, in collaboration with the FIG task force on standards and through
participation in the relevant technical committees (TCs) of the International
Standards Organisation (ISO) and other appropriate bodies.
- Acceptance controls, quality assurance and certification and their impact
on the surveying profession.
- Checking and calibration of measuring instruments.
Dr Vaclav Slaboch (Czech Republic).
Specific project(s)
- Present and promote the use of standards and guidelines to the surveying
- Establish guidelines and recommendations for the checking and determination
of field accuracy of total stations, digital levels, laser planes, etc and for
their calibration, including lab calibration.
- 35th international geodetic information days, Brno, November
- "Geodesy and surveying in the future - the importance of heights", Gävle,
March 1999.
- Dedicated session during FIG working week, 1999.
- "Standards, quality and calibration" during FIG working week, 2000.
- Contribution to technical programme forming part of FIG working week,
- Guidelines for digital levels (by the commission).
- Guidelines for total stations (by the commission).
- Guidelines for laser planes (by the commission).
- Procedures for lab calibrations (by the commission).
- Draft publications to FIG working week 1999 (digital levels) and 2000
(total stations and laser planes); publication in immediately following
- Timetable for procedures for lab calibrations to be advised.
- Working group final report: dedicated session, FIG congress,
FIG member associations, manufacturers and users of survey equipment,
governments, standardisation organisations, decision makers, GIS developers
and users, surveying businesses, individual surveyors.
Working Group 5.2
Height determination techniques
Policy issues
- Measuring issues when heighting with terrestrial and satellite techniques.
- The achievement of given/expected levels of accuracy with different
techniques and instruments.
- Improvement of instrumentation, associated software and measuring
Prof. Michel Kasser (France).
Specific project(s)
- Follow technical developments concerning height determination techniques
and instrumentation - for example, GPS, total stations, digital levels and
laser planes - and prepare recommendations for making the best use of them to
achieve expected accuracy in their different applications.
- Collaborate with other commissions, other international organisations such
as IAG, and manufacturers on matters concerning height determination
- "Geodesy and surveying in the future - the importance of heights", Gälve,
March 1999.
- Dedicated session during FIG working week, 1999.
- Contributions to technical programme forming part of FIG working weeks,
2000 and 2001.
- Guidelines on height determination techniques using terrestrial methods (by
the commission).
- Guidelines on height determination techniques using satellite techniques
(by the commission).
- Draft publications to FIG working week, 2000; publication in
- Working group final report: dedicated session, FIG congress,
FIG member associations, manufacturers and users of survey equipment,
governments, standardisation organisations, decision makers, GIS developers
and users, surveying businesses, individual surveyors.
Working Group 5.3
Kinematic and
integrated positioning systems
Policy issues
- Investigation of performances and achievable accuracy of existing systems.
- Investigation of utilisation possibilities and different applications.
- Influencing technical developments.
Dr Naser El-Sheimy (Canada).
Specific project(s)
- Report on performances (possibilities, limitations and developments) of
different systems.
- Prepare guidelines for practitioners on making the best use of systems to
achieve certain accuracy for specific applications.
- Follow up and report on surveying methods and instrumentation for the study
of deformations, especially slow motion deformations, and dynamic
- Collaborate with other commissions, other international organisations
(including IAG and ISPRS) and manufacturers on matters concerning kinematic
and integrated positioning systems.
- "Mobile mapping technology", Bangkok, April 1999.
- "New trends in kinematic real time and integrated positioning
systems/techniques" during FIG working week, 2001.
- "Real time mobile mapping systems" session at KIS 2001, Banff, June
- Report on performances of existing systems and developments (by the
- Guidelines on making the best use of existing systems (by the
- Report on slow motion deformations and dynamic co-ordinates (by the
- Draft report on performances to FIG working week,1999; draft guidelines on
best uses and draft report on slow motion deformations to FIG working week,
2000; publications in immediately following years.
- Working group final report: dedicated session, FIG congress,
FIG member associations, manufacturers and users of survey equipment,
governments, standardisation organisations, decision makers, GIS developers
and users, surveying businesses, individual surveyors.
Working Group 5.4
Integration of techniques for digital mapping
Policy issues
- Modern data collection techniques - for example, digital photogrammetry,
remote sensing, GPS and scanners - for digital map production.
- Modern digital map production techniques together with modern equipment
and covering the complete profile of the surveyor, thereby complementing the
work of ISPRS and ICA.
Prof. Nicolas Paparoditis (France).
Specific project(s)
- Study and follow technical developments and performances of integrated
survey systems including digital photogrammetry, geodesy and other techniques
for digital mapping production purposes.
- Follow up the implementation in different areas of these integrated systems
- for example, digital aerial photogrammetry applications.
