Work plans – Commission 2
Professional Education
Prof. Kirsi Virrantaus, Chairperson of Commission 2
Terms of reference
- Education and teaching methods
- Continuing professional development
- The interaction between education, research and practice
- Encouragement of the exchange of students and personnel.
Mission statement
- Methods and content of education: develop and promote teaching and
learning methods and the content of curricula with special emphasis on
university level, high technology-based education.
- Interaction between academia and practice: stimulate interaction
between university education, research and practice so as continuously to
develop educational curricula and enable surveyors to put into practice
the results of research and development.
- Academic and professional profiles: through the promotion of continuing
professional development (CPD) and the practical application of research,
help surveyors continuously to up-date their academic and professional
- Dissemination of knowledge: encourage the exchange of students and
qualified surveyors, (i) to facilitate the sharing of knowledge between
surveyors and between surveyors and members of allied disciplines and (ii)
to create an awareness of different environments and cultures.
- Marketing: market surveyors as modern professionals on a par with other
technical, economics and managerial professionals, with particular
emphasis on young people who are selecting their field of study.
Commission web
Working Group 2.1
Management skills, professional competencies and CPD policies
Policy issues
- Equipping surveyors with management and problem solving skills.
- On-going promotion of continuing professional development (CPD).
- Putting research results into practice.
Prof. Chris Hoogsteden (New Zealand).
Specific projects
- Conclude work begun during the preceding plan period (1994-1998) on
management skills.
- CPD.
- Co-operate with Commission 1.
"Management skills" (not final title) (as an FIG
Draft publication, 2000; final publication, 2002.
Universities and university teachers, individual surveyors.
Working Group 2.2
Virtual academy - distance learning
Policy issues
- The movement from discrete computer assisted learning (CAL) tools
towards an integrated virtual learning environment.
- Technical, political, legal, organisational and cultural problems.
- Copyright and accreditation problems.
- The role of the lecturer and human communication in general.
Prof. Henrik Haggrén (Finland).
Specific projects
- Establish an Internet forum for discussion of the virtual academy.
- Collect experiences from universities which have already introduced
distance learning.
- Disseminate information about distance learning to universities which
are starting to introduce the technique.
- Co-operation with Commission 3 on distance education and training in
geoinformatics and with all other commissions as regards distance
education and training in the disciplines they represent.
- Establish contacts with Internet/multimedia experts outside FIG.
- Set up a home page with hyperlinks to Web sites for distance learning
relevant to surveying education.
- Virtual workshops and information delivery via the Internet.
- Presentations at FIG working weeks, 1999, 2000 and 2001.
Digital material on Web sites.
- Set up home page with hyperlinks to Web sites during 1998-99.
- Continuous communication via the Internet.
- Working group final report, 2002.
Universities and university teachers, distance learning students,
individual surveyors, employers.
Working Group 2.3
University curricula – content competencies, trends and assessments
Policy issues
- Who drives content: academia or professional practice?
- Trends in professional practice, possibilities deriving from academic
research and curriculum responses to these trends.
- Curriculum redesign in response to outcome assessments.
- Necessary competencies for inclusion in surveying curricula.
Prof. Julian "Jud" Rouch (USA).
Specific projects
- Maintain contacts with all other commissions regarding the development
of curricula in their respective fields.
- Study educational models in South Africa, South America and South Asia.
- "University curricula, teaching methods and quality systems",
Wuhan, October 1998.
- Presentations at FIG working weeks, 1999, 2000 and 2001.
Proceedings of workshop (by the host).
- Proceedings of workshop, 1998.
- Working group final report, 2002.
Universities and university teachers, students, employers.
Working Group 2.4
Surveying students
Policy issues
- The need to involve students in the work of FIG and its commissions as
well as in the work of national associations.
- The need to market surveying as a modern profession and field of
science to young people who are selecting their field of study.
Prof. Pedro Cavero (Spain).
Specific projects
- Post-academic practical training for students.
- Possibilities for international training and international studies -
both for undergraduates and young postgraduates.
- Information dissemination to schools on surveying as a profession.
- Practical problems of student/young graduate participation in the work
of Commission 2 in particular and in the work of FIG in general (in
collaboration with Commission 1 and the task force on under-represented
groups in surveying).
18-20 October 2000, Rosario, Argentina.
Proceedings of workshop (by the host).
- Proceedings of workshop, 2000.
- Working group final report, 2002.
Students, universities, FIG.
Joint Commission 2 and 9 Working Group (WG 9.5)
Education of Valuation Professionals in FIG.
Policy issues
- Education on valuation through information network in FIG (an integrated
virtual learning environment). Let education move, not people.
- Educational ladder. A stepped way of advancing shall be planned for
improving the knowledge of valuation.
An educational package of valuation should be created and offered on the
homepage of FIG. The developing countries and those under transition economy
should intentionally be chosen as the target group.
- Co-operation in education / a network for supporting the contact persons.
Prof. Kauko Viitanen (Finland).
Specific projects
- Establish an Internet forum for discussion of the education on valuation.
- Collect information and determine terminology, basic theories, basic
methodology on valuation.
- Create the educational package of valuation.
- Co-operation with Commission 2 and especially with the WP 2.2 (Virtual
academy - distance learning) on distance education and training and with
Commission 9 especially the WP 9.1 (Education and training of valuers in
developing economies). Co-operation also with all other commissions as
regards distance education and training.
- Establish contacts with the universities, the associations for valuation
etc. outside FIG.
- Set up a home page with an educational package of valuation with
hyperlinks to Web sites for distance learning.
- Virtual workshops and information delivery via the Internet.
- Presentations at FIG working weeks, Korea 2001, USA 2002 and Germany 2006.
- Discussions/presentations can be arranged also in some other seminars of
Commission 9 (e.g. Copenhagen 2001).
- Digital material on Web sites
- Short articles in journals
- Set up home page with hyperlinks to Web sites during 2001-2005.
- Continuous communication via the Internet.
- Working group final report, Congress in Munich, 2006.
Distance learning students, individual surveyors, civil servants,
politicians, landowners, employers, universities and university teachers etc.
Other activities
- Support for developing countries through the organisation of seminars
highlighting different possibilities for and backgrounds to surveying
education in various countries.
- Maintain and develop the commission home page, linkages to other
relevant home pages and new pages or other networks for special projects,
to keep commission delegates, other FIG members, users of surveying
services and the public involved in and informed about the work of the
- Maintain and up-date the surveying education data base (SEDB).
Commission officers and chairs of working groups
Prof. Kirsi Virrantaus
Department of Surveying
Helsinki University of Technology
P.O.Box 1200
02015 HUT
Email [email protected]
Tel + 358 9 451 3912
Fax + 358 9 465077
Prof. Pedro Cavero
Escuela U. de Ingeniería Técnica Topográfica
Campus Sur
Ctra. de Valencia Km. 7
28031 Madrid
Email [email protected]
Tel + 34 91 336 71 08
Fax + 34 91 332 25 60
Marjaana Laurema
Helsinki University of Technology
Lifelong Learning Institute Dipoli
P.O.Box 8000
02015 HUT
Email [email protected]
Tel + 358 9 451 4021
Fax + 358 9 451 4068
Working Group 2.1
Prof. Chris Hoogsteden
University of Otago
P.O Box 56,
New Zealand
Email [email protected]
Tel + 64 (0)3 479 7605
Fax + 64 (0)3 479 7586
Working Group 2.2
Prof. Henrik Haggrén
Helsinki University of Technology
Department of Surveying
P.O.Box 1200
02015 HUT
Email [email protected]
Tel + 358 9 451 3900
Fax + 358 9 465 077
Working Group 2.3
Prof. Julian "Jud" Rouch
University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR)
Engineering Technology Department
2801 South University Avenue
Little Rock
AR 72204
Email [email protected]
Tel + 1 501 569 8204
Fax + 1 501 569 8206
Working Group 2.4
Prof. Pedro Cavero
Escuela U. de Ingeniería Técnica Topográfica
Campus Sur
Ctra. de Valencia Km. 7
28031 Madrid
Email [email protected]
Tel + 34 91 336 79 08
Fax: + 34 91 332 25 60
Joint Commission 2 and 9 Working Group (WG 9.5)
Chair Prof. Kauko Viitanen
Helsinki University of Technology
Real Estate Studies
P.O. Box 1200
02015 HUT
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel. + 358 9 451 3870
Fax + 358 9 465 077