- Study how to apply these integrated techniques for the establishment of 3-D
databases for monitoring the near environment (urban areas, buildings,
Contribute to technical programmes forming part of FIG working weeks in
1999, 2000 and 2001.
- Report on instrumentation for integrated digital mapping systems and their
applications (by the commission).
- Report on the best use of different integrated digital mapping systems (by
the commission).
- Report on the use of 3-D monitoring of the near environment (by the
- Draft report on instrumentation for integrated digital mapping systems to
FIG working week 2000; draft reports on the best use of integrated digital
mapping systems and on the use of 3-D monitoring to FIG working week, 2001;
publication in immediately following years.
- Working group final report: dedicated session, FIG congress,
FIG member associations, manufacturers and users of survey equipment,
governments,standardisation organisations, decision makers, GIS developers and
users, surveying businesses, individual surveyors.
Working Group 5.5
Reference frame in practice
Policy issues
- Inventory of approaches from different countries.
- The best use of global, national and local co-ordinates (horizontal and
vertical components) for applications in urban and rural areas.
- Transformation parameters for the best use of modern surveying techniques
in their different applications - for example, road construction.
- Quality aspects concerning requirements from a regional point of view.
Prof. Paul Cross (UK).
Specific project(s)
- Prepare and present regular status reports based on an inventory of
existing approaches.
- Prepare guidelines to help surveyors to manage their work at local and
regional level and to manage data such as co-ordinates and transformation
parameters in a correct and efficient way.
- Report on the configuration, establishment and densification of local
control networks for the best use of modern surveying techniques in urban
and/or rural areas, especially to support their application in developing
- Finalise the report on height datum transformations.
- Prepare a report on the future of levelling networks.
- Collaborate with other international organisations (including IAG) and with
Working Group 5.3’s work on deformation measurements.
- "Geodesy and surveying in the future - the importance of heights", Gälve,
March 1999.
- Dedicated session during FIG working week, 1999.
- Contribution to technical programmes forming part of FIG working weeks,
2000 and 2001.
- Report on height datum transformations (by the commission).
- Report on the future of levelling networks (by the commission).
- Report on the best use of modern techniques in urban and/or rural areas (by
the commission).
- Final report on height datum transformations to FIG working week, 1999.
- Draft publications on levelling networks and on modern techniques to FIG
working week, 2000; publication in immediately following year.
- Working group final report: dedicated session, FIG congress,
FIG member associations, manufacturers and users of survey equipment,
governments, standardisation organisations, decision makers, GIS developers
and users, surveying businesses, individual surveyors.
Other activities
Maintain and develop the commission home page, linkages to other relevant
home pages and new pages or other networks for special projects, to keep
commission delegates, other FIG members, users of surveying services and the
public involved in and informed about the work of the
Commission officers and chairs of working
Chair Prof. Jean Marie Becker National Land Survey 801 82
Gävle Sweden Email [email protected] Tel + 46
26 633 728 Fax + 46 26 610 676
Vice-Chair Matt Higgins Locked Bag 40 Coorparoo Delivery
Centre Brisbane, Queensland 4151 Australia Email [email protected] Tel
+ 61 7 3896 3754 Fax + 61 7 3891 5168
Secretary Mikael Lilje Geodetic Research Division National Land
Survey 801 82 Gävle Sweden Email [email protected] Tel + 46 26 63 37
42 Fax + 46 26 61 06 76
Working Group 5.1
Chair Dr Vaclav Slaboch VUGTK Zdiby 98 25066 Zdiby Czech
Republic Email [email protected] Tel + 420 2
685 7907 Fax + 420 2 685 7056
Working Group 5.2
Chair Prof. Michel Kasser IGN
2 Av. Pasteur
F-94 165 Saint-Mandé Cedex
Email [email protected] Tel. +
33 1 4398 8331
Fax + 33 1 4398 8450
Working Group 5.3
Chair Dr Naser El-Sheimy Department of Geomatics
Engineering University of Calgary 2500 University Drive NW Calgary,
Alberta Canada T2N 1N4 Email [email protected] Tel +
1 403 220 7587 Fax + 1 403 284 1980
Working Group 5.4
Chair Prof. Nicolas Paparoditis Conservatoire National des Arts et
Métiers Laboratoire LOEMI 4 avenue Pasteur 94165 Saint Mandé
Cedex France Email [email protected] Tel
+ 33 1 43 98 72 17 Fax + 33 1 43 98 85 81
Working Group 5.5
Chair Prof. Paul Cross Department of Geomatic Engineering University
College London Gower Street London WC1E 6BT UK Email [email protected] Tel + 44
171 380 7028 Fax + 44 171 380 0453